thecapitalistcycle / tech-indexing

Technical support for indexing
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Technical support for indexing

Notes and links to software relevant to the various types of bibliographic indexing that will be needed.

Unlikely to do serious development but hope to find good solutions elsewhere and contribute notes for our own configuration that might also be useful for incorporation in the documentation of other projects.


Some key general bibliographic requirements include:

  1. Maintain and publish various bibliographies that will be the focus of landing spots and collaboration, with unique keys in a master index so that draft papers can easily incorporate references. Presumably using Zotero and pandoc.

  2. Assist author preparation of monograph indexes suitable for publishers expecting them in particular formats (eg Word, Framemaker, InDesign).

  3. Assist editorial preparation of combined indexes for collections of works, including both automated suggestion of terms, headings and cross references by textual analysis and manual selection and amalgamation of terms and confirmation of insertions and format etc.

  4. Further assist editorial preparation of indexes by scraping existing indexes from previously published versions for correction, enhancement and combination.

  5. Automatically maintain index of own web sites and archives etc.

  6. Ensure articles published on web site are optimally indexed for harvesting by Crossref, Google scholar etc.

  7. Ensure working papers published and submissions to journal publishers have enhanced indexing with JATS classification of bibliographies and assistance to authors in targeting for impact.

  8. Assist editorial preparation of databases combined Table of Contents for collections of works with common short citation keys to lowest level of subsections and cross references to pagination in different expressions and manifestations.

  9. Tools for readers using databases of combined ToCs to easily find corresponding citation to page numbers in a different edition from that provided. Also used for automation in connection with editorial preparation of combined indexs of collections.

  10. Tools for inserting ToCs and indexes as live links within and between existing versions of ebooks.

Monitoring Requirements

Continuous monitoring of backward citations is entral for optimal planning of activities. Key requirements include automatically building databases and displaying trends from:

  1. Tracking authors, subjects and journals of interest via backwards citations indexes like Web of Science and Scopus and perhaps more specialized indexes.

  2. Similar lookups through APIs for, SSRN, Google Scholar etc.

  3. General search engine references from blogs, social media etc not necessarily caught by academic indexing.

  4. Analytics of access to our own landing spots, archives etc, especially collecting referral URLs to success in getting links from other sites.


References has list of relevant books, wikipedia articles etc.