thecointech / thecoin

Mono-repo for TheCoin project
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
3 stars 1 forks source link
climate-change ethereum investing react

After Checkout:

On Blank Windows Machine:


for node-gyp errors on windows, ensure that it's (node-gyp is) looking in the right path for msbuild

======================================================================================== ====================================== JEST ============================================ ================================= 2nd march 2020 =======================================

The config to run Jest is jest.config.js at the root of the project. It needs to be added to the configuration of the Visual Studio Code (or the tool you are using). For Visual Studio Code: Go to Preferences -> Extensions -> Extension settings of the "Jest running" tool used and add the paths to the config file (the field should look like "jest.config.js" depending on you project setup).

If you have an error with json file not being included (like Status.json): check in the jest.config.json that the part bellow is correct and goes to the right tsconfig file. ... globals: { 'ts-jest': { tsConfig: "tsconfig.base.json" } }, ...

======== Note ======== "jest-environment-uint8array" is here to remove the "Error: FIRESTORE (7.9.2) INTERNAL ASSERTION FAILED: value must be undefined or Uint8Array". The issue should be fixed in a future version.