thecolorblue / moltin.node.js

node.js moltin library.
5 stars 3 forks source link

Moltin Library for Node.js and Common.js

example (for node):

var path = require('path');
var Moltin = require('moltin.js').server;

var moltin = new Moltin({
  publicId: '<YOUR MOLTIN APP ID>',

  // these are optional if you only want to make get requests
  // but are required to post any data
  clientSecret: '<Your CLIENT ID>',
  username: '<YOUR FORGE USERNAME>',
  password: '<YOUR FORGE PASSWORD>'

moltin.Authenticate(function() {
  moltin.Category.List(null, function(categories) {
    moltin.categories = categories.result;
    console.log('moltin ready');
  }, function(error) {
      // Something went wrong...

  // should things happen here?
}, function() {
  console.log('auth failed:', arguments);

module.exports = moltin;