thedavidmeister / cljc-long

Signed 64 bit integers for CLJC
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Signed 64 bit integers for Clojure(Script).

Clojars Project

Function names and behaviour follow clojure conventions, e.g. bit-xor not just xor.

A few new functions have been added too, notably long? and bit-rotate-left.

Supported functions by namespace

For convenience and API stability, every namespace is aliased into cljc-long.core. For example, cljc-long.core/+ is a direct reference to cljc-long.arithmetic/+.

Namespaces & functions


All these functions follow clojure core.

+, -, *, /, neg?, odd?, even?, zero?, mod, unchecked-negate.


This is a mix of functions from clojure core, goog.math.Long and Java functionality.

From core:

bit-and, bit-not, bit-or, bit-xor, bit-shift-left, bit-shift-right, unsigned-bit-shift-right.

From goog.math.Long:

high-bits: The high 32-bits as a signed value. low-bits: The low 32-bits as a signed value. unsigned-low-bits: The low 32-bits as an unsigned value. absolute-number-bits: Returns the number of bits needed to represent the absolute value of this Long.

From Java:

bit-rotate-left: As per Long/rotateLeft.


This is a set of convenience functions, mixing the features and normalising the limitations of clojure and goog.math.Long.

long: Coerce a long, string, tuple, 32 bit int or any other number to a Long or goog.math.Long. String coercion supports an optional radix parameter, e.g. (cljc-long.coerce/long "10" 16) ; 16

str: Coerce a long to a string. Supports an optional radix parameter, e.g. (cljc-long.coerce/str (cljc-long.coerce/long 16) 16) ; "10"

int: Coerce a long to a 32 bit int. Errors if value is out of 32 bit range, as per clojure.

double: Coerce a long to a double as per clojure.

string-in-range?: Returns true if passed a string that can be coerced to a 64 bit long. Supports an optional radix parameter.


These functions are all as per clojure.

>, >=, =, not=, <=, <, compare.


These constants are all as per static methods of goog.math.Long.

max-value: Equivalent to Long/MAX_VALUE on the JVM.

min-value: Equivalent to Long/MIN_VALUE on the JVM.

zero: Zero as a long.

one: One as a long.

neg-one: Negative one as a long.

two-power-24: 2^24 as a long.


long?: Returns true if passed a value with type Long or goog.math.Long.


The JVM natively supports signed 64 bit integers as Long and clojure natively provides most of the wrappers we need here.

Many of the functions here are simple wrappers with type hinting for clojure core functions OR direct references to a core clojure function.


(defn +
 [^long a ^long b]
 (clojure.core/+ a b))


JavaScript does not natively support 64 bit integers at all. Instead it provides IEEE 754 64 bit floats. All the "integer" methods provided such as Number.isInteger() work on the value of a float, not its type (there are no other number types in JavaScript).

In short, we get this scenario:

; clojure/JVM
(integer? 1) ; true
(integer? 1.0) ; false

; clojurescript/JS
(integer? 1) ; true
(integer? 1.0) ; true

Most of the time the difference between integers and floats doesn't matter at all, but sometimes it really does matter and native JavaScript comes up short.

Notably we don't get access to the full 64 bits for integer operations. JavaScript's "integer" only supports 53 bits for regular arithmatic and 32 bits for bitwise operations.

; clojure/JVM
(inc 9007199254740992) ; 9007199254740993
(bit-shift-left 4294967296 1) ; 8589934592

; clojurescript/JS
(inc 9007199254740992) ; 9007199254740992
(bit-shift-left 4294967296 1) ; 0

Google Closure provides full 64 bit integer support via the goog.math.Long class, but the methods are a little clumsier than native clojure functions. For example, (= a b c) is valid in clojure but the native clojurescript equivalent would be something like (and (.equals a b) (.equals b c)).

This library provides consistently named variadic functions in clojurescript everywhere that there is an equivalent clojure function. This means that (= a b c) and similar will work for longs on both platforms.

Many of the functions here are wrappers around the goog.math.Long methods.


(defn bit-xor
 ([a b & xs]
  (reduce bit-xor (into [a b] xs)))
 ([a b]
  {:pre [(cljc-long.type/long? a)
         (cljc-long.type/long? b)]}
  (.xor a b))))

This abstraction is a little leaky though as the return values necessarily need to be goog.math.Long objects rather than native floats.

Note that many of the functions only work correctly if all arguments passed are Google longs. I have added :pre checks where this is the case for safety, but there will be some small performance overhead here. You can always disable this by passing {:elide-asserts true} to the cljs compiler.