theendsofinvention / esst

MIT License
4 stars 0 forks source link


Etcher's Server Startup Tool.


|status| |license| |av| |codacy| |coverage| |ccissues| |ccmain| |requires| |bch| |bp|



Modified files

NOTE: all files that are modified by ESST are backed-up before edition.


The main functionnalities are:

How it works

The tool is composed of three main parts:

-  The DCS server manager: this is responsible for spawning (or
   connecting to) a DCS.exe process. It will also try it's best to keep
   it alive, and restart it in case it crashes. This has been made
   possible by `Ciribob <>`__
   and `his method to auto-start a
   server <>`__.
-  A UDP socket: this little one is responsible for enabling
   communication between DCS and ESST. Messages are sent back and forth
   between the two of them. DCS sends regular updates with the status of
   the server, the connected players list, etc., while ESST can send
   command to DCS, for example asking it to exit gracefully before a
   restart (this is achieved by installing a script in
   ``Saved Games\DCS\Scripts\ESSTGameGUI.lua``).
-  A Discord bot: this is a two communication between ESST and a Discord
   channel on the Wing's server. ESST publishes updates about the server
   status, and members of the server are able to send commands to the
   dedicated server via the same channel.

Discord bot commands

To see a list of commands available, type !help in the Discord channel.

Along with the Discord commands that allow to upload missions file via drag-and-drop into a Discord channel, ESST also


Note: Since DCS is a 64 bit application, it is strongly recommended to have a 64 bits Python executable as well.

Note: ESST will only run with Python 3.6 and newer.

If you are able to get a working virtual environment on your own, feel free to skip the next step.

Create a virtual env

1. Download and install `Miniconda 64
   bit <>`__
2. Start a command prompt in the "Scripts" folder of your Miniconda
3. Type: ``conda create -n ESST python=3.6``
4. When Conda asks for confirmation, say yes.
5. Activate your virtual environment with ``activate ESST``
6. The prompt will now have the ``(ESST)`` prefix, indicating your
   virtual environment is activated

**IMPORTANT**: Remember to *ALWAYS* activate your environment before
running the ``esst`` script, otherwise Windows will not be able to find
the script.

Initial setup

Create a Discord bot

First, you'll need to create a Discord application:

  1. Go to and click "New app"
  2. Give it a name and click "Create app"
  3. Click "Create a bot" and confirm
  4. Under "App bot", next to "token", click "click to reveal" and note the token. This will be your bot token
  5. Next, under "App details", copy your Client ID
  6. Got to, replacing "YOUR_CLIENTID" in the URL with your actual ClientID
  7. Add the bot to the server of your choice
  8. On the server, make sure the bot has the right to manage channels, to be able to create its channel if needed. If you prefer not to give this role to the bot, you will need to create the channel indicated in DISCORD_CHANNEL config value

IMPORTANT: the bot can only be added to ONE server for the time being.

Install ESST

Using a command prompt with your venv activcated, run the following

.. code:: batch

    pip install esst

This will install ESST in your venv.

Disable Windows crash dialog

When the DCS application crashes, Windows will by default show a dialog, which will prevent ESST from restarting DCS. To disable that dialog, open an elevated command prompt and execute the following commands:

.. code:: batch

reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting" /v "DontShowUI" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

.. code:: batch

reg add "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting" /v "DontShowUI" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

Create the configuration file

Create a file named ``esst.ini`` .

The location of ``esst.ini`` can be one of: \* Arbitrary, and indicated
in the ``ESST_INI`` environment variable \* In your user directory
(``c:\users\<your name>\esst.ini``) \* In the directory of your choosing
(that directory will have to be the working directory when you run ESST)

A standard configuration file looks like this:

.. code:: ini

    DEBUG = true (optional, default: false)
    SAVED_GAMES_DIR = C:\path\to\Saved Games\DCS

    bot_name = My slick bot
    channel = Some Discord Channel
    token = DISCORD_TOKEN
    motd = Hi guys!

    PATH = C:\path\to\DCS World\bin\dcs.exe
    SERVER_NAME = My awesome server
    DCS_SERVER_STARTUP_TIME = 60 (optional, defaults: 120)
    DCS_PING_INTERVAL = 20 (optional, default: 30)

    [auto_mission] (optional)
    github_owner = 132nd-vWing
    github_token = SECRET_GITHUB_TOKEN (optional)
    github_repo = 132nd-Virtual-Wing-Training-Mission-Tblisi

OS environment variables as config

**Note:** all config values can be set either in the INI file, or in the
environment. The value ``PATH`` in the example below can be set in the
environment as ``DCS_PATH``.

.. code:: ini

    PATH = C:\path\to\DCS World\bin\dcs.exe

The ``[main]`` section has no prefix.

**Note**: case in the INI file does not matter, but environment
variables *must* be upper-case.


-  ``debug``: if true, debug messages will be printed on the console
-  ``SAVED_GAMES_DIR``: path to the ``DCS``\ folder in ``Saved Games``


-  ``bot_name``: the name of your bot
-  ``channel``: channel name to use on the server (it will be created by
   the bot if it doesn't exist)
-  ``token``: the token of your Discord bot


-  ``path``: path to the DCS executable (``dcs.exe``)
-  ``server_name``: the name of the DCS multiplayer server
-  ``server_password``: the password for the DCS multiplayer server
-  ``server_max_players``: maximum amount of players allowed on the
-  ``dcs_server_startup_time``: this is the maximum amount of time
   allowed between the moment the ``DCS.exe`` process is running and the
   moment when an actual multiplayer server is running. If that time is
   exceeded, an alert will be sent on Discord
-  ``dcs_ping_interval``: this is the maximum amount of time between
   pings over which the server will be considered unresponsive and will
   be restarted (pings are sent to ESST by DCS every 5 seconds).


Those settings are optional. If provided, ESST will automatically
download the first ``*.miz`` asset from the latest release of a Github
repository, allowing you to simply upload your missions to Github, and
have ESST grab the latest version at startup.

-  ``github_owner``: owner (organization or user) of the repository
-  ``github_repo``: name of the repository
-  ``github_token``: your personal Github token; this is provided to
   bypass the Github API rate-limitation error, but it's totally

Running ESST

Simply type ``esst``\ at the command prompt, with your venv activated.

Example batch file

.. code:: batch

@echo off
echo waiting 30 seconds
ping -n 30 > nul
call activate ESST
cd C:\Utils\ESST
pip install --upgrade --no-cache esst

This batch file will: 1. Pause for 30 seconds (so you can run when the computer starts) 2. Activate a virtual environment named ESST (note that Miniconda\Scripts must be in the PATH for this to work) 3. Change the working directory to C:\Utils\ESST, assuming that's where your esst.ini file is located 4. Grabe the latest version of ESST 5. Run ESST 6. Pause the script, to show the potential errors

Log files

ESST writes two log files, both located in Saved Games\DCS\Logs.


.. |OSI| image:: :target: :alt: '<3 Open Source' .. |status| image:: :target: :alt: 'Cheese shop' .. |license| image:: :target: :alt: 'License' .. |av| image:: :target: :alt: 'Appveyor build' .. |codacy| image:: :target: :alt: 'Codacy grade' .. |coverage| image:: :target: :alt: 'Codacy coverage' .. |graph| image:: :target: :alt: 'Throughput Graph' .. |requires| image:: :target: :alt: '' .. |ccissues| image:: :target: :alt: 'CodeClimate issues' .. |ccmain| image:: :target: :alt: 'CodeClimate maintainability' .. |bch| image:: :target: :alt: 'BetterCodeHub' .. |bp| image:: :target: :alt: 'OSI Best Practices' .. |cf| image:: :target: :alt: 'CodeFactor'