theexperiential / nodeo

An intuitive TouchDesigner media server application
GNU General Public License v3.0
65 stars 4 forks source link
generative-art mediaserver touchdesigner touchdesigner-components

Nodeo Logo

:framed_picture: + :bulb: = nodeo

A media server for TouchDesigner developers and enthusiasts

:pencil2: This is a Public Alpha under somewhat active development

:floppy_disk: TouchDesigner 2022.25370 \ :desktop_computer: Windows

Nodeo Screenshot

:film_projector: Why we are building this

We designed nodeo to be a simple interactive playback solution for livestreams, permanent installations and events. The aim is stable, aesthetic and customizable 24/7 delivery of TouchDesigner components, movies and Notch blocks to external displays and/or apps/platforms (such as OBS/Twitch) via NDI.

The name is a combination of node and video, as a good share of generative artwork is created in node-based environments.

:book: How to use

Download or clone the entire repo. Inside of the server folder is the nodeo main toe file. Open it on a reasonably powerful computer. (Windows i7 / GTX 1080 eq. or better Desktop is recommended)

:mailbox_with_mail: Releases





:sparkle: System Outline

() = on the roadmap but not implemented yet* \ (*) = in progress*

I. Nodeo acts as a train.

It has four engine (COMP) cars.

Each Engine is composed of a rotor (Base COMP) that processes video, and a separate Snd Base COMP that processes audio.

An Engineer (Base COMP) drives the train.

II. Segments act as train cars.

Each carries a temporal fragments of a type of media.

Segment Types/Sub-types:

  1. Video (Scene) a. Generative (tox and dfx*) b. Movie (mov) c. Stream (NDI)
  2. Transition a. Generative (tox and dfx*) b. Movie (mov**)
  3. Audio (wav, aiff and stream)
  4. Text*

III. A Segment Cycle acts as triad of connected train cars.

Three segments make up a Segment Cycle: Video (Gen/Mov/Stream), Transition (Gen/Mov), and Audio.

Each row in a Playlist is considered a Segment Cycle.

IV. An Active Playlist acts as Conductor of the train.

You may switch the Active Playlist by pulsing the Activate button (a small white play button directly to the right of the playlist tabs).

Segments may also be made Active to an Engine by dragging and dropping them onto an Engine Preview, from either a Playlist source or Media source.

:cinema: Structural Overview


Many thanks to the following devs and artists for their contributions, which made nodeo possible:

:radioactive: Full documentation is in progress.