thefron / dust-rails

Use dust.js with rails
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This gem adds the Dust template and a corresponding assets engine to the asset pipeline in Rails => 3.1 applications.

For detailed information about Dust, visit


Add the following line to your Gemfile:

gem 'dust-rails'

Update your bundle:

bundle install


Place individual Dust template file in their own file with template_name.js.dust extension.

    /* app/assets/javascripts/templates/demo.js.dust */

    Hello {name}! You have {count} new messages.

Which will be compiled and rendered as:

    (function(){dust.register("demo",body_0);function body_0(chk,ctx){return chk.write("Hello ").reference(ctx.get("name"),ctx,"h").write("! You have ").reference(ctx.get("count"),ctx,"h").write(" new messages.");}return body_0;})();

Dust-rails resolves the name of the template out of relative path of each template file. Relative path starts from app/assets/javascripts/templates/ by default.

app/assets/javascripts/templates/demo1.js.dust -> demo1
app/assets/javascripts/templates/demos/demo2.js.dust -> demos/demo2

If you want to change the default root path of template files, add following configuration into application.rb:

    # config/application.rb
    module YourApp
        class Application < Rails::Application
            config.dust.template_root = 'app/assets/your_path_to_templates/'

In your javascript files, require dust-core and your own template files. Using require_tree is recommended if you want to require all the template files at once.

    /* app/assets/javascripts/application.js */

    //= require dust-core
    //= require_tree ./templates
    dust.render("demo", {name: "Fred", count: 10}, function(err, out) {

To include dust-helpers, add require dust-helpers after dust-core in application.js

All done. Your template files will be compiled and registered.