theghostcoders / iniFiles

Ini files from the client/server and parameters
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Ini Files:

This Repository contains the structure of the files from the Client/Server. All help is appreciated on this documentation.

You can see the individual files and/or the range values (ID) from each file bellow.

Ranges of IDs of each table of ini files.

S_Title.ini: 8001 - 9101

S_Achievment.ini: 1008 - 6757, 20001 - 58959

S_Ai: 1 - 122

S_: 1 - 100 (relative to Level)

S_Assault: class?

S_Battlefield: 1 - 62 (relative to ID of Battlefield)

S_BeastsTower: 1 - 30 (relative to ID of Beasts Tower)

S_Bingo: 1 - 6

S_Classes: 0 - 61

S_Collection: 9699 - 53671

S_DailyAwards: 1 - 14 (refers to day)

S_Dialogue: 1 - 75573

S_DropItem: 9687 - 59476

S_DynamicEvent.ini: 1 - 474

S_Elf: 1 - 300; 500 - 507; 900 - 904

S_ElfAI: 1 (?)

S_ElfCollect: 1 - 232

S_ElfCombine: 1 - 6036

S_ElfKing: 1 - 12

S_ElfLottery: 34279, 40362 (yes, not range, only 2 values)

S_ElfRacing: 1 - 18

S_ElfSkill: 1 - 508

S_ElftabletAbility: 1 - 60

S_ElftabletCombo: 1 - 4

S_ElfTeamFight: 20388 - 39119

S_ElfTemple: 1 - 12

S_ElfTrain: 1 - 551

S_Enchant: 11001 - 100232; 120000; 136549; 199999

S_EquipTrain: 1 - 100 (refer to level of equipment)

S_EquipSet: 1 - 825; 11903 - 11905

S_EquipType: -1 (empty); 1 - 20 (2 - 6: armor, 7 - 16 weapons, 17 shield, 18 - 20 arrow/bullet/relic)

S_Exam: 1 - 849

S_FamilyTree: 1 - 12; 21 - 32; 101 - 102; (yggdrasil)

S_Festival: 50159 - 58381

S_FightDisplay: 1 - 36

S_FightKing: 1 (?)

S_GodAreaAwake: 1 - 100; 20001 - 20100

S_GodAreaCombine: 1 - 77

S_GrowCrop: 10212 - 10223; 14736 - 14739; 18278 - 18284; 18460 - 18467; 18470; 20961 - 42909

S_GrowEquip: 10001 - 38750

S_Item: 9687 - 39999

S_ItemCombo: 1 - 11528

S_ItemExchange: 1 - 1019

S_ItemMall: 40001 - 53671

S_Level: 1 - 105 (101 + don't work now)

S_LuckyBar: 1 - 18

S_Mask: 1 - 40

S_Mentorship: 1 - 6

S_MentorshipInstance: 1 - 4

S_MentorshipReward: 1 - 17

S_Mission: 1000 - 6780

S_Monster: 50001 - 60000

S_MonsterStep: M001 - M461

S_Node: 1 - 58; 97 - 102; 201 - 261; 301 - 334; 401 - 406; 414 - 418; 423 - 433; 501 - 531; 601 - 640; 701 - 788; 801 - 830; 839 - 842; 854 - 872; 901; 913; 991 - 999

S_Npc: 60001 - 65398

S_Parameter: 1 - 555

S_PointAbility: 100 - 109; 200 - 209; 300 - 309; 400 - 409; 500 - 509; 600 - 609; 701 - 704; 800 - 809

S_Pvp: 1 - 62

S_Race: 1 - 18

S_RaceGroup: 201 - 203; 265 - 266

S_Races: 1 (?)

S_RainbowEvent: 1 - 195

S_RainbowRoad: 1 - 252; 501 - 536

S_RankAward: 1 - 114; 201 - 266

S_RecommendEvents: 1 - 1058; 3900

S_RideCombo: 1 - 620; 20001 - 20620

S_RideStep: 001 - 005; 011 - 015; 021 - 025; ? 041 - 911 (lacks precision)

S_Schedule: 1 - 24

S_SNS: 1 - 153

S_Spell: 50001 - 58340; 88888

S_StarAvenue: 1 - 5

S_StarReward: 1 - 350

S_StateDependance: -1 - 25

S_Store: 1 - 489

S_SysSetup: 1 (?)

S_Territory: 1 - 6

S_TextIndex: 1 - 18039

S_TextLimit: 1 - 442 (refers to forbidden word list, if like gunbound you can blank this file and let the fun begin :evilface: )

S_Title: 8001 - 9101

S_Transport: 1 - 18; 55 - 58; 100 - 102; 601

S_VIP: 1 - 2