thegoose20 / modernistlibraries

Data Science for Design project (assignments 2, 3 and 4)
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Modernist Libraries

Data Science for Design - Assignments 2, 3 and 4

Data Source: Original Data File: ModernistLibraries20171025_UTF-8.csv


Analysis_Assignment2: Jupyter notebooks with analysis of the original data file using Python

finalReport_Assignment3: data stories and visualizations explaining the Modernist Libraries dataset

visualization: directory of visualizations of subsets of the original data file created with Vistorian and Tableau visualization/TableauVisuals: TWB and PNG files of subsets of the data file created with Tableau visualization/DataComic: images used for the data comic in the directory finalReport_Assignment3 visualization/VistorianVisuals: PNG files of subsets of the data file created with Vistorian

sub-datasets: directory of CSV files generated in A3_network_creation.ipynb (a Jupyter notebook) sub-datasets/forDataComic: information gathered online and from the original data file for the data comic sub-datasets/forVistorian: directory of CSV files used for visualization with Vistorian sub-datasets/forTableau: directory of CSV files used for visualization with Tableu

OLD: a directory of CSV files that underwent further cleanup and are thus out of date

A3_network_creation.ipynb: a file preparing data for visualization in Vistorian and Tableau

libs_network_analysis.ipynb: a file preparing data for analysis with NetworkX (a Python library)

testfile.txt: a file to help test that all collaborators are propoerly set up in the repo