theguykai / darkcity

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Dark City Productions Portfolio Page

This page was designed with React and TailwindCSS for the front end, and uses NodeJS and Express for the backend (the contact form).

I asked my friend if I could upgrade his videography portfolio page as he had an outdated Wix design, which has now expired.


I had never created a page with a backend, and had never used TailwindCSS, NodeJS or ExpressJS before.

The project took me about 3 days to build, as I watched tutorials and read through docs to learn Tailwind and create a backend for the email form.


I tried to keep the page simplistic, user friendly, and straight to the point for potential clients.


As I am still learning how to deploy websites, I have not deployed this to a cloud based service yet for my friend.

To see the code in full, clone the repo and run npm install to install all the necessary modules, and start the frontend on localhost:3000, and backend on localhost:5000

In future projects, I have learnt to create frontend and backend folders, and have separate package.json files.