theinvoicingcompany / eConnect-API

Apache License 2.0
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EConnect API Client (Deprecated)

This library makes it easier to connect to the EConnect platform. This library is based on the old eVerbinding API V1. The API V1 is deprecated.

Platform API documentation:

Installation using NuGET

Install-Package eConnectApi

Setup API client

Request the API credentiails on the

var client = new EConnectClient(new EConnectClientConfigBase()
    ConsumerKey = "[Replace with ConsumerKey]",
    ConsumerSecret = "[Replace with ConsumerSecret]",
    RequesterId = "[Replace with RequesterId]"

Example getting Inbox documents

    var result = client.GetInboxDocuments(new GetInboxDocumentsOfAnUser() {Limit = 10});
    foreach (var doc in result.Documents)
        Console.WriteLine("Subject {0}", doc.Subject);
catch (EConnectClientException ex)
    // Log issues form econnect platform, network or library exceptions