theinze / pyrate

Optical raytracing based on Python
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Optical Design with Python.

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Our goal is to provide an easy to use optical raytracer for isotropic, homogeneous anisotropic and inhomogeneous isotropic GRIN media, which can mainly be controlled by a python script and which provides enough interface classes and functions to be integrated into a GUI.


You need Python 2.7 or 3.x with NumPy, SciPy, Yaml, Sympy, and matplotlib installed to run pyrate.

In Ubuntu, Mint and Debian you can use for Python 2.7

$ sudo apt-get install python python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib python-yaml python-sympy


$ sudo apt-get install python3 python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-matplotlib python3-yaml python3-sympy

for Python 3.x. If you want to run mypy on the project, you need also Python 3.x with mypy installed.

In Ubuntu, Mint and Debian you can use:

$ sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip
$ sudo pip3 install mypy-lang
$ sudo python3 -m pip install typed-ast


Clone the directory from the git repository:

$ git clone --recursive

Notice, that we also linked the materials database and therefore, a recursive clone is recommended. If you already cloned without using the --recursive switch, please do:

$ cd /to/directory/where/pyrate/cloned/git/repo/is
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

In order to use the provided modules and functions for your own optical investigations, please install the package via pip install . or for development via pip install -e . from the directory cloned from the git repository:

$ cd /to/directory/where/pyrate/cloned/git/repo/is
$ pip install [-e] .

In some Linux flavours exists a system wide Python installation for which it is not possible to install in the mentioned manner due to missing write access to the system directories. In this case it is recommended to use the --user flag for pip to avoid sudo or polluting the system wide site-packages. It is also recommended to use a more up-to-date Python installation via Anaconda or any other upgradable environments manager.

Now you can import all the modules and functions as you wish. Since the raytracer itself is decoupled from the optimizer code, you may also optimize other problems without any relation to optical engineering. For a small overview over the module structure see the following section.


The code is divided into sub-modules which are more or less collections of classes for the appropriate tasks. The core functionality, the optimization code, and the raytracer part are split, such that it is possible to extend the functionality under a unified interface and by using the same optimization without interfering with the raytracer itself. Further it is possible to easily implement further optimization strategies into the code and immediately plugging them into the raytracer.

The logic of the code tree is as follows:

In the main directory you will find the following folders with their appropriate function

Within the pyrateoptics folder there is an file which provides some convenience functions as well as several sub folders which contain different parts of the core functionality.

The raytracer folder contains several Python files and also sub folders which are used to denote the parts of the functionality.

As a starting point, set up your initial system by using the convenience functions in the main namespace, see the wiki for an example.

Use the demo_*.py files as a starting point for your investigations, these are mainly files which show what is pyrate able to do. It is also possible to use FreeCAD as a 3D interface. Mainly the implementation uses wrapper codes to wrap the core functionality in a dialog and click & play manner. There is still no lens editor interface. At the moment you can only choose some demo directly in the sources. Therefore, the FreeCAD interface is in the status of a mockup.

In order to simplify the use of the material database, a config file interface is provided. In the raytracer.yaml file there are two keys related to the database: a path and a flag which is true if the path is relative (wrt. the config file) and false if not. The location of config file is coded in a fixed manner, but the path to the database may be changed in the file.

The file is copied to the home directory into the folder /home/user/.config/pyrate/raytracer.yaml (or c:\Users\user\.config\pyrate\raytracer.yaml) if it does not exist. The file is searched within the following locations:

Notice, that the second option is not really an option, since this only happens if copying to the home directory fails and the file is not found there. In contrast, overriding the home directory by a user defined path is always possible.

To obtain the correct path for the database, you may use:

>>> from pyrateoptics.raytracer.config import ConfigFile
>>> cfg = ConfigFile()
>>> cfg.get_refractive_index_database_path()

which returns a proper path. (In case the repo was cloned with sub modules updated, there is no need to change anything in the config file.) For getting the path to the config file, use this method (to, e.g., edit the correct one):

>>> cfg.get_config_file_path()

For reloading the config file after editing, just call

>>> cfg.load_config_file()

to update the internal dictionary cfg.raw_config_dict. It is planned that the ConfigFile class provides easy access to all stuff from the config file, not just the raw dictionary.

In the future there will be more properties of the raytracer added to the config file, like, e.g., standard values for drawing.

Playing around

Perform the demos:

$ cd /to/directory/where/pyrate/git/repo/is
$ python demos/

or perform directly in a script:

>>> from pyrateoptics import build_rotationally_symmetric_optical_system
>>> from pyrateoptics import draw
>>> from pyrateoptics import raytrace
>>> components = [(100, 0, 20, 1.5, "lens1front", {"is_stop": True}),
... (-100, 0, 5, None, "lens1back", {}),
... (0, 0, 100, None, "image", {})]
>>> # (radius, cc, thickness, material, name, options)
>>> (s, seq) = build_rotationally_symmetric_optical_system(components, name="my_opticalsystem")
>>> draw(s) # show system
>>> r = raytrace(s, seq, 11, {"radius": 9.0})
>>> draw(s, r) # show system + rays

Notice that build_rotationally_symmetric_optical_system, draw, and raytrace are convenience functions to reduce the "administrative" overhead to generate a system. The system s and the raybundles r can be easily modified or generated manually:

>>> s.elements["stdelem"].surfaces["lens1front"].rootcoordinatesystem.tiltx.set_value(0.1) # tilt first surface
>>> s.rootcoordinatesystem.update() # update all coordinate systems
>>> r = raytrace(s, seq, 21, {"radius": 9.0}) # trace again
>>> draw(s, r) # show system + rays

FreeCAD Workbench

The most easy way to start is to use the AppImages provided by the FreeCAD maintainers

Another way to install the workbench without AddonManager is to copy or link the actual pyrate directory into .FreeCAD/Mod/pyrate or the corresponding user directory in Windows. This is in particular useful for developing.

Pyrate in the public


Want to contribute?


For providing bug reports or asking questions, you may just open an issue on github.

Visit us on freenode (ports 6697, 7000, 7070 for SSL) channel #pyrate for some real time communication.

Additional Notes for Windows 32 (obsolete and untested)

TODO: update windows sections. (pip for Python2.7 not available for windows)

For win32 you have to take care of additional scipy support: According to it is possible to install scipy and the appropriate numpy library for FreeCAD 0.16 for win32. (Thanks to peterl94 and sgrogan from the FreeCAD forum for their immediate and englighting response :-))


Installation procedure:

In the future it may be necessary to change the versions of numpy and scipy appropriatly.

Additional Notes for Windows 64 (probably obsolete and untested)

For win64 you also need to take care of additional scipy support:

Please test this workflow. If there is anything incorrect, please file an issue.