thelebdev / ng2-currency-mask

A very simple currency mask directive that allows using a number attribute with the ngModel.
MIT License
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A very simple currency mask directive for Angular that allows using a number attribute with the ngModel. In other words, the model is a number, and not a string with a mask. It was tested in Angular version 4 and 5.

Note: This component is ready to AoC (Ahead-of-Time) compilation.

Getting Started

Installing and Importing

Install the package by command:

    npm install ng2-currency-mask --save

Import the module

import { CurrencyMaskModule } from "ng2-currency-mask";

    imports: [
    declarations: [...],
    providers: [...]
export class AppModule {}


    <input currencyMask [(ngModel)]="value" />


You can set options as follows:

    <!-- example for pt-BR money -->
    <input currencyMask [(ngModel)]="value" [options]="{ prefix: 'R$ ', thousands: '.', decimal: ',' }"/>

Available options:

You can also set options globally...

import { CurrencyMaskModule } from "ng2-currency-mask";
import { CurrencyMaskConfig, CURRENCY_MASK_CONFIG } from "ng2-currency-mask/src/currency-mask.config";

export const CustomCurrencyMaskConfig: CurrencyMaskConfig = {
    align: "right",
    allowNegative: true,
    dropSpecialCharacters: false,
    decimal: ",",
    precision: 2,
    prefix: "R$ ",
    suffix: "",
    thousands: "."

    imports: [
    declarations: [...],
    providers: [
        { provide: CURRENCY_MASK_CONFIG, useValue: CustomCurrencyMaskConfig }
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}


    <input currencyMask [(ngModel)]="value" [options]="{ prefix: 'R$ ', thousands: '.', decimal: ',', dropSpecialCharacters: true }"/>
    <!-- value viewed: R$ 123,90 -->
    <!-- value model: 12390 -->


This directive also provides built-in validation for minimum and maximum values. If the attributes 'min' and / or 'max' are setted, the Angular CSS class 'ng-invalid' will be added to the input to indicate an invalid value.

    <input currencyMask [(ngModel)]="value" min="-10.50" max="100.75" />

Quick fixes

Ionic 2-3

Input not working on mobile keyboard

<!-- Change the type to 'tel' -->
    <input currencyMask type="tel" [(ngModel)]="value" />

Input focus get hide by the mobile keyboard


<!-- Change the type to 'tel' -->
    <input currencyMask type="tel" [(ngModel)]="value" [id]="'yourInputId' + index" (focus)="scrollTo(index)" />

on .ts

import { Content } from 'ionic-angular';

export class...

    @ViewChild(Content) content: Content;

    scrollTo(index) {
        let yOffset = document.getElementById('yourInputId' + index).offsetTop;
        this.content.scrollTo(0, yOffset + 20);

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