To install Text2PhonemeSequence, users have to run the following command:
$ pip install text2phonemesequence
The library uses CharsiuG2P and segments toolkits to convert text to phoneme sequences. Users can find the information on pretrained_g2p_model
and language
in the CharsiuG2P repository. For languages where words are not separated by spaces such as Vietnamese and Chinese, users need to use an external tokenizer before feeding the dataset or sentences into our Text2PhonemeSequence library.
from text2phonemesequence import Text2PhonemeSequence
# Load Text2PhonemeSequence
model = Text2PhonemeSequence(pretrained_g2p_model='charsiu/g2p_multilingual_byT5_small_100', language='eng-us', is_cuda=False)
# Convert a raw corpus
model.infer_dataset(input_file="/absolute/path/to/input/file", output_file="/absolute/path/to/output/file", batch_size=64) # batch_size is the number of words fed into the CharsiuG2P toolkit per times.
# Convert a raw sentence
model.infer_sentence("The overwhelming majority of people in this country know how to sift the wheat from the chaff in what they hear and what they read .")
##Output: "ˈθ i ▁ ˈo ʊ v ɝ ˌw ɛ ɫ m ɪ ŋ ▁ m ə ˈd ʒ ɔ ɹ ə t i ▁ ˈɑ f ▁ ˈp i p ə ɫ ▁ ˈɪ n ▁ ˈθ ɪ s ▁ ˈk a ʊ n t ɹ i ▁ ˈn o ʊ ▁ ˈh o ʊ ▁ ˈt o ʊ ▁ ˈs ɪ f t ▁ ˈθ i ▁ ˈw i t ▁ ˈf ɹ ɑ m ▁ ˈθ i ▁ ˈt ʃ æ f ▁ ˈɪ n ▁ ˈw æ t ▁ ˈθ e ɪ ▁ ˈh ɪ ɹ ▁ ˈæ n d ▁ ˈw æ t ▁ ˈθ e ɪ ▁ ˈɹ ɛ d ▁ ."