thelooter / labplus_for_gitlab

Lab+ for Gitlab is an App to manage your interactions with your Gitlab Instance from your phone or Desktop
MIT License
36 stars 3 forks source link

State of the Project #30

Open thelooter opened 2 months ago

thelooter commented 2 months ago

Hey everyone,

I've just taken over this project after the original author disappeared. It's quite a challenge, especially because I'm still getting the hang of Dart/Flutter. Also, I'm an Android user, so unfortunately, I can neither test nor build on iOS devices.

Challenges & Action Items:

Learning the ropes of Dart/Flutter is my top priority right now. If you've got tips or see areas for improvement in the code, I'm all ears! Also, if you're an iOS user, your insights into how things work on Apple devices would be super helpful.

I'm still working on getting a Google Play Account setup, so I can publish it officially, until then, all I can offer are the prebuilt bundles in the releases.

Additionally, I've successfully renamed the project from "git+" to "lab+". Your feedback on this change would be greatly appreciated.

How You Can Help:

If you're experienced with Flutter, your guidance could save me a lot of headaches. Bugs happen, so if you spot any, please report them. I'll do my best to squash them ASAP. While I can't build or test for iOS, your feedback on its performance is invaluable. Community Spirit: Let's work together to make this project the best it can be. Your support means a lot!

Thanks, thelooter

thelooter commented 3 weeks ago

The App is now available on fdroid