thelooter / labplus_for_gitlab

Lab+ for Gitlab is an App to manage your interactions with your Gitlab Instance from your phone or Desktop
MIT License
37 stars 3 forks source link
android dart f-droid fdroid flutter gitlab

Lab+ for GitLab

Flutter Workflow Validate Gradle Wrapper Workflow

Lab+ is your ultimate GitLab mobile app that lets you interact with your projects like as if you were using desktop.

Lab+ lets you see the latest happenings wherever you are, reply to issues so they can be taken care of faster, manage and organise projects with labels, browse your files, code and more !

Lab+ lets you:

<img src="" alt="Get it on F-Droid" height="80">

Or download the latest APK from the Releases Section.

Quick start

  1. Install flutter
  2. Install FVM
  3. In the app root directory run following command fvm use 3.19.6
