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What NoSQL is the best choice for me? #30

Open thelovemsg opened 1 year ago

thelovemsg commented 1 year ago


What NoSQL is the best choice for me?

Detailed work content

  • I'm not sure which NoSQL can be best for me. So, I asked GPT to enlighten me!


  • just have some fun!
thelovemsg commented 1 year ago

Types of NoSql

ME: Does spring support another NoSQL? If so, do you think what is the best choice?

chatGPT - answer

Spring Data provides support for a variety of NoSQL databases, including:

MongoDB Apache Cassandra Redis Couchbase Elasticsearch Neo4j And others...

When it comes to choosing the best NoSQL database, it really depends on the specific use-case and requirements of your application.

For instance, if you're dealing with a heavy write-load, Cassandra might be a good option due to its excellent write performance. If you need a caching layer for quick data access, Redis can be an excellent choice. If you're building a full-text search engine, Elasticsearch might be the best fit.

In the context of a chat application, MongoDB is often a good choice due to its flexible, schema-less data model which makes it easy to store and retrieve chat messages. Plus, the Spring Data MongoDB project provides a very convenient way to work with MongoDB in a Spring application.

That said, it's always important to consider the trade-offs of each database and test them in your specific context to see which one fits your needs the best.

Of course, I now that each of technics must be on the table first to make it clear which on the the best for their project. But he didn't tell me advantages or characteristics of them. So, I asked it again!

thelovemsg commented 1 year ago

Characteristic of each NoSQL


Could you explain each of great things?


Sure, I'll give a brief summary of each mentioned NoSQL database and its strengths:


This is a document-oriented database, which means it stores data in a semi-structured format (BSON, a binary representation of JSON in MongoDB's case). The flexible, schema-less data model makes it easy to evolve your data structure over time, which is often beneficial in agile and rapidly changing environments. It's good for use-cases where you need to store varied, complex, hierarchical data, and it offers robust querying and indexing capabilities. MongoDB's horizontal scaling capabilities (via sharding) also help it handle large amounts of data and traffic.

Apache Cassandra

Cassandra is a wide-column store, meaning it organizes data by rows and columns, but unlike traditional relational databases, it allows for a very large, variable number of columns. It is highly distributed and excels in handling heavy write workloads. Cassandra is designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers, providing high availability with no single point of failure. It's often used in scenarios where write speed and data durability are crucial and where the data model can be designed to fit the wide-column paradigm.


Redis is a key-value store and is often used as an in-memory database, making it extremely fast for read and write operations. It's typically used for caching, session storage, or as a message broker. If you need a lightweight, fast-access layer for data, Redis is an excellent choice. However, it's not typically used as a primary data store, as it doesn't have the complex querying capabilities of something like MongoDB or Cassandra.


Couchbase is a document-oriented database like MongoDB. It offers built-in support for JSON data and SQL-like querying capabilities. Its strengths include a powerful sync technology that works well in mobile applications (Couchbase Mobile), and its memory-first architecture provides fast data operations.


Elasticsearch is a search engine based on the Lucene library. It provides a distributed, multitenant-capable, full-text search engine with an HTTP web interface and schema-free JSON documents. It's designed to take data from any source and search, analyze, and visualize it in real time. It's often used in log and event data analysis and for providing complex search features.


Neo4j is a graph database, meaning it treats both data and their relationships as equally important and stores them together as nodes and edges of a graph. This makes it excellent for use-cases where the relationships between data are as important as the data itself, such as social networks, recommendation engines, or any domain where you need to perform complex, recursive queries.

Each of these databases is designed to solve different kinds of problems. The right choice would depend on the specific use-cases, the nature of the data, and the requirements of the application.

I saw each of the advantages and asked him MongoDB is the best choice. But, He denied he tole me that "MongoDB is the best choice for me"

thelovemsg commented 1 year ago

So, why do you think MongoDB is the best choice?


So, why do you think MongoDB is the best choice?


I wouldn't categorically state that MongoDB is the "best" choice. What I can say, however, is that MongoDB can be a very suitable choice for a chat application, primarily for the following reasons:

Flexible Data Model

In a chat application, the structure of your data can change over time (you might add new features like reactions, threaded replies, etc.). MongoDB's schema-less document model allows for such flexibility.


MongoDB provides high performance data persistence, particularly for scenarios involving complex queries and large volumes of data. It's capable of handling a high volume of reads and writes, which is quite common in a chat application.

Horizontal Scalability

MongoDB supports sharding, which allows you to distribute data across multiple servers. This is important for a chat application as the amount of data stored (messages, files, etc.) can grow rapidly.

Rich Querying Capabilities

MongoDB offers rich querying capabilities that can be essential when you want to retrieve messages based on various parameters.

Integration with Spring Data

Spring Data MongoDB provides an abstraction for MongoDB usage, similar to what Spring Data JPA does for relational databases. This makes it easier to incorporate MongoDB into a Spring application.

That being said, every database system has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice largely depends on the specific requirements of your application. If, for example, the relationships between your data are of paramount importance, a graph database like Neo4j might be a better fit. Or if your chat application requires extremely quick, small, transient data reads and writes, a key-value store like Redis might be useful.

Additionally, while MongoDB provides many advantages, it also has certain limitations - for instance, it doesn't support transactions in the same way as relational databases (although it has introduced multi-document transactions from version 4.0), and joins are not as efficient as in a relational database.

Therefore, the decision should be made after careful consideration of the application's requirements, anticipated scale, team expertise, and other factors.

thelovemsg commented 1 year ago

Issue of transaction.


why transaction support can be kind of problem?


Transactions can be complex to handle in any database system. In the context of MongoDB and NoSQL databases in general, there are a few reasons why transactions might pose challenges:

1. Performance Impact

Transactions require extra processing to ensure atomicity (all or nothing principle) and consistency (ensuring data remains consistent before and after the transaction). This can slow down read and write operations, especially in high-volume systems.

2. Increased Complexity

Implementing and managing transactions can make the application code more complex. When a transaction fails, the application needs to handle the rollback and possibly retry the operation, all while ensuring data integrity.

3. Scalability Issues

Transactions typically work well in a single database instance. However, when you start to deal with distributed systems (which is a common use-case for NoSQL databases), transactions can become more difficult to handle. Implementing transactions across multiple nodes (known as distributed transactions or global transactions) can be challenging and can lead to performance issues due to the need for two-phase commits or similar protocols.

4. Impact on High Availability

In distributed systems, ensuring high availability often means allowing for "eventual consistency" - that is, accepting that not all copies of the data will be identical at all times, but will eventually become consistent. Transactions, on the other hand, require immediate consistency. This can impact the high availability nature of these systems.