I think programmer also need to spend tons of time to know what they should make.
This process is crucial because it helps ensure that the system you're building will meet the user's needs and expectations. If you skip this step or rush through it, you risk building a system that doesn't do what it's supposed to do or that isn't easy for users to use.
In addition, this process often involves a lot of communication and collaboration with others, including users, stakeholders, and other developers. This can involve meetings, discussions, and writing and reviewing documents.
Once the requirements are understood, a developer can then start designing and implementing the system. This involves making decisions about what technologies to use, how to structure the code, and how to handle different scenarios.
So yes, a lot of a developer's time is spent on tasks other than just writing code. But all these tasks are essential for building a successful software system.
참고 사이트 https://locize.com/blog/react-i18next/#why-i18next
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