themerdev / themer

🎨 themer takes a set of colors and generates themes for your apps (editors, terminals, wallpapers, and more).
MIT License
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Support for wezterm #159

Open jacob-shuman opened 5 months ago

jacob-shuman commented 5 months ago

New theme template request

If you are requesting theme support for a new tool or program, use this section. Otherwise, delete it and continue with "Other feature request" below. See also for more information.


Provide the URL for the tool or program you are requesting support for.

Example theme file

If possible, provide a code snippet or a link to an example theme file for your tool or program.

config.colors = {
  -- The default text color
  foreground = 'silver',
  -- The default background color
  background = 'black',

  -- Overrides the cell background color when the current cell is occupied by the
  -- cursor and the cursor style is set to Block
  cursor_bg = '#52ad70',
  -- Overrides the text color when the current cell is occupied by the cursor
  cursor_fg = 'black',
  -- Specifies the border color of the cursor when the cursor style is set to Block,
  -- or the color of the vertical or horizontal bar when the cursor style is set to
  -- Bar or Underline.
  cursor_border = '#52ad70',

  -- the foreground color of selected text
  selection_fg = 'black',
  -- the background color of selected text
  selection_bg = '#fffacd',

  -- The color of the scrollbar "thumb"; the portion that represents the current viewport
  scrollbar_thumb = '#222222',

  -- The color of the split lines between panes
  split = '#444444',

  ansi = {
  brights = {

  -- Arbitrary colors of the palette in the range from 16 to 255
  indexed = { [136] = '#af8700' },

  -- Since: 20220319-142410-0fcdea07
  -- When the IME, a dead key or a leader key are being processed and are effectively
  -- holding input pending the result of input composition, change the cursor
  -- to this color to give a visual cue about the compose state.
  compose_cursor = 'orange',

  -- Colors for copy_mode and quick_select
  -- available since: 20220807-113146-c2fee766
  -- In copy_mode, the color of the active text is:
  -- 1. copy_mode_active_highlight_* if additional text was selected using the mouse
  -- 2. selection_* otherwise
  copy_mode_active_highlight_bg = { Color = '#000000' },
  -- use `AnsiColor` to specify one of the ansi color palette values
  -- (index 0-15) using one of the names "Black", "Maroon", "Green",
  --  "Olive", "Navy", "Purple", "Teal", "Silver", "Grey", "Red", "Lime",
  -- "Yellow", "Blue", "Fuchsia", "Aqua" or "White".
  copy_mode_active_highlight_fg = { AnsiColor = 'Black' },
  copy_mode_inactive_highlight_bg = { Color = '#52ad70' },
  copy_mode_inactive_highlight_fg = { AnsiColor = 'White' },

  quick_select_label_bg = { Color = 'peru' },
  quick_select_label_fg = { Color = '#ffffff' },
  quick_select_match_bg = { AnsiColor = 'Navy' },
  quick_select_match_fg = { Color = '#ffffff' },

Additional theme information

If applicable, provide any additional information about how themes for this tool or program are distributed, installed, or used.

Themes can be specified in the wezterm config (~/.wezterm.lua or ~/.config/wezterm/wezterm.lua) or in a separate file and imported into the config using:

config.color_scheme_dirs = { '/some/path/to/my/color/schemes' }