themerdev / themer

🎨 themer takes a set of colors and generates themes for your apps (editors, terminals, wallpapers, and more).
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themer takes a set of colors and generates editor themes, terminal themes, themes for other apps, and desktop wallpapers.

visual description

Table of contents

Getting started

There are a few different ways to level up your development setup with themer:

  1. Web-based graphical user interface. themer has an official progressive web app located at
  2. Command-line interface. themer can be used to generate themes on the CLI, see the CLI docs below.
  3. Application programming interface. themer exposes a JavaScript API (complete with TypeScript type definitions) for programmatic use; see the API docs below.

Feature comparison:

Instant preview
Premium color sets
Supported color format Any CSS format Hex only
Wallpaper output format PNG + SVG SVG only
Seamless dotfiles integration

CLI documentation

As of V5, themer is distributed as a single TypeScript/JavaScript package containing all built-in color sets and templates for ease of use—but still supports the use of custom color sets or templates.


Install themer from npm with your JavaScript package manager of choice.

npm install themer

themer can also be installed globally. Or if you prefer not to install it at all, it can be used with npx.


themer [options]

Pass themer one or more color sets, as many templates as you wish, as many wallpaper resolutions as you wish, and an output directory.

Option Description Default value Available options
-c, --color-set <built-in color set name or file path...> the color set(s) to render default color set name, or path to JS file containing a custom color set, or a file path to a base16 yaml file
-t, --template <built-in template name or file path...> the theme template(s) to render * (all built-in templates) template name, or path to JS file containing a custom template
-s, --size <wallpaper resolution...> resolution to render in pixels, in the format [width]x[height] 2880x1800 any
-o, --output <path> the output directory themer-output any

--color-set, --template, and --size may be specified multiple times.

Your generated theme files, as well as a README on how to install them, will be written to the output directory.

Example workflow: dotfiles integration

Say you wanted to generate a vim theme and desktop background using themer's default color set. First, install themer:

cd my-dotfiles
npm install themer

Then edit your package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "build": "themer -c default -t vim -t vim-lightline -t hyper -t wallpaper-block-wave -o gen"

Then run your new script:

npm run build

Now check the gen/ folder for your generated files. Here's the result:

example usage result

Example workflow: npx

This command will generate a Vim theme and the Block Wave wallpaper, using themer's default color set, and put them in a folder called output:

npx themer -c default -t vim -t wallpaper-block-wave -o output

Example workflow: using base16 schemes with Themer

In place of a themer color set, you can also provide themer with any base16 scheme YAML file.

themer --color-set path/to/base16-scheme.yml ...

Refer to the base16 repository for a list of base16 schemes.

API documentation

themer ships with a JavaScript API (with TypeScript type definitions) for use in programmatically generating themes.


npm install themer


themer's default export is an async generator function that takes three arguments:

  1. An array of ColorSet objects, or string identifiers of themer's built-in color sets
  2. An array of Template objects, or string identifiers of themer's built-in templates
  3. A RenderOptions object used to specify the resolution of the outputted wallpaper images
  4. (Optional) an OutputFileTransform async generator function that transforms the files generated by the provided templates. This function runs between each template's render and renderInstructions functions.

The objects yielded by the generator are OutputFiles or the type yielded by OutputFileTransform.

import themer from "themer";
import myColors from "./my-colors";
import myTemplate from "./my-template";

// Example usage: generate Vim themes, 1440x900 wallpapers, and custom files
// from themer's "Night Sky" color set and a custom color set.
const files = themer(
  ["night-sky", myColors],
  ["vim", "wallpaper-block-wave", myTemplate],
  { wallpaperSizes: [{ width: 1440, height: 900 }] }

for await (const file of files) {
  // ...

Create custom ColorSets

import type { ColorSet } from "themer";

const myColorSet: ColorSet = {
  // Color sets should provide a human-readable name.
  name: "My Color Set",

  // Color sets can define a dark variant, a light variant, or both.
  // Each variant provides two or eight shades and eight accent colors in hex format.
  variants: {
    // In a dark variant, shade0 should be the darkest and shade7 should be
    // the lightest.
    dark: {
      shade0: "#333333",
      // Note: you can define shades 1 through 6 yourself, or you can omit
      // them; if omitted, they will be calculated automatically by
      // interpolating between shade0 and shade7.
      shade7: "#eeeeee",
      accent0: "#ff4050",
      accent1: "#f28144",
      accent2: "#ffd24a",
      accent3: "#a4cc35",
      accent4: "#26c99e",
      accent5: "#66bfff",
      accent6: "#cc78fa",
      accent7: "#f553bf",

    // In a light variant, shade7 should be the darkest and shade0 should be
    // the lightest.
    light: {
      shade0: "#eeeeee",
      shade7: "#333333",
      accent0: "#f03e4d",
      accent1: "#f37735",
      accent2: "#eeba21",
      accent3: "#97bd2d",
      accent4: "#1fc598",
      accent5: "#53a6e1",
      accent6: "#bf65f0",
      accent7: "#ee4eb8",

export default myColorSet;

Pro Tip: you can use themer's Web UI to more easily select your colors, then click the "Download" button to generate a colors.js file in the correct format. With the Web UI, you can also input any valid CSS color format (keyword, HSL, RGB, etc.) and it will automatically convert the color to hex for you.

Color mappings

To help you choose colors for your own color set, this is approximately how most themer templates will utilize your colors:

Color Key Typical Usage Conventional Color*
accent0 error, VCS deletion Red
accent1 syntax Orange
accent2 warning, VCS modification Yellow
accent3 success, VCS addition Green
accent4 syntax Cyan
accent5 syntax Blue
accent6 syntax, caret/cursor
accent7 syntax, special Magenta
shade0 background color
shade1 UI
shade2 UI, text selection
shade3 UI, code comments
shade4 UI
shade5 UI
shade6 foreground text
shade7 foreground text

*Conventional color is suggested for consistency with ANSI color names in terminal themes, but is not a hard requirement.

See themer's Web UI for a more visual representation of the color mappings.

Create custom Templates

import type { Template } from "themer";

const template: Template = {
  // Templates should provide a human-readable name.
  name: "My Template",

  // The render async generator function takes a color set and the render
  // options, and yields one or more output files. The color set is fully
  // expanded (e.g., if the color set did not include shades 1 through 6
  // when originally authored, those intermediary shades will have already
  // been calculated and included).
  render: async function* (colorSet, options) {
    // The yielded output file has two properties: a string path (relative)
    // and a Buffer of the file's content.
    yield {
      path: "my-file.txt",
      content: Buffer.from("Hello, world!", "utf8"),

  // The renderInstructions function takes an array of paths generated from
  // the render function and should return a Markdown string, which will be
  // included in the generated file.
  renderInstructions: (paths) =>
    `Copy the files (${paths.join(" and ")}) to your home directory.`,

export default template;

Themer color sets

Premium color sets

(Only available on

Name Dark Preview Light Preview
Jamstacker Jamstacker dark preview (dark only)
Victor Mono Victor Mono dark preview Victor Mono light preview
Future Pro Future Pro dark preview Future Pro light preview

Original color sets

Name Dark Preview Light Preview
default default dark preview default light preview
finger-paint finger-paint dark preview finger-paint light preview
green-as-a-whistle green-as-a-whistle dark preview green-as-a-whistle light preview
monkey monkey dark preview monkey light preview
night-sky night-sky dark preview (dark only)
polar-ice polar-ice dark preview polar-ice light preview
right-in-the-teals right-in-the-teals dark preview right-in-the-teals light preview
shoulder-pads shoulder-pads dark preview shoulder-pads light preview

Ports from third-party themes

Name Dark Preview Light Preview
dracula dracula dark preview (dark only)
github-universe github-universe dark preview (dark only)
lucid lucid dark preview lucid light preview
mojave mojave dark preview mojave light preview
nova nova dark preview (dark only)
one one dark preview one light preview
rivet rivet dark preview rivet light preview
seti seti dark preview (dark only)
solarized solarized dark preview solarized light preview

Themer templates



Other apps


See themer's Web UI for wallpaper previews.

Prior art

themer is inspired by trevordmiller/nova and chriskempson/base16.

Conceptually, themer is very similar to base16, but:

  1. It is lighter, and simpler to use.
  2. It is more easily extensible with your own color sets and templates.
  3. It integrates better with your dotfiles, especially if you keep them under version control.


For instructions on how to contribute to themer, see and themer's code of conduct.

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