themix-project / themix-gui

Graphical application for generating different color variations of Oomox (Numix-based) and Materia (ex-Flat-Plat) themes (GTK2, GTK3, Cinnamon, GNOME, Openbox, Xfwm), Archdroid, Gnome-Color, Numix, Papirus and Suru++ icon themes. Have a hack for HiDPI in gtk2. Its Base16 plugin also allowing a lot of app themes support like Alacritty, Emacs, GTK4, KDE, VIM and many more.
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.05k stars 67 forks source link

Changing project structure, packaging, naming #129

Open actionless opened 6 years ago

actionless commented 6 years ago

Regarding name ( so far I am thinking of themix so it will be used in the examples below.

Packages: themix-full (metapackage, depends on rest of the packages, replaces oomox package) themix-gui themix-theme-oomox themix-theme-materia themix-icons-gnome-colors themix-icons-archdroid themix-export-spotify themix-import-base16 themix-import-image

Executable names: themix themix-cli-oomox themix-cli-materia and so on or mb more explicit like themix-cli-theme-materia And for compatibility: oomox-gui -> themix oomox-cli -> themix-cli-oomox and so on

I was thinking about having single themix-cli entrypoint and things like themix-cli --theme oomox and themix-cli --theme materia but anyway we need to have single cli executables for each theme plugin, to make them able to work independently without main gui app installed. -- extracted into

Also I am considering moving project to a dedicated github project to encourage more community participation since it won't look that much like a personal project.

To be done:

alexarnaud commented 6 years ago

I always plan to package Oomox into Debian repository. After lot of change of structure I have decided to wait a little bit to finalize this work. Do you think this change could be the last big one for the next year?

I also agree with you, it could be great to have a community repository.

Best regards and thanks for your great job, Alex.

Le 14/03/2018 à 03:45, Yauhen Kirylau a écrit :

Regarding name (#116 so far I am thinking of |themix| so it will be used in the examples below.

Packages: |themix-full| (metapackage, depends on rest of the packages, replaces |oomox| package) |themix-gui| |themix-theme-oomox| |themix-theme-materia| |themix-icons-gnome-colors| |themix-icons-archdroid| |themix-export-spotify| |themix-format-base16|

Executable names: |themix| |themix-cli| — not implemented yet And for compatibility: |oomox-gui| -> |themix| |oomox-cli| -> |themix-cli-oomox| and so on

I was thinking about having single |themix-cli| entrypoint and things like |themix-cli --theme oomox| and |themix-cli --theme materia| but anyway we need to have single cli executables for each theme plugin, to make them able to work independently without main gui app installed.

Also I am considering moving project to a dedicated github project to encourage more community participation since it won't look that much like a personal project.

To be done:




writing new PKGBUILDs

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actionless commented 6 years ago

repository structure won't be affected, only packaging scripts, so if you are writing your own packaging scripts this change shouldn't affect you in any way except for the name change

(bin files are generated by packaging; and backward compatible symlinks will be also provided)

alexarnaud commented 6 years ago

Le 15/03/2018 à 01:54, Yauhen Kirylau a écrit :

repository structure won't be affected, only packaging scripts, so if you are writing your own packaging scripts this change shouldn't affect you in any way except for the name change

Right, but if you change the source name, Ill have to change the source package name and all package name and provide transitional package. It's not a big issue for downstream repository but I would prefer to have a proper package directly if push it to the official Debian repository to avoid transitional package. I mean transitional package the name package oomox will depends on the new name, oomox-cli will also depend on the new name etc. We couldn't drop package from the repository if people have installed with the previous name. We'll also change path and so provide symbolic links to keep things working for script. So IMO it's easier to push directly the right package with the right package name.

Best regards, Alex.

actionless commented 6 years ago

yup, in that case it could be reasonable to wait for the name change

actionless commented 6 years ago

@AladW sorry for spamming you from here but mb you have some recommendation regarding packaging layout for Arch? ie the way how app will be splitted into the packages and if it should have a common group for them (see first message for the description)

AladW commented 6 years ago

Having 10 PKGBUILDs on AUR with different sources is probably annoying unless you go with unsupported means of installation (i.e. AUR helpers).

I'm not familiar with the build system you use here so don't know what should be split and where; but for a single PKGBUILD, I'd consider a git submodule approach both for git and release version. (cf.

actionless commented 6 years ago

so you think it's fine to leave it as is?

actionless commented 6 years ago

At the same time splitted packaging will help to remove dependency on Inkscape (which is needed only for Materia theme plugin).

actionless commented 6 years ago

@smurphos going to tag 1.6.1 quite soon (before end of the month) before next planned release (1.7.0) i gonna move all the repos to the new organization

name will be changed for 1.8.0 or 2.0 (whichever of them will be next version after)

actionless commented 6 years ago

ok, release is done, this weekend, i guess, i'll start movnig the repos

actionless commented 6 years ago

done moving the repos

actionless commented 5 years ago

@nana-4 i was also thinking for themix 2.0 line, to preserve the legacy of the old oomox name (without changing app icon too much to became not recognizable in compare to previous), to vectorize this into a new icon (bitmap looks not fine on lower sizes):

oomox_2_0_4_16 oomox_2_0_4_24 oomox_2_0_4_48 oomox_2_0_4_64 oomox_2_0_4_128 oomox_2_0_4_256


UPD: i've got some feedback what it looking sorta like a scull so i've also came up with an alternative design:


nana-4 commented 5 years ago

Is that the monkey face? Or human? Why someone's face for Themix app icon?

I’m sorry to say, but IMHO it looks a bit too scary face as an icon...

P.S. I was going to update the icon design according to the GNOME's initiative before the release of GNOME 3.32. (Yeah, I have to admit that the current icon design is obviously biased toward Material Design.)

actionless commented 5 years ago

that's an alien, which is related to word 'oomox'

i thought what having a mascot would add more humanity to the project, and also give some additional identity and recognition to the app icon/logo (because current one, when observing the menu, looking quite similar to "Appearance Settings" icon in some of the icon themes)

also i think you should have some skills to re-draw it in a more kawaii way :3 mb just in a simple chibi style drawing (here's screenshot from the original tv show just for the reference: 2019-01-09--1547054339_619x432_scrot )

nana-4 commented 5 years ago

My impression of the idea of mascot:

actionless commented 5 years ago

regarding copyright concern i think it falls under fair usage in parody context, though you could mb came with a more abstract alien, less similar to the original reference but still having some far resemblance

actionless commented 5 years ago

also i've went through the list on wikipedia and actually Mozilla was using a creature from Godzilla movie as their mascot, i think it's exactly the same case as here

also i found a chibi drawing of ferengi for your inspiration:


and one more not chibi but also cute, in some way, i guess:


not so much related as previous two, but still:

actionless commented 5 years ago

also it just came up to me what mascot's name could be Themengi

UPD: or less connected to franchise: "Theming Alien" or so

nana-4 commented 5 years ago

So, what about something like this? This is a silhouette only design inspired by Xue, the mascot of Xfce.


NOTE: This is a pre-alpha version. I share this just to know what you think of such a design.

actionless commented 5 years ago

yeah! the shape is already looking attractive

b1scu1t commented 4 years ago

I'm considering packing this for Void Linux again, but the package is quite large and I would have preferred the package be split into sub-packages on a 'as needed' basis.

A CLI would be pretty neat too, to export some base16 stuff.

Do you still have interest in the restructure?

actionless commented 4 years ago

yeah, after adding new icon themes the whole package is indeed very huge, so that would make sense

regarding CLI there is already a separate issue:

LaurentTreguier commented 4 years ago

Since April 2019 I was forced to split icon themes into subpackages for RPM packaging, since the number of files actually seemed to reach a hard limit that RPM packages support. For now what I've done is putting each icon/GTK theme in their own package, which oomox/themix depends on.

actionless commented 4 years ago

i was thinking to package all themes as optional dependencies for AUR package of oomox gui

actionless commented 4 years ago

so far i'm thinking to split into the following packages:

b1scu1t commented 4 years ago

Looks good to me, I would assume that the theme plugin would be bundled with said theme package?

And the GUI would have to be modular?

actionless commented 4 years ago


b1scu1t commented 4 years ago

Testing the split packages in the AUR; themix-gui-git,themix-icons-gnome-colors-git & themix-theme-oomox-git seems to work well thus far. The GUI notifies if its missing an icon or gtk theme, that's cool.

actionless commented 4 years ago

thanks for the feedback! i hope to finish up all the packages during this week

actionless commented 4 years ago

finally managed with it, still remains some renaming of the files and so on

actionless commented 4 years ago

to avoid the heap of KDE's dependencies

you can just remove kio from makedeps and the lines from the PKGBUILD which build the kde extension

b1scu1t commented 4 years ago

Finally got the resvg dependency satisfied with either resvg-git or resvg-cairo. I can export Materia themes just fine.

On an unrelated note: The Arc theme I believe has a nasty bug that existed before oomox was split-up. Generating an Arc theme will progressively consume more RAM until the machine starts swapping aggressively. It never ends, sassc must be killed manually to stop it.

I'll create a separate issue for that...with better debug info too.

actionless commented 4 years ago

The Arc theme I believe has a nasty bug I'll create a separate issue for that...with better debug info too.

but that's a bug in Arc theme SCSS, not Themix/Oomox

(see and

UPD: moved to