themix-project / themix-gui

Graphical application for generating different color variations of Oomox (Numix-based) and Materia (ex-Flat-Plat) themes (GTK2, GTK3, Cinnamon, GNOME, Openbox, Xfwm), Archdroid, Gnome-Color, Numix, Papirus and Suru++ icon themes. Have a hack for HiDPI in gtk2. Its Base16 plugin also allowing a lot of app themes support like Alacritty, Emacs, GTK4, KDE, VIM and many more.
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.04k stars 69 forks source link
cinnamon-theme colorscheme gnome-shell-theme gtk gtk2-theme gtk3-theme icon-theme materia-theme numix-theme openbox-theme papirus-icon-theme suru-icons xfwm-theme xresources

Themix GUI designer

Code Style Commit Activity

Graphical application for designing themes and exporting them using plugins, for example:

Import plugins also available, such as:

Table of contents:

Screenshot image import

Screenshot GUI

Big screenshot with number of generated themes 🔗

Latest Oomox GTK theme screenshots 🔗


Arch Linux


pikaur -S themix-full-git

AUR helpers are not officially supported by Arch Linux, so you can also install it manually from rolling-release PKGBUILD.

Open the GUI


Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint

deb-based releases are currently abandoned, this way works for installing older versions of Themix

see also:

For Debian 9+, Ubuntu 17.04+ or Linux Mint 19+ you can download oomox.deb package here: Make sure what universe repository is enabled.

sudo apt install ./oomox_VERSION_17.04+.deb  # or ./oomox_VERSION_18.10+.deb for Ubuntu 18.10+

Or, if you don't want to install third-party binary package you can build it on your own:

# with docker:
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo ./packaging/ubuntu/  # sudo is not needed if your user is in docker group

# or directly from ubuntu host if you don't like docker:
./packaging/ubuntu/ control
# or ./packaging/ubuntu/ control_1810

For older releases install the dependencies manually and next follow general installation instructions below.

Other distributions


For GUI app itself:

For plugins:

Oomox theme:

Materia theme (deprecated):

Gnome-Colors icons:

Archdroid, Papirus and Suru++ icons:

Spotify theme:

Import colors from images:

Base16 format support:

Xresources import:


git clone --recursive
cd oomox
# if you need to generate locales:
make -f install



After exporting a theme select the generated theme (oomox-YOUR-THEME-NAME) in your appearance config tool (for example, lxappearance or gnome-tweak-tool).


Multi-Export CLI

themix-multi-export --help


./ --help

Example multi-export config file could be found in ./export_config_examples directory of this git repository.

When using Multi-Export from GUI your multi-export layout would be automatically saved to ~/.config/oomox/export_config/multi_export_*.json files.

Theme/Icon Plugins CLI

If your prefer CLI interface, refer to scripts inside ./plugins/. For xresources and random themes in CLI use palettes from /opt/oomox/scripted_colors/ directory. Using scripted palettes enables you to use bash to write simple generators for dynamic themes (as alternative to plugins in oomox-gui). GUI is not attempting to execute any scripted palettes with bash because downloading such scripted themes from random places could lead to unexpected result so you can use them only with CLI, when you really know what you're doing.

Base16 export CLI

In the directory with Base16 plugin you could run the CLI as well:

python --help


Spotify theme can be also exported from GUI, but if you prefer commandline interface:

./plugins/oomoxify/ ./colors/gnome-colors/shiki-noble

Also you can normalize font weight with -w argument, see -h for usage.

Spotify theme settings are backed up to ~/.config/oomox/spotify_backup. To undo the changes made by oomoxify, these files can be copied back to their original location /usr/share/spotify/Apps. Spotify can also be reinstalled, which will reset these files as well.

Users running Spotify under Flatpak should set their "Spotify path" in oomox to /var/lib/flatpak/app/com.spotify.Client/current/active/files/extra/share/spotify/Apps in order to apply the theme.

Using with tiling WMs

Create/append to ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css:

/* remove window title from Client-Side Decorations */
.solid-csd headerbar .title {
    font-size: 0;

/* hide extra window decorations/double border */
window decoration {
    margin: 0;
    border: none;
    padding: 0;

Extra GTK3 CSS hacks

Create/append to ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css:

* {
  text-shadow: none;


Direct file editing:

git clone

Review articles and videos

To learn more about using the application you can check these sources: