themoeway / kaikki-to-yomitan

Yomitan-compatible dictionaries from wikitionary data
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dictionaries dictionary english-learning french-learning language-learning spanish-learning yomichan yomitan


Converts wiktionary data from to yomitan-compatible dictionaries. Converted dictionaries can be found in the Downloads section.


(examples use German (de) to English (en))

Basic Run

  1. Create a .env file based on .env.example.

  2. If your language is not in languages.json, add it.

  3. Run ./ German English.

  4. Dictionaries should be in data/language/de/en.


Instead of a language name, you can also write ? to run for all languages.

The script can also be run with flags:

Most often, you will want to run ./ German English kty to recreate the dictionaries, then load them in yomitan and test them.

After a run, data/language/de/en should contain files with skipped tags for IPA and terms. Adding some to tag_bank_ipa.json or tag_bank_term.json is an easy way to improve the conversion for your language pair.


Test inputs are in data/test/kaikki. Each line is a line from the corresponding kaikki file (from data/kaikki, after downloading).

To fix something in the conversion of a word, add its line from data/kaikki to the corresponding test file in data/test/kaikki. Then run npm run test-write to add it to the expected test output, and commit the changes (e.g. add baseline test for "word"). Now when you modify tidy-up or make-yomitan, you can run npm run test-write to see the changes you made.

If you are making a change that shouldn't change the output, just run npm run test to check if anything broke.