theochem / gbasis

Python library for analytical evaluation and integration of Gaussian-type basis functions and related quantities.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
34 stars 21 forks source link


gbasis is a pure-Python package for evaluating and analytically integrating Gaussian-type orbitals and their related quantities. The goal is to build a set of tools to the quantum chemistry community that are easily accessible and easy to use as to facilitate future scientific works.

Since basis set manipulation is often slow, Quantum Chemistry packages in Python often interface to a lower-level lanaguage, such as C++ and Fortran, for these parts, resulting in a more difficult build process and limited distribution. The hope is that gbasis can fill in this gap without a significant difference in performance.



From PyPi

Note: This is not supported yet.

pip install --user gbasis

From Conda

Note: This is not supported yet.

pip install gbasis -c theochem

From GitHub Repository

To install gbasis by itself,

git clone
cd gbasis
pip install --user -e .[dev]

To install gbasis with pyscf,

git clone
cd gbasis
pip install --user -e .[dev,pyscf]

To install gbasis with iodata,

pip install --user cython
pip install --user git+
git clone
cd gbasis
pip install --user -e .[dev,iodata]

To use gbasis.integrals.libcint, the user must run the following script to build and install libcint into the gbasis/integrals directory,


This script depends on the following packages:

Note that iodata must be installed separately. cython is a dependency of iodata.

To test the installation,

tox -e qa

Note that the interfaces to pyscf and iodata are not tested in this environment. To test the interface to pyscf, run

tox -e pyscf

and to test the interface to iodata, run

tox -e iodata


Following features are supported in gbasis:

Importing basis set




This software was developed using funding from a variety of international sources including, but not limited to: Canarie, the Canada Research Chairs, Compute Canada, the European Union's Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (Individual Fellowship No 800130), the Foundation of Scientific Research--Flanders (FWO), McMaster University, the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development of Chile (FONDECYT), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Research Board of Ghent University (BOF), and Sharcnet.