This website provides an overview of the academic research in theoretical computer science (TCS) carried out at various institutions in Amsterdam.
initiated by Christian Schaffner in September 2021, now maintained by Feline Lindeboom.
built from Wowchemy's Research Group Template for Hugo
Install Hugo and its dependencies
Clone this repo:
git clone
cd website-theory-amsterdam
hugo server
Edit the markdown source files with ending .md in the /content/ subdirectory to make changes to the site. As long as the hugo server is running, your changes should be visible immediately at http://localhost:1313/.
Using a suitable editor like Atom allows to easily search across all source files, and will help finding the correct file to edit if you want to make specific changes.
Add new researchers by duplicating a similar subfolder in /content/authors/ and adjusting the .md content and replacing the avatar picture.
When you are happy with the result, commit the changes to the master branch. The site is then automatically deployed to and accessible under .
do this and that (@Feline, please edit)
This information might be useful. Sometimes, you might have to delete Hugo's default cache folder.
For more information, try the search function on the wowchemy website.