theory / pgtap

PostgreSQL Unit Testing Suite
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`installcheck` error, Postgres 14 #276

Closed feuGeneA closed 2 years ago

feuGeneA commented 2 years ago

I'm new to pgtap and trying to get it working with Postgres 14. make and make install run fine, but make installcheck gives the following error output:

root@647d470f937a:/test/pgtap-1.1.0# make installcheck

GNUmake running against Postgres version 14.0, with pg_config located at /usr/bin

Problems encountered determining maximum parallel test connections; forcing serial mode
Using 1 parallel test connections
Rebuilding test/build/all_tests

ERROR: issing extensions required for testing: citext isn ltree

You may over-ride by setting $ALLOW_MISSING_EXTENSIONS to a value.

make: *** [Makefile:402: extension_check] Error 1

Not knowing what to do from there, I tried to define that env var, but didn't get much further:

root@647d470f937a:/test/pgtap-1.1.0# ALLOW_MISSING_EXTENSIONS=1 make installcheck

GNUmake running against Postgres version 14.0, with pg_config located at /usr/bin

Problems encountered determining maximum parallel test connections; forcing serial mode
Using 1 parallel test connections

WARNING: Some mandatory extensions (citext isn ltree) are not installed, ignoring tests: test/sql/extension.sql

Schedule changed to test/build/serial.sch
cp `cat test/build/which_schedule` test/build/run.sch
/usr/lib/postgresql/14/lib/pgxs/src/makefiles/../../src/test/regress/pg_regress --inputdir=./ --bindir='/usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin'    --inputdir=test --load-language=plpgsql --max-connections=1 --schedule test/schedule/main.sch   --schedule test/build/run.sch 
/usr/lib/postgresql/14/lib/pgxs/src/makefiles/../../src/test/regress/pg_regress: unrecognized option '--load-language=plpgsql'

Try "pg_regress -h" for more information.
make: *** [/usr/lib/postgresql/14/lib/pgxs/src/makefiles/ installcheck] Error 2

I guess I'm missing the Postgres extensions citext, isn, and ltree? How do I go about installing them? I'm new to the world of postgres extensions. I found your citext module but read somewhere that it's deprecated in favor of the citext that ships with recent versions of Postgres? So why is this complaining? And do I need to go figure out how to install isn and ltree?

Or is all of that just stemming from the WARNING and not at all related to the root of my issue here? I also see the pg_regress: unrecognized option '--load-language=plpgsql' in there. I checked pg_regress -h and it doesn't list a --load-language option:

root@afe9eab5d591:/test/pgtap-1.1.0# /usr/lib/postgresql/14/lib/pgxs/src/makefiles/../../src/test/regress/pg_regress -h
PostgreSQL regression test driver

  pg_regress [OPTION]... [EXTRA-TEST]...

      --bindir=BINPATH          use BINPATH for programs that are run;
                                if empty, use PATH from the environment
      --config-auth=DATADIR     update authentication settings for DATADIR
      --create-role=ROLE        create the specified role before testing
      --dbname=DB               use database DB (default "regression")
      --debug                   turn on debug mode in programs that are run
      --dlpath=DIR              look for dynamic libraries in DIR
      --encoding=ENCODING       use ENCODING as the encoding
  -h, --help                    show this help, then exit
      --inputdir=DIR            take input files from DIR (default ".")
      --launcher=CMD            use CMD as launcher of psql
      --load-extension=EXT      load the named extension before running the
                                tests; can appear multiple times
      --make-testtablespace-dir create testtablespace directory
      --max-connections=N       maximum number of concurrent connections
                                (default is 0, meaning unlimited)
      --max-concurrent-tests=N  maximum number of concurrent tests in schedule
                                (default is 0, meaning unlimited)
      --outputdir=DIR           place output files in DIR (default ".")
      --schedule=FILE           use test ordering schedule from FILE
                                (can be used multiple times to concatenate)
      --temp-instance=DIR       create a temporary instance in DIR
      --use-existing            use an existing installation
  -V, --version                 output version information, then exit

Options for "temp-instance" mode:
      --no-locale               use C locale
      --port=PORT               start postmaster on PORT
      --temp-config=FILE        append contents of FILE to temporary config

Options for using an existing installation:
      --host=HOST               use postmaster running on HOST
      --port=PORT               use postmaster running at PORT
      --user=USER               connect as USER

The exit status is 0 if all tests passed, 1 if some tests failed, and 2
if the tests could not be run for some reason.

Report bugs to <>.
PostgreSQL home page: <>

Perhaps the pg_regress interface changed in a recent version? (I have no idea what pg_regress even is. :rofl: )

Some hand-holding would be helpful here.

For clarity, here's the Dockerfile I'm using to replicate this:

FROM postgres AS test
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install --yes \
  build-essential \
  libicu-dev \
  postgresql-client \
  postgresql-server-dev-all \
  unzip \
RUN wget && \
  unzip && \
  cd pgtap-1.1.0 && \
  cpan TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP && \
  make && \
  make install # && make installcheck
df7cb commented 2 years ago

Debian's test runner creates those extensions before invoking installcheck:

But even with that, the tests are failing on PG14:,distribution=sid/console

22:15:25 --- /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/test/expected/hastap.out· 2019-11-25 19:03:44.000000000 +0000
22:15:25 +++ /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/results/hastap.out·       2021-08-12 20:15:19.388123291 +0000
22:15:25 @@ -500,22 +500,40 @@
22:15:25  ok 498 - has_operator( left, name, right ) fail should fail
22:15:25  ok 499 - has_operator( left, name, right ) fail should have the proper description
22:15:25  ok 500 - has_operator( left, name, right ) fail should have the proper diagnostics
22:15:25 -ok 501 - has_leftop( schema, name, right, result, desc ) should pass
22:15:25 +not ok 501 - has_leftop( schema, name, right, result, desc ) should pass
22:15:25 +# Failed test 501: "has_leftop( schema, name, right, result, desc ) should pass"
22:15:25 +#         have: false
22:15:25 +#         want: true

Any chance we can get a release that fixes these issues?

theory commented 2 years ago

@feuGeneA how did you install Postgres? If it's a binary package, you might also need to install the complementary contrib package, e.g., postgresql-contrib RPM or apt package.

@df7cb Looks like we need to make some updates for Postgres 14; will open a separate ticket for that.

feuGeneA commented 2 years ago

@theory I actually didn't install it, I'm just using the Docker image with it pre-installed, as provided by Postgres. It seems that the latest version (14) is built from this Dockerfile

theory commented 2 years ago

@feuGeneA It looks like the Dockerfile does not install postgresql-contrib. Run apt-get update && apt-get install postgresql-14-contrib and try again.

feuGeneA commented 2 years ago

@theory Thanks for the tip, but no luck yet.

(Btw, for anyone else following along, that package is called postgresql-contrib, aka postgresql-contrib-14, not postgresql-14-contrib.)

With that package installed, I get:

root@1703ec51f76a:/test/pgtap-master# make installcheck

GNUmake running against Postgres version 14.0, with pg_config located at /usr/bin

Using 89 parallel test connections
cp `cat test/build/which_schedule` test/build/run.sch
/usr/lib/postgresql/14/lib/pgxs/src/makefiles/../../src/test/regress/pg_regress --inputdir=./ --bindir='/usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin'    --inputdir=test --max-connections=89 --schedule test/schedule/main.sch   --schedule test/build/run.sch 
(using postmaster on postgresql, default port)
============== dropping database "regression"         ==============
============== creating database "regression"         ==============
============== running regression test queries        ==============
test build                        ... ok          220 ms
test create                       ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)        7 ms
test coltap                       ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)        9 ms
test hastap                       ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)        9 ms
parallel group (34 tests):  performs_ok privs performs_within do_tap roletap ownership runnotests check index valueset extension pg73 todotap matching throwtap aretap util runtests fktap ruletap usergroup cmpok istap moretap partitions pktap functap policy runjusttests resultset enumtap inheritance trigger unique
     performs_ok                  ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       27 ms
     do_tap                       ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       31 ms
     pg73                         ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       41 ms
     privs                        ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       27 ms
     valueset                     ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       39 ms
     todotap                      ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       44 ms
     check                        ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       32 ms
     runnotests                   ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       31 ms
     roletap                      ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       30 ms
     runtests                     ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       47 ms
     performs_within              ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       28 ms
     unique                       ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       63 ms
     runjusttests                 ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       60 ms
     pktap                        ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       56 ms
     usergroup                    ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       52 ms
     matching                     ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       43 ms
     partitions                   ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       56 ms
     moretap                      ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       56 ms
     fktap                        ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       47 ms
     throwtap                     ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       45 ms
     extension                    ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       38 ms
     cmpok                        ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       54 ms
     functap                      ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       59 ms
     index                        ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       35 ms
     aretap                       ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       45 ms
     inheritance                  ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       61 ms
     enumtap                      ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       60 ms
     resultset                    ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       60 ms
     ruletap                      ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       46 ms
     util                         ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       44 ms
     ownership                    ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       28 ms
     policy                       ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       58 ms
     trigger                      ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       61 ms
     istap                        ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       54 ms

 37 of 38 tests failed. 

The differences that caused some tests to fail can be viewed in the
file "/test/pgtap-master/regression.diffs".  A copy of the test summary that you see
above is saved in the file "/test/pgtap-master/regression.out".

make: *** [/usr/lib/postgresql/14/lib/pgxs/src/makefiles/ installcheck] Error 1

and regressions.diffs has:

diff -U3 /test/pgtap-master/test/expected/create.out /test/pgtap-master/results/create.out
--- /test/pgtap-master/test/expected/create.out 2021-10-10 17:33:12.000000000 +0000
+++ /test/pgtap-master/results/create.out   2021-10-13 18:43:21.700017657 +0000
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
 \unset ECHO
+ERROR:  could not open extension control file "/usr/share/postgresql/13/extension/pgtap.control": No such file or directory
diff -U3 /test/pgtap-master/test/expected/coltap.out /test/pgtap-master/results/coltap.out
--- /test/pgtap-master/test/expected/coltap.out 2021-10-10 17:33:12.000000000 +0000
+++ /test/pgtap-master/results/coltap.out   2021-10-13 18:43:21.712017519 +0000
@@ -1,245 +1,5 @@
 \unset ECHO
-ok 1 - col_not_null( sch, tab, col, desc ) should pass
-ok 243 - col_default_is( tab, col, LOCALTIMESTAMP ) should have the proper diagnostics
+ERROR:  function plan(integer) does not exist
+LINE 1: SELECT plan(243);
+               ^
+HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.

And it seems that every other mention of SELECT plan(...) exhibits the same function...does not exist error.

By the way, I'm using the latest from master, via, which it seems to me includes the changes from your #278 .

theory commented 2 years ago

Did you make install it?

feuGeneA commented 2 years ago

@theory Yes, I did make install it.

Here's a slimmed down Dockerfile that reproduces that ERROR:

FROM postgres

  apt-get update && \
  apt-get install --yes \
    build-essential \
    libicu-dev \
    postgresql-client \
    postgresql-contrib \
    postgresql-server-dev-all \
    unzip \

  wget && \

  cd pgtap-master && \
  make && \
  make install

To reproduce, save that to a Dockerfile in an empty directory, cd to that directory, and then do:

docker build -t pgtap-repro .
docker run --name pgtap-repro -d -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password pgtap-repro
docker exec -it pgtap-repro bash -c "cd /pgtap-master && make installcheck PGUSER=postgres ; head regression.diffs"

And you'll receive the following output:

GNUmake running against Postgres version 14.0, with pg_config located at /usr/bin

Makefile:179: To use pg_prove, TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP Perl module
Makefile:180: must be installed from CPAN. To do so, simply run:
Makefile:181: cpan TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP
Problems encountered determining maximum parallel test connections; forcing serial mode
Using 1 parallel test connections
Rebuilding test/build/all_tests
Schedule changed to test/build/serial.sch
cp `cat test/build/which_schedule` test/build/run.sch
/usr/lib/postgresql/14/lib/pgxs/src/makefiles/../../src/test/regress/pg_regress --inputdir=./ --bindir='/usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin'    --inputdir=test --max-connections=1 --schedule test/schedule/main.sch   --schedule test/build/run.sch 
(using postmaster on Unix socket, default port)
============== dropping database "regression"         ==============
NOTICE:  database "regression" does not exist, skipping
============== creating database "regression"         ==============
============== running regression test queries        ==============
test build                        ... ok          167 ms
test create                       ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)        7 ms
test performs_ok                  ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)        8 ms
test do_tap                       ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)        7 ms
test pg73                         ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       10 ms
test privs                        ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       10 ms
test valueset                     ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)        8 ms
test todotap                      ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)        9 ms
test check                        ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       10 ms
test runnotests                   ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       12 ms
test roletap                      ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       10 ms
test runtests                     ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       14 ms
test performs_within              ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       11 ms
test unique                       ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       10 ms
test runjusttests                 ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       13 ms
test pktap                        ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       11 ms
test usergroup                    ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       10 ms
test matching                     ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)        8 ms
test coltap                       ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       10 ms
test partitions                   ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       11 ms
test moretap                      ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       11 ms
test fktap                        ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)        9 ms
test throwtap                     ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)        9 ms
test extension                    ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       10 ms
test cmpok                        ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       10 ms
test functap                      ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)        9 ms
test index                        ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)        8 ms
test aretap                       ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)        9 ms
test inheritance                  ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)        9 ms
test enumtap                      ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       31 ms
test resultset                    ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       12 ms
test ruletap                      ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)        8 ms
test hastap                       ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)        8 ms
test util                         ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)        8 ms
test ownership                    ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)        8 ms
test policy                       ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       10 ms
test trigger                      ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)        8 ms
test istap                        ... FAILED (test process exited with exit code 3)       10 ms

 37 of 38 tests failed. 

The differences that caused some tests to fail can be viewed in the
file "/pgtap-master/regression.diffs".  A copy of the test summary that you see
above is saved in the file "/pgtap-master/regression.out".

make: *** [/usr/lib/postgresql/14/lib/pgxs/src/makefiles/ installcheck] Error 1
diff -U3 /pgtap-master/test/expected/create.out /pgtap-master/results/create.out
--- /pgtap-master/test/expected/create.out  2021-10-10 17:33:12.000000000 +0000
+++ /pgtap-master/results/create.out    2021-10-14 14:10:24.342719385 +0000
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
 \unset ECHO
+ERROR:  could not open extension control file "/usr/share/postgresql/13/extension/pgtap.control": No such file or directory
diff -U3 /pgtap-master/test/expected/performs_ok.out /pgtap-master/results/performs_ok.out
--- /pgtap-master/test/expected/performs_ok.out 2021-10-10 17:33:12.000000000 +0000
+++ /pgtap-master/results/performs_ok.out   2021-10-14 14:10:24.354719252 +0000
@@ -1,26 +1,5 @@
theory commented 2 years ago

Heres' the last line of make install for me:

#7 1.233 /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 .//sql/pgtap--0.90.0--0.91.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--0.91.0--0.92.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--0.92.0--0.93.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--0.93.0--0.94.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--0.94.0--0.95.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--0.95.0--0.96.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--0.96.0--0.97.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--0.97.0--0.98.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--0.98.0--0.99.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--0.99.0--1.0.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--1.0.0--1.1.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--1.1.0--1.2.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--1.2.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--unpackaged--0.91.0.sql .//sql/pgtap-core--1.2.0.sql .//sql/pgtap-core.sql .//sql/pgtap-schema--1.2.0.sql .//sql/pgtap-schema.sql .//sql/pgtap.sql .//sql/uninstall_pgtap.sql  '/usr/share/postgresql/14/extension/'

So of course it won't find it in /usr/share/postgresql/13/extension, it's in /usr/share/postgresql/14/extension.

That said, I am unable to replicate the issue:

$ docker build --progress=text -t pgtap-repro .

invalid value "text" passed to --progress, valid values are: auto, plain, tty
$ docker build --progress=plain -t pgtap-repro .

#1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
#1 sha256:f55da3b819cd77a8e0d415ea14ddffb9a2c507bbeed1236d7c94e19eda5dfb19
#1 transferring dockerfile: 410B 0.0s done
#1 DONE 0.0s

#2 [internal] load .dockerignore
#2 sha256:64f76075c61cd4a987021c076bbe48a712c0ce4a3dc500d3025edc57da2ecc34
#2 transferring context: 2B done
#2 DONE 0.0s

#3 [internal] load metadata for
#3 sha256:11324623276e8d1acad689361ca9e8ddfad60ea4d804ec4b4b900fe087d6ece1
#3 DONE 0.4s

#4 [1/4] FROM
#4 sha256:855883e1889c986625e777f2994aca6b3c7d4a421f8cd0d6f1f058972bc6cdfa

#5 [2/4] RUN   apt-get update &&   apt-get install --yes     build-essential     libicu-dev     postgresql-client     postgresql-contrib     postgresql-server-dev-all     unzip     wget
#5 sha256:04409f68ca1b2e8186f72c2133232a2738c591bd434ec82bb8261d42b0b1e0e3
#5 0.451 Get:1 bullseye-security InRelease [44.1 kB]
#5 0.535 Get:2 bullseye InRelease [116 kB]
#5 0.598 Get:3 bullseye-updates InRelease [39.4 kB]
#5 0.705 Get:4 bullseye-security/main amd64 Packages [47.4 kB]
#5 0.727 Get:5 bullseye-pgdg InRelease [86.7 kB]
#5 0.911 Get:6 bullseye/main amd64 Packages [8,180 kB]
#5 1.569 Get:7 bullseye-updates/main amd64 Packages [2,300 B]
#5 1.836 Get:8 bullseye-pgdg/main amd64 Packages [230 kB]
#5 2.888 Fetched 8,745 kB in 2s (3,508 kB/s)
#5 2.888 Reading package lists...
#5 3.599 Reading package lists...
#5 4.308 Building dependency tree...
#5 4.494 Reading state information...
#5 4.786 The following additional packages will be installed:
#5 4.786   binfmt-support binutils binutils-common binutils-x86-64-linux-gnu bzip2
#5 4.786   ca-certificates clang-11 cpp cpp-10 dpkg-dev fakeroot fontconfig-config
#5 4.787   fonts-dejavu-core g++ g++-10 gcc gcc-10 icu-devtools lib32gcc-s1
#5 4.787   lib32stdc++6 libalgorithm-diff-perl libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl
#5 4.787   libalgorithm-merge-perl libasan6 libatomic1 libbinutils libbrotli1
#5 4.787   libc-dev-bin libc-devtools libc6-dev libc6-i386 libcc1-0
#5 4.787   libclang-common-11-dev libclang-cpp11 libclang1-11 libcrypt-dev
#5 4.787   libctf-nobfd0 libctf0 libdeflate0 libdpkg-perl libexpat1 libfakeroot
#5 4.787   libffi-dev libfile-fcntllock-perl libfontconfig1 libfreetype6 libgc1
#5 4.788   libgcc-10-dev libgd3 libgomp1 libgpm2 libisl23 libitm1 libjbig0
#5 4.788   libjpeg62-turbo liblocale-gettext-perl liblsan0 libmpc3 libmpdec3 libmpfr6
#5 4.788   libncurses-dev libncurses6 libnsl-dev libobjc-10-dev libobjc4 libomp-11-dev
#5 4.788   libomp5-11 libpfm4 libpipeline1 libpng16-16 libpq-dev libpsl5
#5 4.789   libpython3-stdlib libpython3.9-minimal libpython3.9-stdlib libquadmath0
#5 4.789   libstdc++-10-dev libtiff5 libtinfo-dev libtirpc-dev libtsan0 libubsan1
#5 4.789   libwebp6 libx11-6 libx11-data libxau6 libxcb1 libxdmcp6 libxpm4 libyaml-0-2
#5 4.789   libz3-dev linux-libc-dev llvm-11 llvm-11-dev llvm-11-runtime llvm-11-tools
#5 4.790   make manpages manpages-dev media-types patch postgresql-client-10
#5 4.790   postgresql-client-11 postgresql-client-12 postgresql-client-13
#5 4.790   postgresql-client-9.6 postgresql-server-dev-10 postgresql-server-dev-11
#5 4.790   postgresql-server-dev-12 postgresql-server-dev-13 postgresql-server-dev-14
#5 4.790   postgresql-server-dev-9.6 publicsuffix python3 python3-minimal
#5 4.790   python3-pkg-resources python3-pygments python3-yaml python3.9
#5 4.791   python3.9-minimal
#5 4.794 Suggested packages:
#5 4.794   binutils-doc bzip2-doc clang-11-doc cpp-doc gcc-10-locales debian-keyring
#5 4.794   g++-multilib g++-10-multilib gcc-10-doc gcc-multilib autoconf automake
#5 4.794   libtool flex bison gdb gcc-doc gcc-10-multilib glibc-doc git bzr libgd-tools
#5 4.794   gpm icu-doc ncurses-doc libomp-11-doc postgresql-doc-14 libstdc++-10-doc
#5 4.794   llvm-11-doc make-doc man-browser ed diffutils-doc postgresql-10
#5 4.794   postgresql-doc-10 postgresql-11 postgresql-doc-11 postgresql-12
#5 4.794   postgresql-doc-12 postgresql-13 postgresql-doc-13 postgresql-9.6
#5 4.794   postgresql-doc-9.6 python3-doc python3-tk python3-venv python3-setuptools
#5 4.794   python-pygments-doc ttf-bitstream-vera python3.9-venv python3.9-doc zip
#5 5.513 The following NEW packages will be installed:
#5 5.513   binfmt-support binutils binutils-common binutils-x86-64-linux-gnu
#5 5.513   build-essential bzip2 ca-certificates clang-11 cpp cpp-10 dpkg-dev fakeroot
#5 5.514   fontconfig-config fonts-dejavu-core g++ g++-10 gcc gcc-10 icu-devtools
#5 5.514   lib32gcc-s1 lib32stdc++6 libalgorithm-diff-perl libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl
#5 5.515   libalgorithm-merge-perl libasan6 libatomic1 libbinutils libbrotli1
#5 5.515   libc-dev-bin libc-devtools libc6-dev libc6-i386 libcc1-0
#5 5.515   libclang-common-11-dev libclang-cpp11 libclang1-11 libcrypt-dev
#5 5.515   libctf-nobfd0 libctf0 libdeflate0 libdpkg-perl libexpat1 libfakeroot
#5 5.515   libffi-dev libfile-fcntllock-perl libfontconfig1 libfreetype6 libgc1
#5 5.516   libgcc-10-dev libgd3 libgomp1 libgpm2 libicu-dev libisl23 libitm1 libjbig0
#5 5.517   libjpeg62-turbo liblocale-gettext-perl liblsan0 libmpc3 libmpdec3 libmpfr6
#5 5.517   libncurses-dev libncurses6 libnsl-dev libobjc-10-dev libobjc4 libomp-11-dev
#5 5.517   libomp5-11 libpfm4 libpipeline1 libpng16-16 libpq-dev libpsl5
#5 5.518   libpython3-stdlib libpython3.9-minimal libpython3.9-stdlib libquadmath0
#5 5.518   libstdc++-10-dev libtiff5 libtinfo-dev libtirpc-dev libtsan0 libubsan1
#5 5.518   libwebp6 libx11-6 libx11-data libxau6 libxcb1 libxdmcp6 libxpm4 libyaml-0-2
#5 5.518   libz3-dev linux-libc-dev llvm-11 llvm-11-dev llvm-11-runtime llvm-11-tools
#5 5.519   make manpages manpages-dev media-types patch postgresql-client
#5 5.519   postgresql-client-10 postgresql-client-11 postgresql-client-12
#5 5.519   postgresql-client-13 postgresql-client-9.6 postgresql-contrib
#5 5.519   postgresql-server-dev-10 postgresql-server-dev-11 postgresql-server-dev-12
#5 5.519   postgresql-server-dev-13 postgresql-server-dev-14 postgresql-server-dev-9.6
#5 5.519   postgresql-server-dev-all publicsuffix python3 python3-minimal
#5 5.519   python3-pkg-resources python3-pygments python3-yaml python3.9
#5 5.520   python3.9-minimal unzip wget
#5 5.620 0 upgraded, 127 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
#5 5.620 Need to get 163 MB of archives.
#5 5.620 After this operation, 803 MB of additional disk space will be used.
#5 5.620 Get:1 bullseye/main amd64 liblocale-gettext-perl amd64 1.07-4+b1 [19.0 kB]
#5 5.648 Get:2 bullseye/main amd64 libpython3.9-minimal amd64 3.9.2-1 [801 kB]
#5 5.730 Get:3 bullseye-pgdg/main amd64 libpq-dev amd64 14.0-1.pgdg110+1 [135 kB]
#5 5.733 Get:4 bullseye/main amd64 libexpat1 amd64 2.2.10-2 [96.9 kB]
#5 5.767 Get:5 bullseye/main amd64 python3.9-minimal amd64 3.9.2-1 [1,955 kB]
#5 5.920 Get:6 bullseye/main amd64 python3-minimal amd64 3.9.2-3 [38.2 kB]
#5 5.955 Get:7 bullseye/main amd64 media-types all 4.0.0 [30.3 kB]
#5 5.984 Get:8 bullseye/main amd64 libmpdec3 amd64 2.5.1-1 [87.7 kB]
#5 6.026 Get:9 bullseye/main amd64 libpython3.9-stdlib amd64 3.9.2-1 [1,684 kB]
#5 6.176 Get:10 bullseye/main amd64 python3.9 amd64 3.9.2-1 [466 kB]
#5 6.234 Get:11 bullseye/main amd64 libpython3-stdlib amd64 3.9.2-3 [21.4 kB]
#5 6.272 Get:12 bullseye/main amd64 python3 amd64 3.9.2-3 [37.9 kB]
#5 6.272 Get:13 bullseye-pgdg/main amd64 postgresql-client all 14+231.pgdg110+1 [66.0 kB]
#5 6.293 Get:14 bullseye/main amd64 bzip2 amd64 1.0.8-4 [49.3 kB]
#5 6.323 Get:15 bullseye/main amd64 ca-certificates all 20210119 [158 kB]
#5 6.365 Get:16 bullseye/main amd64 manpages all 5.10-1 [1,412 kB]
#5 6.439 Get:17 bullseye-pgdg/main amd64 postgresql-client-10 amd64 10.18-1.pgdg110+1 [1,446 kB]
#5 6.516 Get:18 bullseye/main amd64 libpsl5 amd64 0.21.0-1.2 [57.3 kB]
#5 6.541 Get:19 bullseye/main amd64 wget amd64 1.21-1+b1 [964 kB]
#5 6.671 Get:20 bullseye/main amd64 libpipeline1 amd64 1.5.3-1 [34.3 kB]
#5 6.691 Get:21 bullseye/main amd64 binfmt-support amd64 2.2.1-1 [66.1 kB]
#5 6.720 Get:22 bullseye/main amd64 binutils-common amd64 2.35.2-2 [2,220 kB]
#5 6.918 Get:23 bullseye/main amd64 libbinutils amd64 2.35.2-2 [570 kB]
#5 6.996 Get:24 bullseye/main amd64 libctf-nobfd0 amd64 2.35.2-2 [110 kB]
#5 7.038 Get:25 bullseye/main amd64 libctf0 amd64 2.35.2-2 [53.2 kB]
#5 7.077 Get:26 bullseye/main amd64 binutils-x86-64-linux-gnu amd64 2.35.2-2 [1,809 kB]
#5 7.232 Get:27 bullseye/main amd64 binutils amd64 2.35.2-2 [61.2 kB]
#5 7.258 Get:28 bullseye/main amd64 libc-dev-bin amd64 2.31-13+deb11u2 [275 kB]
#5 7.296 Get:29 bullseye/main amd64 linux-libc-dev amd64 5.10.70-1 [1,410 kB]
#5 7.372 Get:30 bullseye-pgdg/main amd64 postgresql-client-11 amd64 11.13-1.pgdg110+1 [1,491 kB]
#5 7.471 Get:31 bullseye/main amd64 libcrypt-dev amd64 1:4.4.18-4 [104 kB]
#5 7.508 Get:32 bullseye/main amd64 libtirpc-dev amd64 1.3.1-1 [190 kB]
#5 7.556 Get:33 bullseye/main amd64 libnsl-dev amd64 1.3.0-2 [66.4 kB]
#5 7.588 Get:34 bullseye/main amd64 libc6-dev amd64 2.31-13+deb11u2 [2,344 kB]
#5 7.698 Get:35 bullseye-pgdg/main amd64 postgresql-client-12 amd64 12.8-1.pgdg110+1 [1,430 kB]
#5 7.813 Get:36 bullseye/main amd64 libisl23 amd64 0.23-1 [676 kB]
#5 7.875 Get:37 bullseye/main amd64 libmpfr6 amd64 4.1.0-3 [2,012 kB]
#5 7.957 Get:38 bullseye-pgdg/main amd64 postgresql-client-13 amd64 13.4-4.pgdg110+1 [1,514 kB]
#5 8.089 Get:39 bullseye/main amd64 libmpc3 amd64 1.2.0-1 [45.0 kB]
#5 8.130 Get:40 bullseye/main amd64 cpp-10 amd64 10.2.1-6 [8,528 kB]
#5 8.337 Get:41 bullseye-pgdg/main amd64 postgresql-client-9.6 amd64 9.6.23-1.pgdg110+1 [1,362 kB]
#5 8.662 Get:42 bullseye-pgdg/main amd64 postgresql-contrib all 14+231.pgdg110+1 [66.0 kB]
#5 8.752 Get:43 bullseye/main amd64 cpp amd64 4:10.2.1-1 [19.7 kB]
#5 8.779 Get:44 bullseye/main amd64 libcc1-0 amd64 10.2.1-6 [47.0 kB]
#5 8.803 Get:45 bullseye/main amd64 libgomp1 amd64 10.2.1-6 [99.9 kB]
#5 8.815 Get:46 bullseye-pgdg/main amd64 postgresql-server-dev-10 amd64 10.18-1.pgdg110+1 [883 kB]
#5 8.851 Get:47 bullseye/main amd64 libitm1 amd64 10.2.1-6 [25.8 kB]
#5 8.880 Get:48 bullseye/main amd64 libatomic1 amd64 10.2.1-6 [9,008 B]
#5 8.902 Get:49 bullseye/main amd64 libasan6 amd64 10.2.1-6 [2,065 kB]
#5 9.067 Get:50 bullseye-pgdg/main amd64 postgresql-server-dev-11 amd64 11.13-1.pgdg110+1 [862 kB]
#5 9.129 Get:51 bullseye/main amd64 liblsan0 amd64 10.2.1-6 [828 kB]
#5 9.240 Get:52 bullseye/main amd64 libtsan0 amd64 10.2.1-6 [2,000 kB]
#5 9.341 Get:53 bullseye-pgdg/main amd64 postgresql-server-dev-12 amd64 12.8-1.pgdg110+1 [929 kB]
#5 9.515 Get:54 bullseye/main amd64 libubsan1 amd64 10.2.1-6 [777 kB]
#5 9.595 Get:55 bullseye-pgdg/main amd64 postgresql-server-dev-13 amd64 13.4-4.pgdg110+1 [971 kB]
#5 9.637 Get:56 bullseye/main amd64 libquadmath0 amd64 10.2.1-6 [145 kB]
#5 9.678 Get:57 bullseye/main amd64 libgcc-10-dev amd64 10.2.1-6 [2,328 kB]
#5 9.810 Get:58 bullseye-pgdg/main amd64 postgresql-server-dev-14 amd64 14.0-1.pgdg110+1 [1,045 kB]
#5 9.915 Get:59 bullseye/main amd64 gcc-10 amd64 10.2.1-6 [17.0 MB]
#5 10.11 Get:60 bullseye-pgdg/main amd64 postgresql-server-dev-9.6 amd64 9.6.23-1.pgdg110+1 [787 kB]
#5 10.34 Get:61 bullseye-pgdg/main amd64 postgresql-server-dev-all amd64 231.pgdg110+1 [76.3 kB]
#5 11.08 Get:62 bullseye/main amd64 gcc amd64 4:10.2.1-1 [5,192 B]
#5 11.11 Get:63 bullseye/main amd64 libstdc++-10-dev amd64 10.2.1-6 [1,741 kB]
#5 11.24 Get:64 bullseye/main amd64 g++-10 amd64 10.2.1-6 [9,380 kB]
#5 11.88 Get:65 bullseye/main amd64 g++ amd64 4:10.2.1-1 [1,644 B]
#5 11.90 Get:66 bullseye/main amd64 make amd64 4.3-4.1 [396 kB]
#5 11.95 Get:67 bullseye/main amd64 libdpkg-perl all 1.20.9 [1,537 kB]
#5 12.08 Get:68 bullseye/main amd64 patch amd64 2.7.6-7 [128 kB]
#5 12.13 Get:69 bullseye/main amd64 dpkg-dev all 1.20.9 [2,153 kB]
#5 12.31 Get:70 bullseye/main amd64 build-essential amd64 12.9 [7,704 B]
#5 12.34 Get:71 bullseye/main amd64 libclang-cpp11 amd64 1:11.0.1-2 [9,632 kB]
#5 13.34 Get:72 bullseye/main amd64 libgc1 amd64 1:8.0.4-3 [239 kB]
#5 13.39 Get:73 bullseye/main amd64 libobjc4 amd64 10.2.1-6 [41.8 kB]
#5 13.41 Get:74 bullseye/main amd64 libobjc-10-dev amd64 10.2.1-6 [170 kB]
#5 13.46 Get:75 bullseye/main amd64 libc6-i386 amd64 2.31-13+deb11u2 [2,616 kB]
#5 13.64 Get:76 bullseye/main amd64 lib32gcc-s1 amd64 10.2.1-6 [49.4 kB]
#5 13.67 Get:77 bullseye/main amd64 lib32stdc++6 amd64 10.2.1-6 [510 kB]
#5 13.72 Get:78 bullseye/main amd64 libclang-common-11-dev amd64 1:11.0.1-2 [4,922 kB]
#5 14.07 Get:79 bullseye/main amd64 libclang1-11 amd64 1:11.0.1-2 [5,521 kB]
#5 14.50 Get:80 bullseye/main amd64 clang-11 amd64 1:11.0.1-2 [109 kB]
#5 14.53 Get:81 bullseye/main amd64 libfakeroot amd64 1.25.3-1.1 [47.0 kB]
#5 14.56 Get:82 bullseye/main amd64 fakeroot amd64 1.25.3-1.1 [87.0 kB]
#5 14.58 Get:83 bullseye/main amd64 fonts-dejavu-core all 2.37-2 [1,069 kB]
#5 14.68 Get:84 bullseye/main amd64 fontconfig-config all 2.13.1-4.2 [281 kB]
#5 14.74 Get:85 bullseye/main amd64 icu-devtools amd64 67.1-7 [201 kB]
#5 14.77 Get:86 bullseye/main amd64 libalgorithm-diff-perl all 1.201-1 [43.3 kB]
#5 14.80 Get:87 bullseye/main amd64 libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl amd64 0.04-6+b1 [12.0 kB]
#5 14.83 Get:88 bullseye/main amd64 libalgorithm-merge-perl all 0.08-3 [12.7 kB]
#5 14.86 Get:89 bullseye/main amd64 libbrotli1 amd64 1.0.9-2+b2 [279 kB]
#5 14.91 Get:90 bullseye/main amd64 libpng16-16 amd64 1.6.37-3 [294 kB]
#5 14.96 Get:91 bullseye/main amd64 libfreetype6 amd64 2.10.4+dfsg-1 [418 kB]
#5 15.01 Get:92 bullseye/main amd64 libfontconfig1 amd64 2.13.1-4.2 [347 kB]
#5 15.07 Get:93 bullseye/main amd64 libjpeg62-turbo amd64 1:2.0.6-4 [151 kB]
#5 15.11 Get:94 bullseye/main amd64 libdeflate0 amd64 1.7-1 [53.1 kB]
#5 15.14 Get:95 bullseye/main amd64 libjbig0 amd64 2.1-3.1+b2 [31.0 kB]
#5 15.17 Get:96 bullseye/main amd64 libwebp6 amd64 0.6.1-2.1 [258 kB]
#5 15.23 Get:97 bullseye/main amd64 libtiff5 amd64 4.2.0-1 [289 kB]
#5 15.28 Get:98 bullseye/main amd64 libxau6 amd64 1:1.0.9-1 [19.7 kB]
#5 15.31 Get:99 bullseye/main amd64 libxdmcp6 amd64 1:1.1.2-3 [26.3 kB]
#5 15.34 Get:100 bullseye/main amd64 libxcb1 amd64 1.14-3 [140 kB]
#5 15.38 Get:101 bullseye/main amd64 libx11-data all 2:1.7.2-1 [311 kB]
#5 15.41 Get:102 bullseye/main amd64 libx11-6 amd64 2:1.7.2-1 [772 kB]
#5 15.49 Get:103 bullseye/main amd64 libxpm4 amd64 1:3.5.12-1 [49.1 kB]
#5 15.52 Get:104 bullseye/main amd64 libgd3 amd64 2.3.0-2 [137 kB]
#5 15.56 Get:105 bullseye/main amd64 libc-devtools amd64 2.31-13+deb11u2 [245 kB]
#5 15.60 Get:106 bullseye/main amd64 libffi-dev amd64 3.3-6 [56.5 kB]
#5 15.62 Get:107 bullseye/main amd64 libfile-fcntllock-perl amd64 0.22-3+b7 [35.5 kB]
#5 15.65 Get:108 bullseye/main amd64 libgpm2 amd64 1.20.7-8 [35.6 kB]
#5 15.68 Get:109 bullseye/main amd64 libicu-dev amd64 67.1-7 [9,597 kB]
#5 16.38 Get:110 bullseye/main amd64 libncurses6 amd64 6.2+20201114-2 [102 kB]
#5 16.41 Get:111 bullseye/main amd64 libncurses-dev amd64 6.2+20201114-2 [344 kB]
#5 16.52 Get:112 bullseye/main amd64 libomp5-11 amd64 1:11.0.1-2 [346 kB]
#5 16.66 Get:113 bullseye/main amd64 libomp-11-dev amd64 1:11.0.1-2 [94.1 kB]
#5 16.73 Get:114 bullseye/main amd64 libpfm4 amd64 4.11.1+git32-gd0b85fb-1 [286 kB]
#5 16.80 Get:115 bullseye/main amd64 libtinfo-dev amd64 6.2+20201114-2 [932 B]
#5 16.82 Get:116 bullseye/main amd64 libyaml-0-2 amd64 0.2.2-1 [49.6 kB]
#5 16.87 Get:117 bullseye/main amd64 libz3-dev amd64 4.8.10-1 [90.8 kB]
#5 16.91 Get:118 bullseye/main amd64 llvm-11-runtime amd64 1:11.0.1-2 [212 kB]
#5 16.97 Get:119 bullseye/main amd64 llvm-11 amd64 1:11.0.1-2 [8,463 kB]
#5 17.73 Get:120 bullseye/main amd64 python3-pkg-resources all 52.0.0-4 [190 kB]
#5 17.77 Get:121 bullseye/main amd64 python3-pygments all 2.7.1+dfsg-2.1 [657 kB]
#5 17.84 Get:122 bullseye/main amd64 python3-yaml amd64 5.3.1-5 [138 kB]
#5 17.89 Get:123 bullseye/main amd64 llvm-11-tools amd64 1:11.0.1-2 [373 kB]
#5 17.94 Get:124 bullseye/main amd64 llvm-11-dev amd64 1:11.0.1-2 [28.0 MB]
#5 20.23 Get:125 bullseye/main amd64 manpages-dev all 5.10-1 [2,309 kB]
#5 20.40 Get:126 bullseye/main amd64 publicsuffix all 20210108.1309-1 [121 kB]
#5 20.44 Get:127 bullseye/main amd64 unzip amd64 6.0-26 [171 kB]
#5 20.71 debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed
#5 20.77 Fetched 163 MB in 15s (10.9 MB/s)
#5 20.81 Selecting previously unselected package liblocale-gettext-perl.
(Reading database ... 12071 files and directories currently installed.)
#5 20.84 Preparing to unpack .../liblocale-gettext-perl_1.07-4+b1_amd64.deb ...
#5 20.84 Unpacking liblocale-gettext-perl (1.07-4+b1) ...
#5 20.89 Selecting previously unselected package libpython3.9-minimal:amd64.
#5 20.90 Preparing to unpack .../libpython3.9-minimal_3.9.2-1_amd64.deb ...
#5 20.90 Unpacking libpython3.9-minimal:amd64 (3.9.2-1) ...
#5 21.32 Selecting previously unselected package libexpat1:amd64.
#5 21.32 Preparing to unpack .../libexpat1_2.2.10-2_amd64.deb ...
#5 21.33 Unpacking libexpat1:amd64 (2.2.10-2) ...
#5 21.40 Selecting previously unselected package python3.9-minimal.
#5 21.40 Preparing to unpack .../python3.9-minimal_3.9.2-1_amd64.deb ...
#5 21.41 Unpacking python3.9-minimal (3.9.2-1) ...
#5 21.78 Setting up libpython3.9-minimal:amd64 (3.9.2-1) ...
#5 21.79 Setting up libexpat1:amd64 (2.2.10-2) ...
#5 21.80 Setting up python3.9-minimal (3.9.2-1) ...
#5 22.74 Selecting previously unselected package python3-minimal.
(Reading database ... 12380 files and directories currently installed.)
#5 22.75 Preparing to unpack .../0-python3-minimal_3.9.2-3_amd64.deb ...
#5 22.76 Unpacking python3-minimal (3.9.2-3) ...
#5 22.80 Selecting previously unselected package media-types.
#5 22.80 Preparing to unpack .../1-media-types_4.0.0_all.deb ...
#5 22.81 Unpacking media-types (4.0.0) ...
#5 22.85 Selecting previously unselected package libmpdec3:amd64.
#5 22.85 Preparing to unpack .../2-libmpdec3_2.5.1-1_amd64.deb ...
#5 22.86 Unpacking libmpdec3:amd64 (2.5.1-1) ...
#5 22.91 Selecting previously unselected package libpython3.9-stdlib:amd64.
#5 22.92 Preparing to unpack .../3-libpython3.9-stdlib_3.9.2-1_amd64.deb ...
#5 22.92 Unpacking libpython3.9-stdlib:amd64 (3.9.2-1) ...
#5 23.29 Selecting previously unselected package python3.9.
#5 23.30 Preparing to unpack .../4-python3.9_3.9.2-1_amd64.deb ...
#5 23.30 Unpacking python3.9 (3.9.2-1) ...
#5 23.35 Selecting previously unselected package libpython3-stdlib:amd64.
#5 23.35 Preparing to unpack .../5-libpython3-stdlib_3.9.2-3_amd64.deb ...
#5 23.36 Unpacking libpython3-stdlib:amd64 (3.9.2-3) ...
#5 23.42 Setting up python3-minimal (3.9.2-3) ...
#5 23.71 Selecting previously unselected package python3.
(Reading database ... 12777 files and directories currently installed.)
#5 23.72 Preparing to unpack .../000-python3_3.9.2-3_amd64.deb ...
#5 23.74 Unpacking python3 (3.9.2-3) ...
#5 23.78 Selecting previously unselected package bzip2.
#5 23.78 Preparing to unpack .../001-bzip2_1.0.8-4_amd64.deb ...
#5 23.78 Unpacking bzip2 (1.0.8-4) ...
#5 23.84 Selecting previously unselected package ca-certificates.
#5 23.84 Preparing to unpack .../002-ca-certificates_20210119_all.deb ...
#5 23.85 Unpacking ca-certificates (20210119) ...
#5 23.92 Selecting previously unselected package manpages.
#5 23.92 Preparing to unpack .../003-manpages_5.10-1_all.deb ...
#5 23.95 Unpacking manpages (5.10-1) ...
#5 24.11 Selecting previously unselected package libpsl5:amd64.
#5 24.11 Preparing to unpack .../004-libpsl5_0.21.0-1.2_amd64.deb ...
#5 24.12 Unpacking libpsl5:amd64 (0.21.0-1.2) ...
#5 24.17 Selecting previously unselected package wget.
#5 24.17 Preparing to unpack .../005-wget_1.21-1+b1_amd64.deb ...
#5 24.17 Unpacking wget (1.21-1+b1) ...
#5 24.36 Selecting previously unselected package libpipeline1:amd64.
#5 24.37 Preparing to unpack .../006-libpipeline1_1.5.3-1_amd64.deb ...
#5 24.37 Unpacking libpipeline1:amd64 (1.5.3-1) ...
#5 24.42 Selecting previously unselected package binfmt-support.
#5 24.43 Preparing to unpack .../007-binfmt-support_2.2.1-1_amd64.deb ...
#5 24.45 Unpacking binfmt-support (2.2.1-1) ...
#5 24.49 Selecting previously unselected package binutils-common:amd64.
#5 24.49 Preparing to unpack .../008-binutils-common_2.35.2-2_amd64.deb ...
#5 24.50 Unpacking binutils-common:amd64 (2.35.2-2) ...
#5 24.93 Selecting previously unselected package libbinutils:amd64.
#5 24.95 Preparing to unpack .../009-libbinutils_2.35.2-2_amd64.deb ...
#5 24.95 Unpacking libbinutils:amd64 (2.35.2-2) ...
#5 25.08 Selecting previously unselected package libctf-nobfd0:amd64.
#5 25.08 Preparing to unpack .../010-libctf-nobfd0_2.35.2-2_amd64.deb ...
#5 25.09 Unpacking libctf-nobfd0:amd64 (2.35.2-2) ...
#5 25.14 Selecting previously unselected package libctf0:amd64.
#5 25.14 Preparing to unpack .../011-libctf0_2.35.2-2_amd64.deb ...
#5 25.14 Unpacking libctf0:amd64 (2.35.2-2) ...
#5 25.18 Selecting previously unselected package binutils-x86-64-linux-gnu.
#5 25.18 Preparing to unpack .../012-binutils-x86-64-linux-gnu_2.35.2-2_amd64.deb ...
#5 25.19 Unpacking binutils-x86-64-linux-gnu (2.35.2-2) ...
#5 25.53 Selecting previously unselected package binutils.
#5 25.54 Preparing to unpack .../013-binutils_2.35.2-2_amd64.deb ...
#5 25.54 Unpacking binutils (2.35.2-2) ...
#5 25.59 Selecting previously unselected package libc-dev-bin.
#5 25.59 Preparing to unpack .../014-libc-dev-bin_2.31-13+deb11u2_amd64.deb ...
#5 25.60 Unpacking libc-dev-bin (2.31-13+deb11u2) ...
#5 25.65 Selecting previously unselected package linux-libc-dev:amd64.
#5 25.65 Preparing to unpack .../015-linux-libc-dev_5.10.70-1_amd64.deb ...
#5 25.66 Unpacking linux-libc-dev:amd64 (5.10.70-1) ...
#5 25.96 Selecting previously unselected package libcrypt-dev:amd64.
#5 25.97 Preparing to unpack .../016-libcrypt-dev_1%3a4.4.18-4_amd64.deb ...
#5 25.97 Unpacking libcrypt-dev:amd64 (1:4.4.18-4) ...
#5 26.04 Selecting previously unselected package libtirpc-dev:amd64.
#5 26.05 Preparing to unpack .../017-libtirpc-dev_1.3.1-1_amd64.deb ...
#5 26.05 Unpacking libtirpc-dev:amd64 (1.3.1-1) ...
#5 26.11 Selecting previously unselected package libnsl-dev:amd64.
#5 26.11 Preparing to unpack .../018-libnsl-dev_1.3.0-2_amd64.deb ...
#5 26.12 Unpacking libnsl-dev:amd64 (1.3.0-2) ...
#5 26.16 Selecting previously unselected package libc6-dev:amd64.
#5 26.16 Preparing to unpack .../019-libc6-dev_2.31-13+deb11u2_amd64.deb ...
#5 26.17 Unpacking libc6-dev:amd64 (2.31-13+deb11u2) ...
#5 26.79 Selecting previously unselected package libisl23:amd64.
#5 26.79 Preparing to unpack .../020-libisl23_0.23-1_amd64.deb ...
#5 26.82 Unpacking libisl23:amd64 (0.23-1) ...
#5 27.00 Selecting previously unselected package libmpfr6:amd64.
#5 27.00 Preparing to unpack .../021-libmpfr6_4.1.0-3_amd64.deb ...
#5 27.01 Unpacking libmpfr6:amd64 (4.1.0-3) ...
#5 27.18 Selecting previously unselected package libmpc3:amd64.
#5 27.19 Preparing to unpack .../022-libmpc3_1.2.0-1_amd64.deb ...
#5 27.19 Unpacking libmpc3:amd64 (1.2.0-1) ...
#5 27.25 Selecting previously unselected package cpp-10.
#5 27.25 Preparing to unpack .../023-cpp-10_10.2.1-6_amd64.deb ...
#5 27.26 Unpacking cpp-10 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 28.48 Selecting previously unselected package cpp.
#5 28.48 Preparing to unpack .../024-cpp_4%3a10.2.1-1_amd64.deb ...
#5 28.49 Unpacking cpp (4:10.2.1-1) ...
#5 28.53 Selecting previously unselected package libcc1-0:amd64.
#5 28.53 Preparing to unpack .../025-libcc1-0_10.2.1-6_amd64.deb ...
#5 28.54 Unpacking libcc1-0:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 28.60 Selecting previously unselected package libgomp1:amd64.
#5 28.60 Preparing to unpack .../026-libgomp1_10.2.1-6_amd64.deb ...
#5 28.61 Unpacking libgomp1:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 28.66 Selecting previously unselected package libitm1:amd64.
#5 28.67 Preparing to unpack .../027-libitm1_10.2.1-6_amd64.deb ...
#5 28.67 Unpacking libitm1:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 28.73 Selecting previously unselected package libatomic1:amd64.
#5 28.73 Preparing to unpack .../028-libatomic1_10.2.1-6_amd64.deb ...
#5 28.73 Unpacking libatomic1:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 28.78 Selecting previously unselected package libasan6:amd64.
#5 28.78 Preparing to unpack .../029-libasan6_10.2.1-6_amd64.deb ...
#5 28.79 Unpacking libasan6:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 29.30 Selecting previously unselected package liblsan0:amd64.
#5 29.30 Preparing to unpack .../030-liblsan0_10.2.1-6_amd64.deb ...
#5 29.31 Unpacking liblsan0:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 29.47 Selecting previously unselected package libtsan0:amd64.
#5 29.47 Preparing to unpack .../031-libtsan0_10.2.1-6_amd64.deb ...
#5 29.48 Unpacking libtsan0:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 29.84 Selecting previously unselected package libubsan1:amd64.
#5 29.84 Preparing to unpack .../032-libubsan1_10.2.1-6_amd64.deb ...
#5 29.85 Unpacking libubsan1:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 29.99 Selecting previously unselected package libquadmath0:amd64.
#5 29.99 Preparing to unpack .../033-libquadmath0_10.2.1-6_amd64.deb ...
#5 30.00 Unpacking libquadmath0:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 30.05 Selecting previously unselected package libgcc-10-dev:amd64.
#5 30.06 Preparing to unpack .../034-libgcc-10-dev_10.2.1-6_amd64.deb ...
#5 30.06 Unpacking libgcc-10-dev:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 30.38 Selecting previously unselected package gcc-10.
#5 30.39 Preparing to unpack .../035-gcc-10_10.2.1-6_amd64.deb ...
#5 30.39 Unpacking gcc-10 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 32.76 Selecting previously unselected package gcc.
#5 32.76 Preparing to unpack .../036-gcc_4%3a10.2.1-1_amd64.deb ...
#5 32.77 Unpacking gcc (4:10.2.1-1) ...
#5 32.83 Selecting previously unselected package libstdc++-10-dev:amd64.
#5 32.83 Preparing to unpack .../037-libstdc++-10-dev_10.2.1-6_amd64.deb ...
#5 32.83 Unpacking libstdc++-10-dev:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 33.34 Selecting previously unselected package g++-10.
#5 33.35 Preparing to unpack .../038-g++-10_10.2.1-6_amd64.deb ...
#5 33.37 Unpacking g++-10 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 34.95 Selecting previously unselected package g++.
#5 34.96 Preparing to unpack .../039-g++_4%3a10.2.1-1_amd64.deb ...
#5 34.96 Unpacking g++ (4:10.2.1-1) ...
#5 35.00 Selecting previously unselected package make.
#5 35.00 Preparing to unpack .../040-make_4.3-4.1_amd64.deb ...
#5 35.01 Unpacking make (4.3-4.1) ...
#5 35.12 Selecting previously unselected package libdpkg-perl.
#5 35.12 Preparing to unpack .../041-libdpkg-perl_1.20.9_all.deb ...
#5 35.12 Unpacking libdpkg-perl (1.20.9) ...
#5 35.24 Selecting previously unselected package patch.
#5 35.24 Preparing to unpack .../042-patch_2.7.6-7_amd64.deb ...
#5 35.25 Unpacking patch (2.7.6-7) ...
#5 35.30 Selecting previously unselected package dpkg-dev.
#5 35.31 Preparing to unpack .../043-dpkg-dev_1.20.9_all.deb ...
#5 35.31 Unpacking dpkg-dev (1.20.9) ...
#5 35.48 Selecting previously unselected package build-essential.
#5 35.48 Preparing to unpack .../044-build-essential_12.9_amd64.deb ...
#5 35.49 Unpacking build-essential (12.9) ...
#5 35.52 Selecting previously unselected package libclang-cpp11.
#5 35.52 Preparing to unpack .../045-libclang-cpp11_1%3a11.0.1-2_amd64.deb ...
#5 35.53 Unpacking libclang-cpp11 (1:11.0.1-2) ...
#5 36.86 Selecting previously unselected package libgc1:amd64.
#5 36.86 Preparing to unpack .../046-libgc1_1%3a8.0.4-3_amd64.deb ...
#5 36.87 Unpacking libgc1:amd64 (1:8.0.4-3) ...
#5 36.94 Selecting previously unselected package libobjc4:amd64.
#5 36.95 Preparing to unpack .../047-libobjc4_10.2.1-6_amd64.deb ...
#5 36.95 Unpacking libobjc4:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 36.99 Selecting previously unselected package libobjc-10-dev:amd64.
#5 36.99 Preparing to unpack .../048-libobjc-10-dev_10.2.1-6_amd64.deb ...
#5 36.99 Unpacking libobjc-10-dev:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 37.08 Selecting previously unselected package libc6-i386.
#5 37.08 Preparing to unpack .../049-libc6-i386_2.31-13+deb11u2_amd64.deb ...
#5 37.08 Unpacking libc6-i386 (2.31-13+deb11u2) ...
#5 37.50 Selecting previously unselected package lib32gcc-s1.
#5 37.51 Preparing to unpack .../050-lib32gcc-s1_10.2.1-6_amd64.deb ...
#5 37.51 Unpacking lib32gcc-s1 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 37.56 Selecting previously unselected package lib32stdc++6.
#5 37.56 Preparing to unpack .../051-lib32stdc++6_10.2.1-6_amd64.deb ...
#5 37.57 Unpacking lib32stdc++6 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 37.67 Selecting previously unselected package libclang-common-11-dev.
#5 37.67 Preparing to unpack .../052-libclang-common-11-dev_1%3a11.0.1-2_amd64.deb ...
#5 37.68 Unpacking libclang-common-11-dev (1:11.0.1-2) ...
#5 39.17 Selecting previously unselected package libclang1-11.
#5 39.18 Preparing to unpack .../053-libclang1-11_1%3a11.0.1-2_amd64.deb ...
#5 39.20 Unpacking libclang1-11 (1:11.0.1-2) ...
#5 40.13 Selecting previously unselected package clang-11.
#5 40.13 Preparing to unpack .../054-clang-11_1%3a11.0.1-2_amd64.deb ...
#5 40.14 Unpacking clang-11 (1:11.0.1-2) ...
#5 40.19 Selecting previously unselected package libfakeroot:amd64.
#5 40.19 Preparing to unpack .../055-libfakeroot_1.25.3-1.1_amd64.deb ...
#5 40.19 Unpacking libfakeroot:amd64 (1.25.3-1.1) ...
#5 40.23 Selecting previously unselected package fakeroot.
#5 40.23 Preparing to unpack .../056-fakeroot_1.25.3-1.1_amd64.deb ...
#5 40.24 Unpacking fakeroot (1.25.3-1.1) ...
#5 40.31 Selecting previously unselected package fonts-dejavu-core.
#5 40.31 Preparing to unpack .../057-fonts-dejavu-core_2.37-2_all.deb ...
#5 40.32 Unpacking fonts-dejavu-core (2.37-2) ...
#5 40.54 Selecting previously unselected package fontconfig-config.
#5 40.55 Preparing to unpack .../058-fontconfig-config_2.13.1-4.2_all.deb ...
#5 40.74 Unpacking fontconfig-config (2.13.1-4.2) ...
#5 40.80 Selecting previously unselected package icu-devtools.
#5 40.80 Preparing to unpack .../059-icu-devtools_67.1-7_amd64.deb ...
#5 40.81 Unpacking icu-devtools (67.1-7) ...
#5 40.86 Selecting previously unselected package libalgorithm-diff-perl.
#5 40.86 Preparing to unpack .../060-libalgorithm-diff-perl_1.201-1_all.deb ...
#5 40.87 Unpacking libalgorithm-diff-perl (1.201-1) ...
#5 40.91 Selecting previously unselected package libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl.
#5 40.91 Preparing to unpack .../061-libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl_0.04-6+b1_amd64.deb ...
#5 40.92 Unpacking libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl (0.04-6+b1) ...
#5 40.96 Selecting previously unselected package libalgorithm-merge-perl.
#5 40.96 Preparing to unpack .../062-libalgorithm-merge-perl_0.08-3_all.deb ...
#5 40.97 Unpacking libalgorithm-merge-perl (0.08-3) ...
#5 41.01 Selecting previously unselected package libbrotli1:amd64.
#5 41.01 Preparing to unpack .../063-libbrotli1_1.0.9-2+b2_amd64.deb ...
#5 41.02 Unpacking libbrotli1:amd64 (1.0.9-2+b2) ...
#5 41.09 Selecting previously unselected package libpng16-16:amd64.
#5 41.09 Preparing to unpack .../064-libpng16-16_1.6.37-3_amd64.deb ...
#5 41.10 Unpacking libpng16-16:amd64 (1.6.37-3) ...
#5 41.17 Selecting previously unselected package libfreetype6:amd64.
#5 41.18 Preparing to unpack .../065-libfreetype6_2.10.4+dfsg-1_amd64.deb ...
#5 41.18 Unpacking libfreetype6:amd64 (2.10.4+dfsg-1) ...
#5 41.26 Selecting previously unselected package libfontconfig1:amd64.
#5 41.27 Preparing to unpack .../066-libfontconfig1_2.13.1-4.2_amd64.deb ...
#5 41.27 Unpacking libfontconfig1:amd64 (2.13.1-4.2) ...
#5 41.33 Selecting previously unselected package libjpeg62-turbo:amd64.
#5 41.34 Preparing to unpack .../067-libjpeg62-turbo_1%3a2.0.6-4_amd64.deb ...
#5 41.34 Unpacking libjpeg62-turbo:amd64 (1:2.0.6-4) ...
#5 41.40 Selecting previously unselected package libdeflate0:amd64.
#5 41.40 Preparing to unpack .../068-libdeflate0_1.7-1_amd64.deb ...
#5 41.41 Unpacking libdeflate0:amd64 (1.7-1) ...
#5 41.46 Selecting previously unselected package libjbig0:amd64.
#5 41.46 Preparing to unpack .../069-libjbig0_2.1-3.1+b2_amd64.deb ...
#5 41.46 Unpacking libjbig0:amd64 (2.1-3.1+b2) ...
#5 41.51 Selecting previously unselected package libwebp6:amd64.
#5 41.51 Preparing to unpack .../070-libwebp6_0.6.1-2.1_amd64.deb ...
#5 41.52 Unpacking libwebp6:amd64 (0.6.1-2.1) ...
#5 41.58 Selecting previously unselected package libtiff5:amd64.
#5 41.58 Preparing to unpack .../071-libtiff5_4.2.0-1_amd64.deb ...
#5 41.59 Unpacking libtiff5:amd64 (4.2.0-1) ...
#5 41.66 Selecting previously unselected package libxau6:amd64.
#5 41.66 Preparing to unpack .../072-libxau6_1%3a1.0.9-1_amd64.deb ...
#5 41.67 Unpacking libxau6:amd64 (1:1.0.9-1) ...
#5 41.72 Selecting previously unselected package libxdmcp6:amd64.
#5 41.72 Preparing to unpack .../073-libxdmcp6_1%3a1.1.2-3_amd64.deb ...
#5 41.72 Unpacking libxdmcp6:amd64 (1:1.1.2-3) ...
#5 41.78 Selecting previously unselected package libxcb1:amd64.
#5 41.79 Preparing to unpack .../074-libxcb1_1.14-3_amd64.deb ...
#5 41.79 Unpacking libxcb1:amd64 (1.14-3) ...
#5 41.83 Selecting previously unselected package libx11-data.
#5 41.84 Preparing to unpack .../075-libx11-data_2%3a1.7.2-1_all.deb ...
#5 41.84 Unpacking libx11-data (2:1.7.2-1) ...
#5 41.95 Selecting previously unselected package libx11-6:amd64.
#5 41.95 Preparing to unpack .../076-libx11-6_2%3a1.7.2-1_amd64.deb ...
#5 41.96 Unpacking libx11-6:amd64 (2:1.7.2-1) ...
#5 42.07 Selecting previously unselected package libxpm4:amd64.
#5 42.07 Preparing to unpack .../077-libxpm4_1%3a3.5.12-1_amd64.deb ...
#5 42.08 Unpacking libxpm4:amd64 (1:3.5.12-1) ...
#5 42.12 Selecting previously unselected package libgd3:amd64.
#5 42.13 Preparing to unpack .../078-libgd3_2.3.0-2_amd64.deb ...
#5 42.13 Unpacking libgd3:amd64 (2.3.0-2) ...
#5 42.19 Selecting previously unselected package libc-devtools.
#5 42.19 Preparing to unpack .../079-libc-devtools_2.31-13+deb11u2_amd64.deb ...
#5 42.19 Unpacking libc-devtools (2.31-13+deb11u2) ...
#5 42.25 Selecting previously unselected package libffi-dev:amd64.
#5 42.25 Preparing to unpack .../080-libffi-dev_3.3-6_amd64.deb ...
#5 42.26 Unpacking libffi-dev:amd64 (3.3-6) ...
#5 42.29 Selecting previously unselected package libfile-fcntllock-perl.
#5 42.30 Preparing to unpack .../081-libfile-fcntllock-perl_0.22-3+b7_amd64.deb ...
#5 42.30 Unpacking libfile-fcntllock-perl (0.22-3+b7) ...
#5 42.35 Selecting previously unselected package libgpm2:amd64.
#5 42.36 Preparing to unpack .../082-libgpm2_1.20.7-8_amd64.deb ...
#5 42.36 Unpacking libgpm2:amd64 (1.20.7-8) ...
#5 42.40 Selecting previously unselected package libicu-dev:amd64.
#5 42.41 Preparing to unpack .../083-libicu-dev_67.1-7_amd64.deb ...
#5 42.41 Unpacking libicu-dev:amd64 (67.1-7) ...
#5 44.12 Selecting previously unselected package libncurses6:amd64.
#5 44.12 Preparing to unpack .../084-libncurses6_6.2+20201114-2_amd64.deb ...
#5 44.12 Unpacking libncurses6:amd64 (6.2+20201114-2) ...
#5 44.17 Selecting previously unselected package libncurses-dev:amd64.
#5 44.17 Preparing to unpack .../085-libncurses-dev_6.2+20201114-2_amd64.deb ...
#5 44.18 Unpacking libncurses-dev:amd64 (6.2+20201114-2) ...
#5 44.28 Selecting previously unselected package libomp5-11:amd64.
#5 44.28 Preparing to unpack .../086-libomp5-11_1%3a11.0.1-2_amd64.deb ...
#5 44.29 Unpacking libomp5-11:amd64 (1:11.0.1-2) ...
#5 44.38 Selecting previously unselected package libomp-11-dev.
#5 44.38 Preparing to unpack .../087-libomp-11-dev_1%3a11.0.1-2_amd64.deb ...
#5 44.39 Unpacking libomp-11-dev (1:11.0.1-2) ...
#5 44.45 Selecting previously unselected package libpfm4:amd64.
#5 44.45 Preparing to unpack .../088-libpfm4_4.11.1+git32-gd0b85fb-1_amd64.deb ...
#5 44.46 Unpacking libpfm4:amd64 (4.11.1+git32-gd0b85fb-1) ...
#5 44.53 Selecting previously unselected package libpq-dev.
#5 44.54 Preparing to unpack .../089-libpq-dev_14.0-1.pgdg110+1_amd64.deb ...
#5 44.55 Unpacking libpq-dev (14.0-1.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 44.61 Selecting previously unselected package libtinfo-dev:amd64.
#5 44.62 Preparing to unpack .../090-libtinfo-dev_6.2+20201114-2_amd64.deb ...
#5 44.62 Unpacking libtinfo-dev:amd64 (6.2+20201114-2) ...
#5 44.66 Selecting previously unselected package libyaml-0-2:amd64.
#5 44.67 Preparing to unpack .../091-libyaml-0-2_0.2.2-1_amd64.deb ...
#5 44.68 Unpacking libyaml-0-2:amd64 (0.2.2-1) ...
#5 44.74 Selecting previously unselected package libz3-dev:amd64.
#5 44.75 Preparing to unpack .../092-libz3-dev_4.8.10-1_amd64.deb ...
#5 44.76 Unpacking libz3-dev:amd64 (4.8.10-1) ...
#5 44.82 Selecting previously unselected package llvm-11-runtime.
#5 44.83 Preparing to unpack .../093-llvm-11-runtime_1%3a11.0.1-2_amd64.deb ...
#5 44.83 Unpacking llvm-11-runtime (1:11.0.1-2) ...
#5 44.90 Selecting previously unselected package llvm-11.
#5 44.90 Preparing to unpack .../094-llvm-11_1%3a11.0.1-2_amd64.deb ...
#5 44.91 Unpacking llvm-11 (1:11.0.1-2) ...
#5 46.18 Selecting previously unselected package python3-pkg-resources.
#5 46.18 Preparing to unpack .../095-python3-pkg-resources_52.0.0-4_all.deb ...
#5 46.19 Unpacking python3-pkg-resources (52.0.0-4) ...
#5 46.26 Selecting previously unselected package python3-pygments.
#5 46.26 Preparing to unpack .../096-python3-pygments_2.7.1+dfsg-2.1_all.deb ...
#5 46.27 Unpacking python3-pygments (2.7.1+dfsg-2.1) ...
#5 46.39 Selecting previously unselected package python3-yaml.
#5 46.39 Preparing to unpack .../097-python3-yaml_5.3.1-5_amd64.deb ...
#5 46.40 Unpacking python3-yaml (5.3.1-5) ...
#5 46.45 Selecting previously unselected package llvm-11-tools.
#5 46.46 Preparing to unpack .../098-llvm-11-tools_1%3a11.0.1-2_amd64.deb ...
#5 46.46 Unpacking llvm-11-tools (1:11.0.1-2) ...
#5 46.61 Selecting previously unselected package llvm-11-dev.
#5 46.61 Preparing to unpack .../099-llvm-11-dev_1%3a11.0.1-2_amd64.deb ...
#5 46.61 Unpacking llvm-11-dev (1:11.0.1-2) ...
#5 52.75 Selecting previously unselected package manpages-dev.
#5 52.76 Preparing to unpack .../100-manpages-dev_5.10-1_all.deb ...
#5 52.76 Unpacking manpages-dev (5.10-1) ...
#5 53.08 Selecting previously unselected package postgresql-client.
#5 53.08 Preparing to unpack .../101-postgresql-client_14+231.pgdg110+1_all.deb ...
#5 53.09 Unpacking postgresql-client (14+231.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 53.13 Selecting previously unselected package postgresql-client-10.
#5 53.13 Preparing to unpack .../102-postgresql-client-10_10.18-1.pgdg110+1_amd64.deb ...
#5 53.13 Unpacking postgresql-client-10 (10.18-1.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 53.37 Selecting previously unselected package postgresql-client-11.
#5 53.37 Preparing to unpack .../103-postgresql-client-11_11.13-1.pgdg110+1_amd64.deb ...
#5 53.38 Unpacking postgresql-client-11 (11.13-1.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 53.68 Selecting previously unselected package postgresql-client-12.
#5 53.68 Preparing to unpack .../104-postgresql-client-12_12.8-1.pgdg110+1_amd64.deb ...
#5 53.69 Unpacking postgresql-client-12 (12.8-1.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 53.92 Selecting previously unselected package postgresql-client-13.
#5 53.92 Preparing to unpack .../105-postgresql-client-13_13.4-4.pgdg110+1_amd64.deb ...
#5 53.93 Unpacking postgresql-client-13 (13.4-4.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 54.16 Selecting previously unselected package postgresql-client-9.6.
#5 54.16 Preparing to unpack .../106-postgresql-client-9.6_9.6.23-1.pgdg110+1_amd64.deb ...
#5 54.17 Unpacking postgresql-client-9.6 (9.6.23-1.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 54.41 Selecting previously unselected package postgresql-contrib.
#5 54.42 Preparing to unpack .../107-postgresql-contrib_14+231.pgdg110+1_all.deb ...
#5 54.42 Unpacking postgresql-contrib (14+231.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 54.47 Selecting previously unselected package postgresql-server-dev-10.
#5 54.48 Preparing to unpack .../108-postgresql-server-dev-10_10.18-1.pgdg110+1_amd64.deb ...
#5 54.49 Unpacking postgresql-server-dev-10 (10.18-1.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 54.67 Selecting previously unselected package postgresql-server-dev-11.
#5 54.68 Preparing to unpack .../109-postgresql-server-dev-11_11.13-1.pgdg110+1_amd64.deb ...
#5 54.68 Unpacking postgresql-server-dev-11 (11.13-1.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 55.14 Selecting previously unselected package postgresql-server-dev-12.
#5 55.14 Preparing to unpack .../110-postgresql-server-dev-12_12.8-1.pgdg110+1_amd64.deb ...
#5 55.15 Unpacking postgresql-server-dev-12 (12.8-1.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 55.33 Selecting previously unselected package postgresql-server-dev-13.
#5 55.33 Preparing to unpack .../111-postgresql-server-dev-13_13.4-4.pgdg110+1_amd64.deb ...
#5 55.34 Unpacking postgresql-server-dev-13 (13.4-4.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 55.64 Selecting previously unselected package postgresql-server-dev-14.
#5 55.64 Preparing to unpack .../112-postgresql-server-dev-14_14.0-1.pgdg110+1_amd64.deb ...
#5 55.65 Unpacking postgresql-server-dev-14 (14.0-1.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 55.89 Selecting previously unselected package postgresql-server-dev-9.6.
#5 55.90 Preparing to unpack .../113-postgresql-server-dev-9.6_9.6.23-1.pgdg110+1_amd64.deb ...
#5 55.90 Unpacking postgresql-server-dev-9.6 (9.6.23-1.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 56.08 Selecting previously unselected package postgresql-server-dev-all:amd64.
#5 56.09 Preparing to unpack .../114-postgresql-server-dev-all_231.pgdg110+1_amd64.deb ...
#5 56.09 Unpacking postgresql-server-dev-all:amd64 (231.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 56.14 Selecting previously unselected package publicsuffix.
#5 56.15 Preparing to unpack .../115-publicsuffix_20210108.1309-1_all.deb ...
#5 56.15 Unpacking publicsuffix (20210108.1309-1) ...
#5 56.21 Selecting previously unselected package unzip.
#5 56.21 Preparing to unpack .../116-unzip_6.0-26_amd64.deb ...
#5 56.22 Unpacking unzip (6.0-26) ...
#5 56.29 Setting up media-types (4.0.0) ...
#5 56.30 Setting up libpipeline1:amd64 (1.5.3-1) ...
#5 56.31 Setting up libz3-dev:amd64 (4.8.10-1) ...
#5 56.32 Setting up libxau6:amd64 (1:1.0.9-1) ...
#5 56.34 Setting up libxdmcp6:amd64 (1:1.1.2-3) ...
#5 56.36 Setting up libpsl5:amd64 (0.21.0-1.2) ...
#5 56.37 Setting up libxcb1:amd64 (1.14-3) ...
#5 56.39 Setting up llvm-11-runtime (1:11.0.1-2) ...
#5 56.41 Setting up libgpm2:amd64 (1.20.7-8) ...
#5 56.42 Setting up postgresql-client (14+231.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 56.43 Setting up wget (1.21-1+b1) ...
#5 56.45 Setting up libfile-fcntllock-perl (0.22-3+b7) ...
#5 56.47 Setting up libalgorithm-diff-perl (1.201-1) ...
#5 56.48 Setting up libyaml-0-2:amd64 (0.2.2-1) ...
#5 56.49 Setting up manpages (5.10-1) ...
#5 56.50 Setting up unzip (6.0-26) ...
#5 56.51 Setting up libbrotli1:amd64 (1.0.9-2+b2) ...
#5 56.52 Setting up binutils-common:amd64 (2.35.2-2) ...
#5 56.53 Setting up libdeflate0:amd64 (1.7-1) ...
#5 56.54 Setting up linux-libc-dev:amd64 (5.10.70-1) ...
#5 56.55 Setting up libctf-nobfd0:amd64 (2.35.2-2) ...
#5 56.56 Setting up libpq-dev (14.0-1.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 56.58 Setting up postgresql-client-9.6 (9.6.23-1.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 57.46 Setting up libgomp1:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 57.47 Setting up bzip2 (1.0.8-4) ...
#5 57.48 Setting up libffi-dev:amd64 (3.3-6) ...
#5 57.49 Setting up libjbig0:amd64 (2.1-3.1+b2) ...
#5 57.50 Setting up libfakeroot:amd64 (1.25.3-1.1) ...
#5 57.51 Setting up libasan6:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 57.52 Setting up postgresql-client-13 (13.4-4.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 58.66 Setting up libclang-cpp11 (1:11.0.1-2) ...
#5 58.67 Setting up fakeroot (1.25.3-1.1) ...
#5 58.68 update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/fakeroot-sysv to provide /usr/bin/fakeroot (fakeroot) in auto mode
#5 58.69 update-alternatives: warning: skip creation of /usr/share/man/man1/fakeroot.1.gz because associated file /usr/share/man/man1/fakeroot-sysv.1.gz (of link group fakeroot) doesn't exist
#5 58.69 update-alternatives: warning: skip creation of /usr/share/man/man1/faked.1.gz because associated file /usr/share/man/man1/faked-sysv.1.gz (of link group fakeroot) doesn't exist
#5 58.69 update-alternatives: warning: skip creation of /usr/share/man/es/man1/fakeroot.1.gz because associated file /usr/share/man/es/man1/fakeroot-sysv.1.gz (of link group fakeroot) doesn't exist
#5 58.69 update-alternatives: warning: skip creation of /usr/share/man/es/man1/faked.1.gz because associated file /usr/share/man/es/man1/faked-sysv.1.gz (of link group fakeroot) doesn't exist
#5 58.69 update-alternatives: warning: skip creation of /usr/share/man/fr/man1/fakeroot.1.gz because associated file /usr/share/man/fr/man1/fakeroot-sysv.1.gz (of link group fakeroot) doesn't exist
#5 58.69 update-alternatives: warning: skip creation of /usr/share/man/fr/man1/faked.1.gz because associated file /usr/share/man/fr/man1/faked-sysv.1.gz (of link group fakeroot) doesn't exist
#5 58.69 update-alternatives: warning: skip creation of /usr/share/man/sv/man1/fakeroot.1.gz because associated file /usr/share/man/sv/man1/fakeroot-sysv.1.gz (of link group fakeroot) doesn't exist
#5 58.69 update-alternatives: warning: skip creation of /usr/share/man/sv/man1/faked.1.gz because associated file /usr/share/man/sv/man1/faked-sysv.1.gz (of link group fakeroot) doesn't exist
#5 58.70 Setting up ca-certificates (20210119) ...
#5 59.01 debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
#5 59.01 debconf: (TERM is not set, so the dialog frontend is not usable.)
#5 59.01 debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
#5 59.91 Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs...
#5 60.96 129 added, 0 removed; done.
#5 61.15 Setting up postgresql-client-12 (12.8-1.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 62.14 Setting up libtirpc-dev:amd64 (1.3.1-1) ...
#5 62.16 Setting up libpfm4:amd64 (4.11.1+git32-gd0b85fb-1) ...
#5 62.17 Setting up libjpeg62-turbo:amd64 (1:2.0.6-4) ...
#5 62.18 Setting up libx11-data (2:1.7.2-1) ...
#5 62.20 Setting up make (4.3-4.1) ...
#5 62.21 Setting up libmpfr6:amd64 (4.1.0-3) ...
#5 62.23 Setting up postgresql-client-11 (11.13-1.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 63.48 Setting up libncurses6:amd64 (6.2+20201114-2) ...
#5 63.49 Setting up libquadmath0:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 63.50 Setting up postgresql-server-dev-9.6 (9.6.23-1.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 63.52 Setting up libpng16-16:amd64 (1.6.37-3) ...
#5 63.54 Setting up libmpc3:amd64 (1.2.0-1) ...
#5 63.56 Setting up libatomic1:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 63.58 Setting up libclang1-11 (1:11.0.1-2) ...
#5 63.59 Setting up patch (2.7.6-7) ...
#5 63.61 Setting up postgresql-client-10 (10.18-1.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 64.70 Setting up binfmt-support (2.2.1-1) ...
#5 64.93 invoke-rc.d: could not determine current runlevel
#5 64.94 invoke-rc.d: policy-rc.d denied execution of start.
#5 64.94 Setting up libwebp6:amd64 (0.6.1-2.1) ...
#5 64.95 Setting up icu-devtools (67.1-7) ...
#5 64.96 Setting up fonts-dejavu-core (2.37-2) ...
#5 65.03 Setting up libgc1:amd64 (1:8.0.4-3) ...
#5 65.04 Setting up libdpkg-perl (1.20.9) ...
#5 65.05 Setting up libomp5-11:amd64 (1:11.0.1-2) ...
#5 65.06 Setting up libubsan1:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 65.07 Setting up libnsl-dev:amd64 (1.3.0-2) ...
#5 65.08 Setting up libcrypt-dev:amd64 (1:4.4.18-4) ...
#5 65.10 Setting up postgresql-server-dev-10 (10.18-1.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 65.11 Setting up postgresql-contrib (14+231.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 65.12 Setting up libmpdec3:amd64 (2.5.1-1) ...
#5 65.13 Setting up libc6-i386 (2.31-13+deb11u2) ...
#5 65.15 Setting up libx11-6:amd64 (2:1.7.2-1) ...
#5 65.17 Setting up libtiff5:amd64 (4.2.0-1) ...
#5 65.20 Setting up libbinutils:amd64 (2.35.2-2) ...
#5 65.22 Setting up libisl23:amd64 (0.23-1) ...
#5 65.23 Setting up libc-dev-bin (2.31-13+deb11u2) ...
#5 65.24 Setting up libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl (0.04-6+b1) ...
#5 65.26 Setting up publicsuffix (20210108.1309-1) ...
#5 65.27 Setting up libcc1-0:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 65.28 Setting up liblocale-gettext-perl (1.07-4+b1) ...
#5 65.29 Setting up liblsan0:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 65.32 Setting up cpp-10 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 65.33 Setting up libitm1:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 65.34 Setting up libpython3.9-stdlib:amd64 (3.9.2-1) ...
#5 65.36 Setting up libpython3-stdlib:amd64 (3.9.2-3) ...
#5 65.39 Setting up libalgorithm-merge-perl (0.08-3) ...
#5 65.40 Setting up libtsan0:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 65.42 Setting up libctf0:amd64 (2.35.2-2) ...
#5 65.43 Setting up manpages-dev (5.10-1) ...
#5 65.45 Setting up libxpm4:amd64 (1:3.5.12-1) ...
#5 65.47 Setting up libomp-11-dev (1:11.0.1-2) ...
#5 65.48 Setting up fontconfig-config (2.13.1-4.2) ...
#5 65.63 debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
#5 65.63 debconf: (TERM is not set, so the dialog frontend is not usable.)
#5 65.63 debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
#5 65.91 Setting up libgcc-10-dev:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 65.92 Setting up llvm-11 (1:11.0.1-2) ...
#5 65.94 Setting up libobjc4:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 65.95 Setting up libfreetype6:amd64 (2.10.4+dfsg-1) ...
#5 65.97 Setting up lib32gcc-s1 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 65.99 Setting up lib32stdc++6 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 66.00 Setting up libobjc-10-dev:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 66.01 Setting up cpp (4:10.2.1-1) ...
#5 66.03 Setting up libclang-common-11-dev (1:11.0.1-2) ...
#5 66.04 Setting up libc6-dev:amd64 (2.31-13+deb11u2) ...
#5 66.06 Setting up libfontconfig1:amd64 (2.13.1-4.2) ...
#5 66.07 Setting up libicu-dev:amd64 (67.1-7) ...
#5 66.09 Setting up python3.9 (3.9.2-1) ...
#5 67.22 Setting up binutils-x86-64-linux-gnu (2.35.2-2) ...
#5 67.23 Setting up libncurses-dev:amd64 (6.2+20201114-2) ...
#5 67.25 Setting up libstdc++-10-dev:amd64 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 67.25 Setting up python3 (3.9.2-3) ...
#5 67.27 running python rtupdate hooks for python3.9...
#5 67.27 running python post-rtupdate hooks for python3.9...
#5 67.46 Setting up binutils (2.35.2-2) ...
#5 67.47 Setting up dpkg-dev (1.20.9) ...
#5 67.49 Setting up libgd3:amd64 (2.3.0-2) ...
#5 67.50 Setting up gcc-10 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 67.51 Setting up clang-11 (1:11.0.1-2) ...
#5 67.52 Setting up libc-devtools (2.31-13+deb11u2) ...
#5 67.53 Setting up python3-pkg-resources (52.0.0-4) ...
#5 67.82 Setting up libtinfo-dev:amd64 (6.2+20201114-2) ...
#5 67.83 Setting up g++-10 (10.2.1-6) ...
#5 67.85 Setting up python3-yaml (5.3.1-5) ...
#5 68.14 Setting up gcc (4:10.2.1-1) ...
#5 68.18 Setting up python3-pygments (2.7.1+dfsg-2.1) ...
#5 68.98 Setting up g++ (4:10.2.1-1) ...
#5 69.02 update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/g++ to provide /usr/bin/c++ (c++) in auto mode
#5 69.02 Setting up build-essential (12.9) ...
#5 69.04 Setting up llvm-11-tools (1:11.0.1-2) ...
#5 69.04 Setting up llvm-11-dev (1:11.0.1-2) ...
#5 69.06 Setting up postgresql-server-dev-14 (14.0-1.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 69.06 Setting up postgresql-server-dev-11 (11.13-1.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 69.08 Setting up postgresql-server-dev-13 (13.4-4.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 69.09 Setting up postgresql-server-dev-12 (12.8-1.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 69.11 Setting up postgresql-server-dev-all:amd64 (231.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 69.12 Processing triggers for postgresql-common (231.pgdg110+1) ...
#5 69.25 debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
#5 69.25 debconf: (TERM is not set, so the dialog frontend is not usable.)
#5 69.25 debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
#5 69.37 Building PostgreSQL dictionaries from installed myspell/hunspell packages...
#5 69.37 Removing obsolete dictionary files:
#5 69.41 Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.31-13+deb11u2) ...
#5 69.56 Processing triggers for ca-certificates (20210119) ...
#5 69.58 Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs...
#5 70.47 0 added, 0 removed; done.
#5 70.47 Running hooks in /etc/ca-certificates/update.d...
#5 70.47 done.
#5 DONE 71.0s

#6 [3/4] RUN   wget &&   unzip
#6 sha256:0b68df6a5fd1a97fcd8296c73531e5fd72e2a965537574f1a2ff0c2e123a54d3
#6 0.565 --2021-10-14 14:29:40--
#6 0.585 Resolving (
#6 1.875 Connecting to (||:443... connected.
#6 1.997 HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
#6 2.097 Location: [following]
#6 2.097 --2021-10-14 14:29:41--
#6 2.097 Resolving (
#6 2.164 Connecting to (||:443... connected.
#6 2.259 HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
#6 2.368 Length: unspecified [application/zip]
#6 2.369 Saving to: ‘’
#6 2.371 
#6 2.371      0K .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........  733K
#6 2.439     50K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 1.99M
#6 2.467    100K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 7.91M
#6 2.468    150K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 3.63M
#6 2.481    200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 10.6M
#6 2.487    250K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 8.57M
#6 2.491    300K ....                                                   21.6M=0.1s
#6 2.492 
#6 2.492 2021-10-14 14:29:42 (2.42 MB/s) - ‘’ saved [312022]
#6 2.492 
#6 2.515 Archive:
#6 2.515 986e3d47f0b8bc50f521500f029e1e3cd75ce479
#6 2.515    creating: pgtap-master/
#6 2.515   inflating: pgtap-master/Changes    
#6 2.515   inflating: pgtap-master/META.json  
#6 2.515   inflating: pgtap-master/Makefile   
#6 2.515   inflating: pgtap-master/  
#6 2.515    creating: pgtap-master/compat/
#6 2.515    creating: pgtap-master/compat/10/
#6 2.515   inflating: pgtap-master/compat/10/pgtap--0.98.0--0.99.0.patch  
#6 2.515    creating: pgtap-master/compat/9.2/
#6 2.515   inflating: pgtap-master/compat/9.2/pgtap--0.95.0--0.96.0.patch  
#6 2.515    creating: pgtap-master/compat/9.4/
#6 2.515   inflating: pgtap-master/compat/9.4/pgtap--0.96.0--0.97.0.patch  
#6 2.515   inflating: pgtap-master/compat/9.4/pgtap--0.99.0--1.0.0.patch  
#6 2.515    creating: pgtap-master/compat/9.6/
#6 2.515   inflating: pgtap-master/compat/9.6/pgtap--0.97.0--0.98.0.patch  
#6 2.515   inflating: pgtap-master/compat/gencore  
#6 2.515   inflating: pgtap-master/compat/install-9.1.patch  
#6 2.515   inflating: pgtap-master/compat/install-9.2.patch  
#6 2.515   inflating: pgtap-master/compat/install-9.4.patch  
#6 2.515   inflating: pgtap-master/compat/install-9.6.patch  
#6 2.515    creating: pgtap-master/contrib/
#6 2.515   inflating: pgtap-master/contrib/pgtap.spec  
#6 2.515    creating: pgtap-master/doc/
#6 2.515   inflating: pgtap-master/doc/pgtap.mmd  
#6 2.515   inflating: pgtap-master/pgtap.control  
#6 2.515   inflating: pgtap-master/  
#6 2.515    creating: pgtap-master/sql/
#6 2.515   inflating: pgtap-master/sql/pgtap--0.90.0--0.91.0.sql  
#6 2.515   inflating: pgtap-master/sql/pgtap--0.91.0--0.92.0.sql  
#6 2.516   inflating: pgtap-master/sql/pgtap--0.92.0--0.93.0.sql  
#6 2.520   inflating: pgtap-master/sql/pgtap--0.93.0--0.94.0.sql  
#6 2.520   inflating: pgtap-master/sql/pgtap--0.94.0--0.95.0.sql  
#6 2.520   inflating: pgtap-master/sql/  
#6 2.520   inflating: pgtap-master/sql/  
#6 2.520   inflating: pgtap-master/sql/  
#6 2.520   inflating: pgtap-master/sql/  
#6 2.520   inflating: pgtap-master/sql/  
#6 2.520   inflating: pgtap-master/sql/pgtap--1.0.0--1.1.0.sql  
#6 2.520   inflating: pgtap-master/sql/pgtap--1.1.0--1.2.0.sql  
#6 2.520   inflating: pgtap-master/sql/pgtap--unpackaged--0.91.0.sql  
#6 2.520   inflating: pgtap-master/sql/  
#6 2.527    creating: pgtap-master/test/
#6 2.527   inflating: pgtap-master/test/Dockerfile  
#6 2.530   inflating: pgtap-master/test/docker-compose.yml  
#6 2.530    creating: pgtap-master/test/expected/
#6 2.530   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/aretap.out  
#6 2.530  extracting: pgtap-master/test/expected/build.out  
#6 2.530   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/check.out  
#6 2.530   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/cmpok.out  
#6 2.530   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/coltap.out  
#6 2.530  extracting: pgtap-master/test/expected/create.out  
#6 2.530   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/do_tap.out  
#6 2.530   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/enumtap.out  
#6 2.531   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/extension.out  
#6 2.532   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/fktap.out  
#6 2.532   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/functap.out  
#6 2.532   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/hastap.out  
#6 2.533   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/index.out  
#6 2.533   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/inheritance.out  
#6 2.534   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/inheritance_1.out  
#6 2.535   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/inheritance_2.out  
#6 2.535   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/inheritance_3.out  
#6 2.535   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/istap.out  
#6 2.535   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/matching.out  
#6 2.535   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/moretap.out  
#6 2.535   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/ownership.out  
#6 2.536   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/partitions.out  
#6 2.536   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/performs_ok.out  
#6 2.536   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/performs_within.out  
#6 2.536   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/pg73.out  
#6 2.536   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/pktap.out  
#6 2.536   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/policy.out  
#6 2.538   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/privs.out  
#6 2.538   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/resultset.out  
#6 2.541   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/roletap.out  
#6 2.542   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/ruletap.out  
#6 2.543   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/runjusttests.out  
#6 2.544   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/runjusttests_1.out  
#6 2.544   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/runjusttests_2.out  
#6 2.544   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/runjusttests_3.out  
#6 2.544   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/runjusttests_4.out  
#6 2.544   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/runjusttests_5.out  
#6 2.544   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/runjusttests_6.out  
#6 2.545   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/runnotests.out  
#6 2.545   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/runtests.out  
#6 2.545   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/runtests_1.out  
#6 2.545   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/runtests_2.out  
#6 2.545   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/runtests_3.out  
#6 2.545   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/runtests_4.out  
#6 2.545   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/runtests_5.out  
#6 2.545   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/runtests_6.out  
#6 2.546   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/throwtap.out  
#6 2.546   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/todotap.out  
#6 2.546   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/trigger.out  
#6 2.546   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/unique.out  
#6 2.546   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/update.out  
#6 2.546   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/usergroup.out  
#6 2.546   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/util.out  
#6 2.546   inflating: pgtap-master/test/expected/valueset.out  
#6 2.547   inflating: pgtap-master/test/psql.sql  
#6 2.548   inflating: pgtap-master/test/run   
#6 2.548    creating: pgtap-master/test/schedule/
#6 2.548   inflating: pgtap-master/test/schedule/build.sql  
#6 2.548  extracting: pgtap-master/test/schedule/create.sql  
#6 2.548   inflating: pgtap-master/test/schedule/main.sch  
#6 2.548  extracting: pgtap-master/test/schedule/update.sch  
#6 2.548   inflating: pgtap-master/test/schedule/update.sql  
#6 2.548  extracting: pgtap-master/test/setup.sql  
#6 2.548    creating: pgtap-master/test/sql/
#6 2.548   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/aretap.sql  
#6 2.549   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/check.sql  
#6 2.550   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/cmpok.sql  
#6 2.550   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/coltap.sql  
#6 2.550   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/do_tap.sql  
#6 2.550   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/enumtap.sql  
#6 2.550   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/extension.sql  
#6 2.550   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/fktap.sql  
#6 2.551   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/functap.sql  
#6 2.551   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/hastap.sql  
#6 2.556   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/index.sql  
#6 2.556   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/inheritance.sql  
#6 2.556   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/istap.sql  
#6 2.556   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/matching.sql  
#6 2.556   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/moretap.sql  
#6 2.556   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/ownership.sql  
#6 2.556   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/partitions.sql  
#6 2.556   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/performs_ok.sql  
#6 2.556   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/performs_within.sql  
#6 2.558   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/pg73.sql  
#6 2.558   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/pktap.sql  
#6 2.558   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/policy.sql  
#6 2.559   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/privs.sql  
#6 2.563   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/resultset.sql  
#6 2.563   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/roletap.sql  
#6 2.563   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/ruletap.sql  
#6 2.563   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/runjusttests.sql  
#6 2.563   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/runnotests.sql  
#6 2.563   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/runtests.sql  
#6 2.563   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/throwtap.sql  
#6 2.563   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/todotap.sql  
#6 2.563   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/trigger.sql  
#6 2.563   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/unique.sql  
#6 2.563   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/usergroup.sql  
#6 2.563   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/util.sql  
#6 2.563   inflating: pgtap-master/test/sql/valueset.sql  
#6 2.563   inflating: pgtap-master/test/  
#6 2.563    creating: pgtap-master/tools/
#6 2.563   inflating: pgtap-master/tools/  
#6 2.563   inflating: pgtap-master/tools/  
#6 2.563   inflating: pgtap-master/tools/  
#6 2.563   inflating: pgtap-master/tools/  
#6 2.563   inflating: pgtap-master/tools/  
#6 2.563   inflating: pgtap-master/tools/  
#6 DONE 2.6s

#7 [4/4] RUN   cd pgtap-master &&   make &&   make install
#7 sha256:cb98807e19138fc30d71094239d66452e7d2f01abc989741cad3ea2055920297
#7 0.470 
#7 0.481 GNUmake running against Postgres version 14.0, with pg_config located at /usr/bin
#7 0.481 
#7 0.647 Makefile:179: To use pg_prove, TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP Perl module
#7 0.647 Makefile:180: must be installed from CPAN. To do so, simply run:
#7 0.647 Makefile:181: cpan TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP
#7 0.723 cp sql/ sql/pgtap--0.95.0--0.96.0.sql
#7 0.726 cp sql/ sql/pgtap--0.96.0--0.97.0.sql
#7 0.728 cp sql/ sql/pgtap--0.97.0--0.98.0.sql
#7 0.730 cp sql/ sql/pgtap--0.98.0--0.99.0.sql
#7 0.732 cp sql/ sql/pgtap--0.99.0--1.0.0.sql
#7 0.740 cp sql/ sql/pgtap.sql
#7 0.742 sed -e 's,MODULE_PATHNAME,$libdir/pgtap,g' -e 's,__OS__,linux,g' -e 's,__VERSION__,1.2,g' sql/pgtap.sql > sql/pgtap.tmp
#7 0.751 mv sql/pgtap.tmp sql/pgtap.sql
#7 0.753 grep '^CREATE ' sql/pgtap.sql | '/usr/bin/perl' -e 'for (reverse <STDIN>) { chomp; s/CREATE (OR REPLACE )?/DROP /; print "$_;\n" }' | sed 's/DROP \(FUNCTION\|VIEW\|TYPE\) /DROP \1 IF EXISTS /' | sed -E 's/ (DEFAULT|=)[ ]+[a-zA-Z0-9]+//g' > sql/uninstall_pgtap.sql
#7 0.780 cp sql/ sql/pgtap-static.sql.tmp
#7 0.782 for p in `ls compat/install-*.patch | sort -rn`; do \
#7 0.782    echo; echo '***' "Patching pgtap-static.sql with $p"; \
#7 0.782    sed -e 's#sql/pgtap.sql#sql/pgtap-static.sql.tmp#g' "$p" | patch -p0; \
#7 0.782 done
#7 0.785 
#7 0.785 *** Patching pgtap-static.sql with compat/install-9.6.patch
#7 0.793 patching file sql/pgtap-static.sql.tmp
#7 0.794 Hunk #1 succeeded at 10143 (offset 245 lines).
#7 0.794 
#7 0.794 *** Patching pgtap-static.sql with compat/install-9.4.patch
#7 0.798 patching file sql/pgtap-static.sql.tmp
#7 0.798 Hunk #1 succeeded at 675 (offset 5 lines).
#7 0.798 Hunk #2 succeeded at 779 (offset 5 lines).
#7 0.799 Hunk #3 succeeded at 10161 (offset 245 lines).
#7 0.800 
#7 0.800 *** Patching pgtap-static.sql with compat/install-9.2.patch
#7 0.804 patching file sql/pgtap-static.sql.tmp
#7 0.804 Hunk #1 succeeded at 784 (offset 5 lines).
#7 0.804 Hunk #2 succeeded at 6616 (offset 239 lines).
#7 0.806 
#7 0.806 *** Patching pgtap-static.sql with compat/install-9.1.patch
#7 0.809 patching file sql/pgtap-static.sql.tmp
#7 0.810 Hunk #1 succeeded at 781 (offset 5 lines).
#7 0.810 Hunk #2 succeeded at 6609 (offset 239 lines).
#7 0.813 patching file sql/pgtap-static.sql.tmp
#7 0.813 Hunk #1 succeeded at 7076 (offset 170 lines).
#7 0.813 Hunk #2 succeeded at 7229 (offset 170 lines).
#7 0.815 sed -e 's#MODULE_PATHNAME#$libdir/pgtap#g' -e 's#__OS__#linux#g' -e 's#__VERSION__#1.2#g' sql/pgtap-static.sql.tmp > sql/pgtap-static.sql
#7 0.825 '/usr/bin/perl' compat/gencore 0 sql/pgtap-static.sql > sql/pgtap-core.sql
#7 0.839 '/usr/bin/perl' compat/gencore 1 sql/pgtap-static.sql > sql/pgtap-schema.sql
#7 0.856 cp sql/pgtap.sql sql/pgtap--1.2.0.sql
#7 0.859 cp sql/pgtap-core.sql sql/pgtap-core--1.2.0.sql
#7 0.862 cp sql/pgtap-schema.sql sql/pgtap-schema--1.2.0.sql
#7 0.872 
#7 0.881 GNUmake running against Postgres version 14.0, with pg_config located at /usr/bin
#7 0.881 
#7 1.095 Makefile:179: To use pg_prove, TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP Perl module
#7 1.095 Makefile:180: must be installed from CPAN. To do so, simply run:
#7 1.095 Makefile:181: cpan TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP
#7 1.186 /bin/mkdir -p '/usr/share/postgresql/14/extension'
#7 1.188 /bin/mkdir -p '/usr/share/postgresql/14/extension'
#7 1.194 /bin/mkdir -p '/usr/share/doc/postgresql-doc-14/extension'
#7 1.224 /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 .//pgtap.control '/usr/share/postgresql/14/extension/'
#7 1.233 /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 .//sql/pgtap--0.90.0--0.91.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--0.91.0--0.92.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--0.92.0--0.93.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--0.93.0--0.94.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--0.94.0--0.95.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--0.95.0--0.96.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--0.96.0--0.97.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--0.97.0--0.98.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--0.98.0--0.99.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--0.99.0--1.0.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--1.0.0--1.1.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--1.1.0--1.2.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--1.2.0.sql .//sql/pgtap--unpackaged--0.91.0.sql .//sql/pgtap-core--1.2.0.sql .//sql/pgtap-core.sql .//sql/pgtap-schema--1.2.0.sql .//sql/pgtap-schema.sql .//sql/pgtap.sql .//sql/uninstall_pgtap.sql  '/usr/share/postgresql/14/extension/'
#7 1.238 /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 .//doc/pgtap.mmd '/usr/share/doc/postgresql-doc-14/extension/'
#7 DONE 1.3s

#8 exporting to image
#8 sha256:e8c613e07b0b7ff33893b694f7759a10d42e180f2b4dc349fb57dc6b71dcab00
#8 exporting layers
#8 exporting layers 9.4s done
#8 writing image sha256:dcdd7fc7b263ba0f889a532cddc417bd6c3540b99d224c4f610196cd01b73204 0.0s done
#8 naming to done
#8 DONE 9.5s
$ docker run --name pgtap-repro -d -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password pgtap-repro


$ docker exec -it pgtap-repro bash -c "cd /pgtap-master && make installcheck PGUSER=postgres ; head regression.diffs"

GNUmake running against Postgres version 14.0, with pg_config located at /usr/bin

Makefile:179: To use pg_prove, TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP Perl module
Makefile:180: must be installed from CPAN. To do so, simply run:
Makefile:181: cpan TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP
Problems encountered determining maximum parallel test connections; forcing serial mode
Using 1 parallel test connections
Rebuilding test/build/all_tests
Schedule changed to test/build/serial.sch
cp `cat test/build/which_schedule` test/build/run.sch
/usr/lib/postgresql/14/lib/pgxs/src/makefiles/../../src/test/regress/pg_regress --inputdir=./ --bindir='/usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin'    --inputdir=test --max-connections=1 --schedule test/schedule/main.sch   --schedule test/build/run.sch 
(using postmaster on Unix socket, default port)
============== dropping database "regression"         ==============
NOTICE:  database "regression" does not exist, skipping
============== creating database "regression"         ==============
============== running regression test queries        ==============
test build                        ... ok          452 ms
test create                       ... ok          152 ms
test aretap                       ... ok         3757 ms
test check                        ... ok          147 ms
test cmpok                        ... ok           85 ms
test coltap                       ... ok          422 ms
test do_tap                       ... ok           92 ms
test enumtap                      ... ok          221 ms
test extension                    ... ok          273 ms
test fktap                        ... ok          481 ms
test functap                      ... ok          888 ms
test hastap                       ... ok         1706 ms
test index                        ... ok          484 ms
test inheritance                  ... ok          648 ms
test istap                        ... ok           91 ms
test matching                     ... ok           91 ms
test moretap                      ... ok          164 ms
test ownership                    ... ok          648 ms
test partitions                   ... ok          200 ms
test performs_ok                  ... ok           89 ms
test performs_within              ... ok           88 ms
test pg73                         ... ok           73 ms
test pktap                        ... ok          193 ms
test policy                       ... ok          297 ms
test privs                        ... ok          549 ms
test resultset                    ... ok         1792 ms
test roletap                      ... ok           91 ms
test ruletap                      ... ok          209 ms
test runjusttests                 ... ok          162 ms
test runnotests                   ... ok           61 ms
test runtests                     ... ok          182 ms
test throwtap                     ... ok          163 ms
test todotap                      ... ok           70 ms
test trigger                      ... ok          172 ms
test unique                       ... ok          141 ms
test usergroup                    ... ok          129 ms
test util                         ... ok           62 ms
test valueset                     ... ok         1192 ms

 All 38 tests passed. 

head: cannot open 'regression.diffs' for reading: No such file or directory