theowenyoung / gatsby-theme-primer-wiki

A Gatsby Theme for Wiki/Docs/Knowledge Base, which using Primer style as the UI theme, can work well with Foam or Obsibian or just markdown files.
MIT License
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Cannot query field "fbAppId" on type "SiteSiteMetadata". #59

Open thomassajot opened 2 years ago

thomassajot commented 2 years ago

It seems that the new version of this theme requires to add "fbAppID" in the site metadata.

Here is the error message: Screenshot (11)

Is there a typo and the attribute should be in SiteMetadata instead of SiteSiteMetadata?

What should happen if I do not have a fbAppid ?

padosum commented 2 years ago

Hello @thomassajot I think we need to set the empty string to avoid error message like this,

const siteMetadata = {
  title: "Example Wiki",
  shortName: "Wiki",
  description: "wikiwki",
  imageUrl: "/img.png",
  siteUrl: "https://wikiwki",
  fbAppId: '', // set it to an empty string

all the values of siteMetadata are used here