theowenyoung / gatsby-theme-primer-wiki

A Gatsby Theme for Wiki/Docs/Knowledge Base, which using Primer style as the UI theme, can work well with Foam or Obsibian or just markdown files.
MIT License
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foam gatsby knowledge-base notes obsidian wiki

Gatsby Theme Primer Wiki

A Gatsby Theme for Wiki/Docs/Knowledge Base, which using Primer style as the UI theme, can work well with Foam or Obsibian or just markdown files.

This theme is inspired with gatsby-project-kb, gatsby-digital-garden and doctocat

Sites that use this theme



Here are my main ideas/principles in designing this theme.

  1. No vendor lock-in. The less vendor features you use, the better you'll be able to migrate. [[Wikilink]] is the only non-markdown feature supported by default, but nonetheless, it is recommended to use the standard markdown syntax, or if you edit with Foam, please use Wikilink with Link Reference Definitions. That give us the capability change our theme, or hosted place.
  2. Use meta data instead of special characters. We should use tags as the document's metadata, not #tag in the plain text.
  3. Use tags instead of categories. Minimal subfolders.

Getting Started

With Foam template repo

See foam-template-gatsby-theme-primer-wiki

With the Obsidian template repo

See obsidian-template-gatsby-theme-primer-wiki

With the Gatsby starter

See gatsby-starter-primer-wiki


npm i gatsby-theme-primer-wiki


Theme Config

Edit gatsby-config.js

If you use foam template, edit .layouts/gatsby-config.js


      resolve: "gatsby-theme-primer-wiki",
      options: {
        sidebarDepth: 0,
        nav: [
            title: "Github",
            url: "",
        editUrl: ``,

A valid config can be found here


For header navs. Support two depth levels. Example:

  nav: [
      title: "Github",
      url: "",
      title: "Menus",
      items: [
          title: "Menu1",
          url: "",


You remote git repo url prefix.


Advanced, use your own mdx plugin config, See

Prefix Path

See here


You can use icon as your site logo path. Example:

  "icon": "static/icon.png"


      nav: [],
      mdxOtherwiseConfigured: false, // advanced, use your own mdx plugin config, See
      remarkPlugins: [], // add gatsby-plugin-mdx remarkPlugins
      rehypePlugins: [], // add gatsby-plugin-mdx rehypePlugins
      gatsbyRemarkPlugins: [], // add gatsby-plugin-mdx gatsbyRemarkPlugins
      extensions: [`.mdx`, ".md", ".markdown"], // supported file extensions for mdx
      sidebarDefault: "auto", // first summary -> tags -> files tree , value can be auto, summary, tag, category
      sidebarComponents: [], // custom sitebar components, value can be summary, latest, tag, category, example: ["summary", "latest", "tag"], if this be defined, sidebarDefault will not work.
      imageMaxWidth: 561, // max width for image
      contentMaxWidth: 1440, // max width for content, include right sidebar
      sidebarDepth: 0, // sidebar depth, default is 0;
      summaryDepth: 1, // specify summary depth if exist
      summary1DepthIndent: false, // specify summary depth 0 indent, default false, not indent, when depth>1, it will indent
      editUrl: "", // github/gitlab editurl, with prefix, example: '',
      editUrlText: "Edit this page", // edit url text
      shouldShowLastUpdated: true, // should show last updated
      latestUpdatedText: "Recently Updated",
      shouldShowTagGroupsOnIndex: true, // should show tags list at index page
      shouldSupportTags: true, // whether support tags
      tagText: "Tags",
      categoryText: "Categories",
      shouldSupportLatest: true, // whether support latest posts, if true, theme will generate /latest/ page show latest updated posts.
      shouldShowLatestOnIndex: true, // should show latest posts on index,
      defaultIndexLatestPostCount: 10, // default latest posts on index count, default is 25
      rewriteUrlFileIgnore: [], // not rewrite ``  to `xxx`
      rewriteToParentUrlFileIgnore: [], // not add parent path join for the file
      defaultColorMode: "day", // default color mode, auto, night, day
      lastUpdatedTransformer: (isoString) => {
        const dateObj = new Date(isoString);
        const date = dateObj.toLocaleString("en-US", {
          day: "numeric",
          month: "numeric",
          year: "numeric",
        return date;
      lastUpdatedText: "Last updated on",

Custom Sidebars

Create a file named in your content directory, for the format, just following the Gitbook docs.

You can set a custom default sidebar depth using sidebarDepth, the default value is 0

Custom Theme

You can overwrite all site theme by add src/gatsby-theme-primer-wiki/theme.js

const theme = {
  colorSchemes: {
    light: {
      colors: {
        text: {
          primary: "red",

export default theme;

See the default primer theme at here





Backlinks & Tags


Graph Visualisation


Dark Theme

Dark Theme