theozaurus / drawing-fabric.js

An expandable drawing editor based on fabric.js
MIT License
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Drawing Fabric

Drawing Fabric is designed to create a highly configurable and extendable vector drawing editor built on top of Fabric.js.

It achieves this by using Functionality blocks. These are used in combination with each other to build an editor that suits what you need. Please check out the demo page and source to see how this in action.

By allowing all functionality blocks to be optional the production codebase size can be kept to a minimum.


After DOM load, we need to initalize the DrawingFabric.Canvas like so:

var c = new DrawingFabric.Canvas('canvas');

We can then start bolting the functionality we want into it. For example we may want a simple one that adds double click support:

c.addFunctionality(new DrawingFabric.Functionality.addDoubleClick());

This will use the existing fabric.js event mechanism to trigger a new event called object:dblselected.

Some things are more complicated, and we need to be able to configure them. Say for example we want a widget that tracks where the mouse is. We can pass it information about where we want the results in our DOM, and it'll take care of the rest:

c.addFunctionality(new DrawingFabric.Functionality.mouseInfo({
  x: $('.js-mouse-info-x'),
  y: $('.js-mouse-info-y')

Functionality Blocks

Here's a list of what functionality has been created so far:


In order to help maintainability the code (found in src) is split into multiple files. Sprockets is used to describe the dependencies between the files. If you want to use this code in something like Rails with the asset pipeline, then just copy the src directory to your project and let that deal with the build dependencies. This allows you to specify exactly what bits of DrawingFabric you need.

However, if you just need a file with everything in it then that can be found in the build directory.

If you want to generate a new version of this you must first install Ruby and Bundler.

Once you have this:

$ bundle install $ bundle exec rake build

This will create a new copy of the code in the build folder. It will not package any external dependencies (jQuery, fabric.js).


This project is very much in it's infancy, here is what is top of the list:


Please make pull requests for new bits of funtionality, or fine tuning existing functionality.