This builds on ASP.NET Core MVC tag helpers for GOV.UK Design System by James Gunn.
We add support for:
ASP.NET client-side validation using jQuery Unobtrusive Validation
Adding the following non-interactive components entirely in Umbraco:
Configuring the text for the following components in Umbraco:
Additional components:
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) styling for all of the above components, and:
We target GOV.UK Frontend v5.2.0 in line with James Gunn's base project.
ASP.NET support for GOV.UK Design System components is published on NuGet as ThePensionsRegulator.GovUk.Frontend
ASP.NET support for The Pensions Regulator components, and The Pensions Regulator styling of GOV.UK components, is published on NuGet as ThePensionsRegulator.Frontend
We provide features for building applications with Umbraco, particularly for working with block grids and block lists. These are not dependent on the GOV.UK Design System (but some examples do refer to GOV.UK Design System components).
Umbraco features not dependent upon the GOV.UK Design System are published on NuGet as ThePensionsRegulator.Umbraco
Umbraco unit-testing support is published on NuGet as ThePensionsRegulator.Umbraco.Testing
Umbraco GOV.UK Design System support is published on NuGet as ThePensionsRegulator.GovUk.Frontend.Umbraco
This project prioritises the components required by The Pensions Regulator (TPR). Please open an issue if you find a bug, want to request improvements to a component we already support, or wish to implement a component we do not yet support. Pull requests are welcome.
We also encourage contributions to the base project we're building upon, govuk-frontend-aspnetcore.
See Contributing to govuk-frontend-aspnetcore-extensions for how to implement and test features.
This is a community implementation of the GOV.UK Design System. The Design System team is not responsible for it and cannot support you with using it. Open an issue if you need help or you want to request a feature.