thephpleague / phpunit-coverage-listener

Report code coverage statistics to third-party services
MIT License
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PHPUnit Coverage Listener

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PHPUnit Coverage Listener is a utility library that allow you to process the PHPUnit code-coverage information and send it into some remote location via cURL.

The main goal of the PHPunit Coverage Listener package is to provide a mechanism that generate a payload data (from PHPUnit code-coverage information) named coverage.json and send it to remote location, with bellow structure (simplified) :

    "repo_token": "s3cr3th4sh",
        "run_at": "2013-01-20 00:10:10 -0000",
        "source_files": [
            "name": "Resource.php",
            "source": "<?php \n  echo 'Hello World'\n", // Source code contains 2 lines
            "coverage": [null, 2]                       // Coverage information on each lines
        //... other source information
    "git": {
        "head" : {
            "author_name": "toopay",
            "author_email": "",
            "message": "Commit message"
        "remotes" : [{
            "name": "origin",
            "url": "",
            "fetch": "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*"

Then in the target server, you could accept the payload as follow (simplified) :


$success = false;

if (!empty($_FILES) && isset($_FILES['json_file'])) {
    $target = __DIR__.'/coverage.json';
    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['json_file']['tmp_name'], $target);
    $success = 'Saved into http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/coverage.json';

header('Content-Type: application/json');

Above json data could be process furthermore to expose usefull information about your code-coverage information in a way that fit with your specific needs. Coveralls service would be a perfect example in this scenario.



Via Composer

composer require league/phpunit-coverage-listener

Basic Usage

Let's say you want to send a payload data for Coveralls each time your Travis job successfully build. All you need to do is adding bellow section within your phpunit configuration that used by .travis.yml (mostly you wont need this in your development environment) :

    <log type="coverage-clover" target="/tmp/coverage.xml"/>
    <listener class="League\PHPUnitCoverageListener\Listener">
                <element key="printer">
                  <object class="League\PHPUnitCoverageListener\Printer\StdOut"/>
                <element key="hook">
                  <object class="League\PHPUnitCoverageListener\Hook\Travis"/>
                <element key="namespace">
                <element key="repo_token">
                <element key="target_url">
                <element key="coverage_dir">

And thats it.

Advance Usage

As you may noticed on previous section, in order to work properly, Listener class need to know several things. They are being passed from your phpunit configuration within listener arguments directive.

Bellow table describe each configuration options respectively :

Key Name Value Description
printer League\PHPUnitCoverageListener\PrinterInterface Required
hook League\PHPUnitCoverageListener\HookInterface Optional
namespace String Optional
repo_token String Required
target_url String Required
coverage_dir String Required
send bool Optional


This option contains PrinterInterface that will be used by Listener class in several points. In previous section, we set it to use StdOut printer that will print out any output informations directly into standard output. You could use your own printer class as long as it implements required interface.


This option allow you to hook into Listener life-cycle. HookInterface has two method to be implemented : beforeCollect and afterCollect. It will receive Collection data, and then will alter or do something with the data on each hook point. In the previous example, Travis hook actually only contains bellow code :

public function beforeCollect(Collection $data)
    // Check for Travis-CI environment
    // if it appears, then assign it respectively
    if (getenv('TRAVIS_JOB_ID') || isset($_ENV['TRAVIS_JOB_ID'])) {
        // Remove repo token

        // And use travis config
        $travis_job_id = isset($_ENV['TRAVIS_JOB_ID']) ? $_ENV['TRAVIS_JOB_ID'] : getenv('TRAVIS_JOB_ID');
        $data->set('service_name', 'travis-ci');
        $data->set('service_job_id', $travis_job_id);

    return $data;

Currently there are Travis and Circle hooks. You could register your own hook class that suit for your need as long as it implements required interface.


Option namespace string could be passed into the Listener, so that the generated coverage information use "relative" name instead literal file path. For example, if your source is src/My/Package/Resource.php, and you passing My\Package as namespace option, generated file name within coverage payload data will be My/Package/Resource.php.


This option could be anything. Timestamp? Coveralls account token? Jenkins build token? Its up to you. But it was still neccessary to supply this option into the Listener class.


This option could be any valid url. For example, if you use Coveralls this option can be set to its REST endpoint :


The directory you specified here must be the same directory from which PHPUnit generate coverage.xml report. Listener will also outputing coverage.json within this directory, so ensure this directory is writable.


As default, this library purpose is to collect and generate code-coverage data then send those payload data into remote location. But if you want to only collect and generate the data, add bellow option :

<element key="send">

within the listener arguments array directive.


See the changelog file


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


Bugs and feature request are tracked on GitHub


PHPUnit Coverage Listener is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.