therealdannzor / abrahm

A better attempt to build a blockchain in Rust (integration to do)
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Abrahm Chain

Abrahm is a permissioned Rust blockchain created for educational purposes. It is inspired by the go-ethereum and diem clients. A similarity with Ethereum is that it uses the account-based transaction model, mainly for simplicity. Transaction finality is handled through PBFT consensus (Castro and Liskov, 1999). Diem has been used as a reference to better understand designs of Rust blockchains and as an example of how to produce excellent documentation. A significant part of the drive for this project is to implement the PBFT three-phase consensus protocol from its specification and connect it to the other modules of a blockchain system.

Due to the wide scope, building a functional blockchain from scratch, several trade-offs have been done. The goals have been boiled down to the essentials and the non-goals are many.

Goal (Implementation features)

Non-Goals (Omit) and Limitations


The ambition is to demonstrate the most fundamental components of a working blockchain, albeit with rudimentary functionality. The focus is to deliver a complete and working baseline rather than the most clever, novel, and performant one. The different architectural components are:


The main ones are: