thermo2016 / SensirionSmartGadget

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Sales blurb:

"The Smart Gadget not only shows humidity and temperature values on the display, but can also communicate with a bluetooth SMART capable device like a smartphone."

How to communicate the Raspberry Pi?

This is done with a Raspberry Pi 2B running Ubuntu Mate, but should work on other distributions.

Use a compatable USB Blurtooth dongle

I use the Plugable one: Others may work.

Install the BlueZ package

I downloaded the latest version from Install instructions can be found here Or you can install from the repositry, but I didn't test this

$ sudo apt-get install bluez bluez-utils

Test connecting

Press the button on the sensor gadget to switch on the bluetooth radio. Then :

$ sudo hcitool dev
    hci0    5C:F3:70:75:C9:7B
$ sudo hcitool lescan
LE Scan ...
98:D6:BB:22:0B:19 (unknown)
98:D6:BB:22:0B:19 (unknown)
DC:88:34:2D:8E:DB (unknown)
DC:88:34:2D:8E:DB Smart Humigadget
$ sudo gatttool -I -b DC:88:34:2D:8E:DB -t random
[DC:88:34:2D:8E:DB][LE]> connect
Attempting to connect to DC:88:34:2D:8E:DB
Connection successful

Reading the sensor data.

For this you need to know the UUID of the sensors. This can be found in the documentation from the Sensiron GitHub site.

From the gatttols prompt:

[DC:88:34:2D:8E:DB][LE]> char-read-uuid 00002235-b38d-4985-720e-0F993a68ee
handle: 0x0037   value: 00 00 b2 41

The value is a 32bit little-endian floating point number. See to see how to convert it to a readable number.

Reading from a python script

I use the pygatt library. Install using pip

pip install pygatt

See to see how to read the sensors.
