theshredbox / CropSense

MIT License
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🌾 CropSense

Landless or marginal farmers lack the resources to either buy or lease more land or invest in farm infrastructure. In order to mitigate this agrarian crisis in the current status quo, there is a need for better recommendation systems to alleviate the crisis by helping the farmers to make an informed decision before starting the cultivation of crops.

To recommend optimum crops to be cultivated by farmers based on several parameters and help them make an informed decision before cultivation The major parameters considered here are:

  1. Soil Quality (N, P, K values respectively)
  2. Humidity
  3. Temperature
  4. Rainfall

Plant Disease Detection

Monitoring the crop's health is as important as ensuring the sufficiency of all other parameters. A ResNet transfer learning model is used for high-end image recognition. The model is trained on different classes of images with different plant diseases and then the model is evaluated using the testing dataset.

:pushpin: DATASET




:open_file_folder: Download and Unzip Contents from GitHub Repo

Download and unzip contents from

:green_book: Generating the PKL file

The machine learning model used in this project will first have to be generated by successfully running the included Jupyter notebook. Upon successfully running all code cells, a pickled model for each ML model trained will be created that can be further used for deployment.

:bar_chart:Directory Structure

├── main
│   ├── data
│     ├── Crop Recommendation Dataset
│     ├── Disease Detection Dataset (Gdrive link)
│   ├── src
│     ├── data visualization
│     ├── tasks
│     ├── codes
│     ├── deployment
├── License
├── requirements.txt    
└── .gitignore


Contributions to the Crop Recommendation System are welcome! If you would like to contribute, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix: git checkout -b feature-name.
  3. Make the necessary changes and commit them.
  4. Push your branch to your forked repository: git push origin feature-name.
  5. Submit a pull request to the main repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to modify and distribute the code