thesuavehog / aws-sns-to-google-chat-space

Transform CloudWatch Alarm messages into Google Chat Cards v2 messages and send them to a Google Chat Space
MIT License
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aws cdk cloudformation-template cloudwatch-alarms eventbridge-pipes google-chat

CloudWatch Alerts -> Google Chat Space

This project implements a workflow to transform CloudWatch Alerts into Google Chat Cards v2 messages and sent them to a Google Chat Space.

It is called "SNS to Google Chat Space" beause technically any SNS message can be transformed and the intention is to add more templates in the future to apply transformations to different message types, but for now, only CloudWatch Alerts templates are supported.

NOTE: Currently there are no Lambda functions used. EventBridge Pipes orchestrates the workflow and the transformations are done via Input Transforms in Pipes instead of processing via a Lambda. This limits the transformations to simple field mappings from source message to destination fields but means there is basically $0 for this flow unless you have a lot of messages going through it (which would make for a very noisey Google CHat Space!).

How to use this repo...

This repository generates a CloudFormation template using the AWS CDK. You can choose to either:

The project supports both CDK context configuration properties or CloudFormation Parameters to define the configuration. Decide which one you want to use based upon (primarily) if you want to generate a template you can reuse and decide on the config when you deploy it, or if you want to script up the deployment in a CI/CD process. E.g. maybe you don't want to initialize an AWS Account with CDK deployment permissions so you generate and save the CloudFormation template to use whenever you need it.


This project supports defining configuration in a cdk.context.json file or using CloudFormation Parameters as the configuration source. Each config property can be defined in either location and you can mix and match them. E.g. maybe you want to generate a tempalte that has the same Message title & icon but deploy it with different spaces. You can define the title & icon in the CDK Contet and leave the space definition as CloudFormation parameters (e.g. for when you want to deploy the template on dev vs prod and just change the channel the messages are sent to).

E.g. cdk.context.json

  "GoogleChatConfig": {
   "MessageTitle": "ProjectA",
   "MessageIcon": "",
   "Space": {
     "Label": "ProjectA_Alerts",
     "Endpoint": "

These values can also be set in a flat context structure in cdk.context.json:

   "GoogleChatMessageTitle": "ProjectA",
   "GoogleChatMessageIcon": "",
   "GoogleChatSpaceLabel": "ProjectA_Alerts",
   "GoogleChatSpaceEndpoint": "

These values can be provided as parameters in the stack when you deploy (e.g. cdk deploy --parameters GoogleChatMessageTitle=ProjectA).

These values can also be set as Context values on the cdk command line (e.g. cdk synth --context GoogleChatMessageTitle=ProjectA).

Any configuration defined in the CDK context (cdk.context.json or on the command line) supresses the CloudFormation Parameters for those config items (since you already defined the values, you don't need CloudFormation Parameters as well).

Message Flow

  1. CloudWatch Alert generates an Alert and you should choose an SNS Topic as the Action for this Alert. You can use an existing topic or have this stack create one for you.
  2. SNS cannot be directly used as a source for EventBridge Pipes (ugh...) so there is an intermediary SQS Queue created that is subscribed to the SNS Topic and is then used as the source for events for the EventBridge Pipe
    • note: SNS -> SQS subscription is set to rawMessageDelivery so that the SNS message wrapper is not included in the message.
  3. The SQS message body contains the escaped JSON string of the raw CloudWatch Alerts message. EventBridge Pipes can unescape and parse the body for you so the template references are <$.body.FIELD> to reference a FIELD of the CloudWatch Alarm data. This is delivered to the Pipe as the Source message.
  4. The Input Transformation is applied to generate the final JSON payload that is actually sent to the Api Destination.

Debugging Tips

Known Limitations

Technology Used/Required

AWS Services Used