thewh1teagle / rookie

Load cookies from your web browsers
MIT License
200 stars 17 forks source link
browser cookies rust winapi


PyPi Downloads PyPi Version NPM Version Crates License

Load cookies from any browser on any platform

Features πŸš€

Usage βš™οΈ


cargo add rookie

Create with the following

use rookie::brave;

fn main() {
    let domains = vec![""];
    let cookies = brave(Some(domains)).unwrap();
    for cookie in cookies {
        println!("{:?}", cookie);


pip install rookiepy

And the usage it similar to Rust

import rookiepy
cookies = rookiepy.firefox([""])
for cookie in cookies:
    print(cookie['domain'], cookie['value'])


npm install @rookie-rs/api
import { brave } from "@rookie-rs/api";
const cookies = brave();
for (const cookie of cookies) {

Examples πŸ“‹

Rust examples/rust

Python examples/python

JavaScript examples/javascript

Docs πŸ“˜




CLI πŸ’»

You can use rookie as a CLI tool which will decrypt the cookies and print it as JSON
See cli folder

Contribute 🀝

So far the following platforms are supported:

You are welcome to contribute support for other browsers, or other platforms.

Support new browsers 🌐

If you have a browser with which the library isn't working with, it may not have been added to the list of supported browsers configs. You can create a pull request (PR) or an issue with the path to the cookies file on your computer, and I will add it.

look at rookie-rs/config.json to see what configurations is needed.

Testing Dates (DD/MM/YY) πŸ“…

Browser Linux macOS Windows
Arc 2024/08/07 2024/08/07 2024/08/07
Brave 2024/10/26 2024/10/26 2024/10/26
Cachy 2024/06/04 N/A N/A
Chromium 2024/10/26 2024/10/26 2024/03/16
Chrome 2024/10/26 2024/10/26 2024/03/16
Edge 2023/10/01 2024/08/07 2024/03/16
Firefox 2024/10/26 2023/11/25 2024/03/16
IE N/A N/A 2024/03/16
LibreWolf 2023/10/01 2023/11/25 2023/10/01
Opera 2023/10/01 - 2023/10/01
Opera GX N/A - 2023/10/01
Safari N/A 2024/10/26 N/A
Vivaldi 2023/10/01 2023/11/25 2023/10/01
Zen - 2024/10/26 -

Credits πŸ™Œ