thi-ng / geom

2D/3D geometry toolkit for Clojure/Clojurescript
Apache License 2.0
956 stars 79 forks source link
charts geometry mesh-generation obj opengl ply stl subdivision svg visualization voxel webgl

+SETUPFILE: ./meta/



** Status

The project was in active, almost daily development from late 2011 - summer 2016 during its 4th iteration/rewrite cycle. Originally developed in a Literate Programming style using Emacs & Org-mode, in May 2018 it was decided to revert to a traditional Clojure project setup to encourage more contributions from other interested parties. The original .org source files are kept for reference in the [[./org/]] directory until further notice.

Regardless of version number, the library is mature and has been used successfully in several commercial projects over the past 10 years and can be considered stable for most use cases.

** Leiningen coordinates

+BEGIN_SRC clojure

[ "1.0.1"]


*** Additional dependencies for JOGL

If you're intending to use this library's OpenGL functionality under Clojure (not ClojureScript), the following additional native dependencies must be added to your project (for each platform you intend to use):

+BEGIN_SRC clojure

[org.jogamp.gluegen/gluegen-rt "2.3.2" :classifier "natives-macosx-universal"] [org.jogamp.jogl/jogl-all "2.3.2" :classifier "natives-macosx-universal"]


The full list of supported platform =:classifier='s:

| natives-android-aarch64.jar | | natives-android-armv6.jar | | natives-linux-amd64.jar | | natives-linux-armv6.jar | | natives-linux-armv6hf.jar | | natives-linux-i586.jar | | natives-macosx-universal.jar | | natives-solaris-amd64.jar | | natives-solaris-i586.jar | | natives-windows-amd64.jar | | natives-windows-i586.jar |

** Overview is a comprehensive and modular geometry & visualization toolkit for Clojure/ClojureScript. It provides a large set of purely math & geometry oriented data types, a polymorphic, largely protocol based API to transform/convert types and various ways to create interactive visualizations in SVG, WebGL, OpenGL, both in the browser and in desktop environments.

Embracing Clojure's approach of data transformations, the library's core philosophy is based on a functional approach to generative design tasks with hundreds of hours spent on refining & optimizing the core API for both Clojure & Clojurescript.

Unlike most other open source projects, this project has been developed in a literate programming style and has been in active, regular development since late 2011, currently in its 4th iteration/rewrite cycle.

You're highly encouraged to consult the source code, which contains documentation, examples, diagrams and general usage pattern hints.

This project is part of the [[][]] collection of Clojure & Clojurescript libraries and makes uses of several other projects in this collection (see dependencies further below).

*** Example usage

A growing number (currently ~40) of small examples are included in this repo under the =/examples= directory:

Interactive examples:

Growing list of [[][ workshop]] repositories (These workshops were running on a monthly basis & internationally in 2015/2016):

A preliminary list of other projects using this library:

*** Project structure

Use the diagram below to quickly navigate to any namespace in the project. Nodes in the graph have tooltips with a brief description of each namespace. Note: Due to GH restrictions on SVG files, first click anywhere on the diagram before trying to navigate to a specific namespace.


*** Main features (non-exhaustive list)

*** API scope

Since the core library does only deal with pure "platonic" geometry types, it doesn't directly address any display or rendering functionality at all. However a number of support modules are provided, incl. OpenGL 3/4, WebGL & SVG support, to allow visualizing results and/or exporting generated assets. 2D/3D shape/mesh exporters are provided as well and together with sister libraries like [[][]], it's also possible to generate complete 3D scenes for high quality & high resolution non-realtime rendering using [[][Luxrender]] now [[][LuxCoreRender]].

Furthermore, providing all functionality under a common API for both Clojure & Clojurescript, makes it trivial to offload heavy operations (e.g. large mesh processing) to the server side.

** Project structure *** core


These namespaces define the core functionality of this library, including the approx. 50 protocols and implementations of fundamental geometry types/functions like 2d/3d vector algebra, matrices, quaternion (+ related convenience constructors & conversions)

*** types


This directory contains all high-level 2d/3d data types with their implementations of the various core protocols. From a user perspective, these namespaces defined here provide most of this project's core functionality.

*** utils


A number of often needed utility functions to deal with point collections, normals, path sampling, triangle properties etc. Also included here are shape intersection tests, curve subdivisions and 2D Delaunay triangulation.

*** mesh


Several tools & operations related to working with 3d meshes, incl. I/O, subdivisions, repair / cleaning, CSG / Boolean mesh merge, mesh generators (polyhedra, lathe etc.)

*** physics


This module provides a simple 2d/3d particle-based physics engine with Verlet integration and support for custom behaviors and constaints, both for individual particles and global. Particles can be connected with springs of varying stiffness as well as made interdependent using positive or negative force fields (attractors).

*** svg


A module to help with building SVG based visualizations of geom entities using hiccup compatible syntax. Includes a customizable 3D mesh renderer w/ software shader support.

*** viz


Declarative, highly customizable 2D data visualization module with ~10 different layout methods, 3 axis types, cartesian and polar domain support. Currently SVG only, but planned to be format-independent.

*** voxel


An experimental implementation of a in-memory sparse voxel tree (SVO) and related functionality to extract isosurface polygon meshes from the tree.

*** OpenGL & WebGL


This module provides a unified API to common OpenGL/WebGL functionality (context creation, shader management & presets, buffer management, textures, FBO etc.), as well as a number of optimized mesh types, conversion & rendering functions, cameras etc. to simplify the use of other geometry types defined in this project with OpenGL, both on the desktop and in the browser. The Clojure version wraps JOGL.

** Release history & changelog

See [[./][]] for further details.

| Version | Released | Lein coordinates | Tagged Github URL | |-----------+------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------| | 1.0.1 | 2023-10-23 | =[ "1.0.1"]= | [[][1.0.1]] | | 1.0.0 | 2023-01-22 | =[ "1.0.0"]= | [[][1.0.0]] | | 1.0.0-RC5 | 2022-04-23 | =[ "1.0.0-RC5"]= | [[][1.0.0-RC5]] | | 1.0.0-RC4 | 2019-10-07 | =[ "1.0.0-RC4"]= | [[][1.0.0-RC4]] | | 1.0.0-RC3 | 2018-06-01 | =[ "1.0.0-RC3"]= | [[][1.0.0-RC3]] | | 1.0.0-RC2 | 2018-06-01 | =[ "1.0.0-RC2"]= | [[][1.0.0-RC2]] | | 1.0.0-RC1 | 2018-05-31 | =[ "1.0.0-RC1"]= | [[][1.0.0-RC1]] | | 0.0.908 | 2015-11-08 | =[ "0.0.908"]= | [[][r908]] | | 0.0.881 | 2015-06-21 | =[ "0.0.881"]= | [[][r881]] | | 0.0.859 | 2015-06-15 | =[ "0.0.859"]= | [[][r859]] | | 0.0.856 | 2015-06-14 | =[ "0.0.856"]= | [[][r856]] | | 0.0.815 | 2015-06-01 | =[ "0.0.815"]= | [[][r815]] | | 0.0.803 | 2015-05-26 | =[ "0.0.803"]= | [[][r803]] | | 0.0.783 | 2015-04-27 | =[ "0.0.783"]= | [[][r783]] | | 0.0.770 | 2015-03-29 | =[ "0.0.770"]= | [[][r770]] | | 0.0.743 | 2015-03-23 | =[ "0.0.743"]= | [[][r743]] | | 0.0.737 | 2015-03-22 | =[ "0.0.737"]= | [[][r737]] | | 0.0-725 | 2015-03-15 | =[ "0.0-725"]= | [[][r725]] | | 0.0-715 | 2015-02-25 | =[ "0.0-715"]= | [[][r715]] | | 0.0-709 | 2015-02-22 | =[ "0.0-709"]= | [[][r709]] | | 0.2.0 | 2014-03-10 | =[ "0.2.0"]= | [[][0.2.0]] |

** Contributors

** License

(c) 2013 - 2023 Karsten Schmidt

This project is open source and licensed under the [[][Apache Software License 2.0]].