thiagokokada / i3pyblocks

A replacement for i3status, written in Python using asyncio.
MIT License
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asyncio i3status i3wm python python3 swaywm


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A replacement for i3status, written in Python using asyncio.

Works in both i3wm and sway.

For Python 3.7+.

Installation and Usage

Look at the file for inspiration and check the User guide section of documentation.


To setup a development environment, create a new venv first and run:

make dev-install

To run the tests, you may run:

make test

Look at the included Makefile for more available commands.

If you're using NixOS or nixpkgs, an alternative way to get a working environment variable is using the shell.nix file included in this repo:

nix-shell shell-dev.nix

For more information, look at Creating a new block section of documentation.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
