thiagoprz / eloquent-composite-key

Eloquent Composite Key Support Package
MIT License
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Eloquent Composite Key

Package to enable composite key support on Eloquent Models.


Install it with composer:

composer require thiagoprz/eloquent-composite-key


Define the primaryKey as an array and use the HasCompositeKey trait on your model class.

use Thiagoprz\CompositeKey\HasCompositeKey;

class User extends Model 
    use HasCompositeKey;
    protected $primaryKey = ['firstKey', 'secondKey'];

Using primary keys to find records:

// Returns model instance or null
$user = User::find([
    'key_1' => $key1,
    'key_2' => $key2,
// Throws ModelNotFoundException
$user = User::findOrFail([
    'key_1' => $key1,
    'key_2' => $key2,

The main idea of this package is to allow Laravel projects use composite keys on models despite Eloquent not supporting them officially (see
