thibauts / node-google-search-scraper

Google search scraper with captcha solving support
MIT License
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Google search scraper with captcha solving support

This module allows google search results extraction in a simple yet flexible way, and handles captcha solving transparently (through external services or your own hand-made solver).

Out of the box you can target a specific google search host, specify a language and limit search results returned. Extending these defaults with custom URL params is supported through options.

A word of warning: This code is intented for educational and research use only. Use responsibly.


$ npm install google-search-scraper


Grab first 10 results for 'nodejs'

var scraper = require('google-search-scraper');

var options = {
  query: 'nodejs',
  limit: 10
};, function(err, url, meta) {
  // This is called for each result
  if(err) throw err;

Various options combined

var scraper = require('google-search-scraper');

var options = {
  query: 'grenouille',
  host: '',
  lang: 'fr',
  age: 'd1', // last 24 hours ([hdwmy]\d? as in google URL)
  limit: 10,
  params: {} // params will be copied as-is in the search URL query string
};, function(err, url) {
  // This is called for each result
  if(err) throw err;

Extract all results on edu sites for "information theory" and solve captchas along the way

var scraper = require('google-search-scraper');
var DeathByCaptcha = require('deathbycaptcha');

var dbc = new DeathByCaptcha('username', 'password');

var options = {
  query: 'site:edu "information theory"',
  age: 'y', // less than a year,
  solver: dbc
};, function(err, url) {
  // This is called for each result
  if(err) throw err;

You can easily plug your own solver, implementing a solve method with the following signature:

var customSolver = {
  solve: function(imageData, callback) {
    // Do something with image data, like displaying it to the user
    // id is used by BDC to allow reporting solving errors and can be safely ignored here
    var id = null; 
    callback(err, id, solutionText);