thierryvolpiatto / isearch-light

A simple Isearch replacement for Emacs.
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** Introduction

An Isearch replacement for Emacs. Multi search expression(s) in symbols, words and/or lines in ~current-buffer~.

** Features

It aims to keep simple with only the needed features, no extra features you will never use.

** Dependencies

No mandatory dependencies, but for a better experience install [[][Helm]] to have =helm-occur=, [[][Iedit]] to allow jumping to iedit session and [[][bm]] to mark interesting positions while navigating (if you use this you will want as well [[][helm-bm]] to retrieve later these positions).

** Namespace

The name of the package is Isearch-light but the lisp file is named isl.el and all symbols are prefixed with "isl-". For now it is ok like this especially because it is not packaged in (M)Elpa. If any conflicts would happen in the future I may rename package, file and symbols.

** install

No installation from (M)Elpa and package.el is provided for now.

*** From source

Add isl.el to =load-path= and compile it.

Then add =(require 'isl)= in your init file.

Even better, you can autoload it:

+begin_src elisp

(autoload 'isl-search "isl" nil t)
(autoload 'isl-narrow-to-defun "isl" nil t)
(autoload 'isl-resume "isl" nil t)


** Configure

You may want to disable all =Isearch= global bindings:

+begin_src elisp

(global-set-key [remap isearch-forward] 'undefined)
(global-set-key [remap isearch-backward] 'undefined)
(global-set-key [remap isearch-forward-regexp] 'undefined)
(global-set-key [remap isearch-backward-regexp] 'undefined)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-r") nil)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-s") nil)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-s") nil)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-r") nil)


And then rebind the necessary keys to isl-* commands:

+begin_src elisp

(global-set-key (kbd "C-s")   'isl-search)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-z")   'isl-narrow-to-defun)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-s") 'isl-resume)


You will find severals user variables prefixed with =isl-=, see M-x customize-variable.

NOTE: many of them can be toggled while in =isl-search= session, so you may not need to modify them unless you want to change the default behavior.

** Usage

=M-x isl-search=

The mode-line give you several infos, arrows up/down tell you the direction where you are actually moving, the =>= and =<= mean you are either below or above initial position in buffer. Regex or Literal tell you the style of search you are using. Case sensitivity in use is notified by ~*~, ~0~ or ~1~ which mean smart, nil or t for =case-fold-search=.

Don't forget =C-h m= which show you all these commands while running isearch-light.

NOTE: Another map =isl-mini-map= is used when excuting-kbd-macro, you may want to modify it accordingly to fit with =isl-map=.

*** Available commands

| C-s | isl-goto-next | | C-r | isl-goto-prev | | | isl-goto-next | | | isl-goto-prev | | C-n | isl-goto-next | | C-p | isl-goto-prev | | RET | isl-exit-at-point | | C-w | isl-yank-word-at-point | | C-z | isl-yank-symbol-at-point | | M-r | isl-change-matching-style | | M-c | isl-select-case-fold-search | | M-< | isl-goto-first | | M-> | isl-goto-last | | M-= | isl-goto-closest-from-start | | M-s | isl-jump-to-helm-occur | | C-; | isl-jump-to-iedit-mode | | M-% | isl-query-replace | | C-h m | isl-display-or-quit-help | | C-q | isl-help-quit | | C-' | isl-show-or-hide-context-lines | | C-l | isl-recenter | | C-v | isl-scroll-up | | M-v | isl-scroll-down | | C-k | isl-delete-minibuffer-contents | | C-j | isl-toggle-multi-search-in-line |

** About multi matching

By default =isl-search= uses multi matching like Helm, with limitation to symbol, not line like in Helm, that means "foo bar" matches "foo-bar" or "bar-foo" but not a line with "foo" and "bar" inside.


when you want to match e.g. "foo some text bar", you have to use regexp e.g. "foo.*bar" or switch to multi match line matching with C-j aka =isl-toggle-multi-search-in-line=.


To use multi matching, separate text with one space, each pattern beginning by "!" will mean match everything but this, e.g. "foo !bar" will not match "foo-bar" but will match "foo-baz".


Note: You can jump to =helm-occur= for a line based search at any time. You can also jump to [[][iedit-mode]] with multi match pattern (you may have an error if all the matches do not refer to the same word or symbol).

** Isearch-light vs helm-occur

Isearch-light is a good tool for searching words or symbols in a buffer and even if it can search several words separated by spaces, helm-occur is more efficient for this as it is based on line searching.

Helm-occur is not efficient when you have to search in a buffer with continuous text with no newlines e.g. some logs or debug logs etc... you have better time using isearch-light.

A good compromise is to start searching with isearch-light and if it turns out what you need to match is whole lines instead of words or symbols, switch to helm-occur with =isl-jump-to-helm-occur= bound by default to =M-s=.

UPDATE: Isearch-light can now switch to a line based search like =helm-occur= easily.

** Use isearch-light for helm-help

Starting from Emacs-27 Isearch works more or less with unexpected effects, you have better time using =isl-search= as the search command for helm-help, here how to replace default setting by isl in helm-help:

+begin_src elisp

(with-eval-after-load 'helm-lib
  (autoload 'isl-search "isl" nil t)
  (helm-help-define-key "C-s" nil)
  (helm-help-define-key "C-r" nil)
  (helm-help-define-key "C-s" 'isl-search))    


An alternative is to customize helm-help-hkmap from the customize interface.