thijse / Raise3DPro3PlusforCura

Ongoing effort to create a printer profile for the Raise3d pro 3+ in Cura
MIT License
4 stars 1 forks source link
cura raise3d raise3dpro3 slicer

ArduinoLog logo Raise3D Pro 3+ for Cura


Raise3D printer profile for Cura

This Github is an ongoing effort to create a good printer profile for the Raise3d Pro 3(+) in Cura. It defines, the printer, extruder, nozzles and materials. It also comes with an installer (script) that helps to install the printer profile for all installed instances of Cura.

It is my hope that other people will try out and help tune the profile untill the quality is as good as can be expected from the printer.

Current status

Current (v0.3)



To do

Directory structure

Want to help?

Picking up any of the items from the todo list would be hugely appreciated! Doing test prints with different materials and different qualities and making pictures would be immensely useful!

Some pointers on editting the definition file: If you have changes in the settings from within Cura, they have not updated our definition files. Instead, these changes have been saved in C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\cura\<CURA VERSION>\user and C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\cura\<CURA VERSION>\definition_changes Look for recently changed files, that are likely called something like Raise3D_Pro3Plus<SOMETHING>_user.inst.cfg

It's easy to make mistakes in the json syntax, so please use a json lint tool to check it after editting

The Start & Stop G-code is defined in definition.json, and is escaped. If you want to change the code you can extract the G-code from definitions.json, unescape it, make your edits, escape it and plug the changes back in

If you have made changes to your local repository and you want to test them, you can of course deploy them by compiling the .iss installer and running it. Because that is a relatively slow process, you can also use the Installer/copy definitions.bat script. This will copy the definitions directly to your cura appdata directory. NOTE: you need to change the script to copy to your preferred version.