This is a ROS(1) package for weld seam detection from pointclouds using the point cloud library PCL.
Automated Weld Path Generation Using Random Sample Consensus and Iterative Closest Point Workpiece Localization
Proceedings of the ASME 2022
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and
Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
IDETC/CIE2022 August 14-17, 2022, St. Louis, MO
current nvidia-4xx
previousCreate and build a catkin workspace before proceeding. Choose a location and insert a name for the workpace. Typically this is somewhere in ~/
mkdir -p ~/<workspace-name>/src
cd ~/<workspace-name>
Add the workspace path to /.bashrc
so that ros can find your packages
echo "source ~/<workspace-name>/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
To use a catkin workspace that is already setup, skip Step 1 (the workspace can be compiled with catkin_make
or catkin build
Change to the source directory of the workapce and clone the package using git.
cd ~/<workspace-name>/src
git clone
or using SSH (used by thillrobot)
git clone
Change to top of workspace and compile.
cd ..
The workspace and package should compile without errors.
(Early work 2018-2021, needs testing)
- use RANSAC to fit models to a pointcloudsegment_plane
- use RANSAC to separate a pointcloud into multiple planes seam_detection_RANSAC
- use RANSAC and the intersection of planes to locate a seam seam_detection_icp
- ! this node has been removed and replaced with seam_detection
(Current work 2022-present)
- use filtering, voxel downsamplings, RANSAC segmentation to prepare pointclouds for iterative closest point registration cad_cloud
- convert .ply file into .pcd file using pclcad_cloud_bulk
- convert directory of .ply files into .pcd files using pclrotate_cloud
- apply homogenous transformation to pointcloud using pcl filter_cloud
- apply series of filters to point cloud, includes clustering and clutster matching scan2cloud
- generate pointclouds from lidar scans and poses (node missing from repo, coming back soon) seam-detection
- implement this project with a c++ class - IN PROGRESS, see devel filter_dataset
- process pointclouds and tfs recorded as bag files or stored in pcd directories register_clouds
- test different registration algorithms including icp and Teaser
(Summer 2023 - present) get_cloud
- get pointcloud from aubo robot systemget_target
- get pointcloud from aubo robot system and save as registration targetget_source
- get pointcloud from aubo robot system and save as registration sourceregister_target_source
- register target and source from aubo system (or file)Note: This project has been running for years, and it has seen a lot of recent changes. Some of the older methods may not run currently, but effort is being made to bring everthing up to date and improve documentation. Contact thillRobot if you have questions or run into problems.
These examples require a pre-recorded pointcloud from a 3D Lidar and/or CAD. There are example scans here. This code is based on PCL - Sample Consensus and RANSAC (SEGMENTATION) Note: .pcd files are currently in the .gitignore so you have to generate them locally which is explained below.
The library supports planes, cylinders, spheres and more.
roslaunch seam_detection ransac_plane.launch in_file:="lidar_cad_scenes/test_cloud8.pcd" thresh:=0.01
roslaunch seam_detection segment_plane.launch in_file:="lidar_cad_scenes/test_cloud8.pcd" thresh:=0.01
roslaunch seam_detection seam_detection_RANSAC.launch in_file:="lidar_cad_scenes/lidar_scene1.pcd" out_file:="scene1.txt" thresh1:=0.01 thresh2:=0.001
These demos require two points clouds to be saved as .pcd
files. Use the default images or make you own with the following procedure.
Make a part in your CAD program of choice. This part will become the 'reference cloud'. Save the file as a '.stl' file. If your CAD program can create a '.ply' or '.pcd' file you can skip steps 2 or 3 respectively. Use units of meters for the part and stl export.
Note: In Solidworks: Save As -> select .ply then click Option and set the output units to meters.
Convert the '.stl' to a '.ply' file using meshlab. Open the '.stl' using 'import mesh' and save it as a '.ply' file. Step2 can be done in solidworks. This could combine Step 1 and Step 2.
Convert a single '.ply' file to a '.pcd' file using cad_cloud.cpp
. This is a I wrote based on sample code from PCL. The input arguments determine the resolution of the resulting files, and you must pass in the input and output file names. The parameters -n_samples
and -leaf_size
determine the resolution of the conversion.
cd seam_detection
rosrun seam_detection cad_cloud -n_samples 100000 -leaf_size 0.00025 -write_normals 1 ply_images/input.ply pcd_images/output.pcd
pcl_viewer -multiview 1 output.pcd
Alternatively, you can use cad_cloud_bulk.cpp
to convert an entire directory of .ply files to .pcd files. This is based on the same sample code from PCL, but it iterates through the input directory with boost
. The conversion parameter arguments are the same, but you must include the input and output directories instead of the file names.
rosrun seam_detection cad_cloud_bulk -n_samples 100000 -leaf_size .00025 -write_normals 1 -input_dir "ply_images/" -output_dir "pcd_images/"
Sometimes the extensions get changed from .ply to .PLY and I do not know why. This causes errors and confusion because there can be duplicate files in the same location. To fix this issue delete any duplicates before running the following command to change all extensions to lower case.
find . -name '*.*' -exec sh -c '
a=$(echo "$0" | sed -r "s/([^.]*)\$/\L\1/");
[ "$a" != "$0" ] && mv "$0" "$a" ' {} \;
This comes from stackoverflow
Use ICP to compare the CAD/reference image to the LIDAR/source image. The LIDAR '.pcd' file must also be in the image directory. There are four numbered scenes choose from. There appears to be one directory level hidden in the launch file. I am not sure if this is a good idea or not.
roslaunch seam_detection seam_detection_ICP.launch lidar_file:="lidar_cad_scenes/plate_cylinder.pcd" cad_file:="lidar_cad_scenes/cylinder.pcd" thresh:=0.0001
Note: The code for seam_detection_icp.cpp was removed to reduce confusion. Use the updated seam_detection.cpp
node instead for the same functionality .
These examples have the round_tube
or a square_tube
and the plate
. There can be variations in part1 one but you must choose round_tube
or a square_tube
for the segmentation to work properly. These work well, but there is some discrepancy along the length of the cylinder. All other dimensions match very well. This seems to be related to the amount of data that is avaialable about this dimension.
scene_name: "table_8in10in_tee_longclamps_x4y24_45"
lidar_src_file: "pcd_images/table_tee/table_8in10in_tee_longclamps_x4y24_45.pcd"
part1_name: "8in10in_tee_01"
cad_ref_file: "pcd_images/table_tee/8in10in_tee_01_blndrB.pcd"
part1_type: "square_tube"
part2_name: "none"
part2_type: "none"
filter_box: [-0.05, 0.30, -1.0, -0.4, -0.02, 0.3] # bounding box limits
voxel_leaf_size: 0.0005 # voxel leaf size
ransac_norm_dist_wt: 0.1 # RANSAC Normal Distance Weight
ransac_max_iter: 100 # RANSAC Maximum Iterations
ransac_dist_thrsh: 0.03 # RANSAC Distance Threshold
ransac_k_srch: 50 # RANSAC KD Tree Parmeter(?)
ransac_init_norm: [-1.0, 1.0, 0.0] # RANSAC init perpendiculr vector
icp_max_corr_dist: 0.5 # ICP Maximum Correspondence Distance
icp_max_iter: 1000000000 # ICP Maximum Iterations
icp_trns_epsl: 0.000000001 # ICP Transformation Epsilon
icp_ecld_fitn_epsl: 0.000000001 # ICP Euclidean Distance Fitness Epsilon
expected_results: [0.1016, -0.6096, 0.0254,0.0,0.0,0.7854] # [4.0in, -24.0in, 1.0in]*(25.4e-3) #[0.0,0.0,45.0]*(pi/180)
calibration_offset: [-0.00893203,-0.000860624,0.00537355,-0.00493333,-0.000708936,0.019938]
seam1_length: 1.0 # weld seam length
seam1_points_x: [10, 11, 12, 13] # weld seam control points
seam1_points_y: [20, 55, 22, 23]
seam1_points_z: [30, 31, 54, 12]
roslaunch seam_detection seam_detection.launch config:="scenes/plate_rect_block_02"
roslaunch seam_detection seam_detection.launch config:="scenes/plate_rect_block_02_blndr"
roslaunch seam_detection seam_detection.launch config:="scenes/plate_rect_block_02_blndr"
roslaunch seam_detection seam_detection.launch config:="scenes/plate_rect_block_02_dx100_rz30_blndr"
add these here, this scene was used in the 2022 pub (table_tee simulated application is missing or was never completed, look into this)
roslaunch seam_detection seam_detection.launch config:="scenes/table_8in10in_tee_x4y24_45"
roslaunch seam_detection seam_detection.launch config:="scenes/table_8in10in_tee_x0y24"
roslaunch seam_detection seam_detection.launch config:="scenes/table_8in10in_tee_longclamps_x4y24_45"
add this
These examples will not run because the config files need to be updated to the new format, do this soon
plate_round_tube_01 (not working)
roslaunch seam_detection seam_detection.launch scene:="plate_round_tube_01"
plate_square_tube_01 (not working)
roslaunch seam_detection seam_detection.launch scene:="plate_square_tube_01"
table_plate_tee_clamps (not working)
roslaunch seam_detection seam_detection.launch scene:="table_plate_tee_clamps_c1_blndr"
[x] fillet weld: lidarfile= plate_round_tube_01.ply(.pcd)
, cadfile=round_tube_01.ply(.pcd)
tested and working
[x] fillet weld: lidarfile= plate_round_tube_02.ply(.pcd)
, cadfile=round_tube_02.ply(.pcd)
tested and working
[x] fillet weld: lidarfile= plate_square_tube_01.ply(.pcd)
, cadfile=square_tube_01.ply(.pcd)
tested and working
[x] fillet weld: lidarfile= plate_square_tube_02.ply(.pcd)
, cadfile=square_tube_02.ply(.pcd)
tested and working
[x] fillet weld: lidarfile= plate_square_tube_03.ply(.pcd)
, cadfile=square_tube_03.ply(.pcd)
tested and working
[ ] fillet weld: table_plate_cylinder
- does not work - RANSAC segmentation fails
[ ] fillet weld: square tube to plate
- designed by RS - initial tests now
[ ] fillet weld: round tube to plate
- designed by RS - initial tests
rosrun seam_detection correspondence_grouping pcd_images/plate_rect_block/rect_block_02.pcd pcd_images/plate_rect_block/rect_block_02.pcd -c -k
the correspondence grouping sample code compile and runs, but it only finds a model instance if I give it the same clouds...
$ rosrun seam_detection correspondence_grouping pcd_images/table_tee/offset_tee_01.pcd pcd_images/table_tee/offset_tee_c1.pcd -c -k
Failed to find match for field 'rgba'.
Failed to find match for field 'rgba'.
Model total points: 98060; Selected Keypoints: 1205
Scene total points: 98121; Selected Keypoints: 72
Correspondences found: 60
Model instances found: 0
$ rosrun seam_detection correspondence_grouping pcd_images/table_tee/offset_tee_c1.pcd pcd_images/table_tee/offset_tee_c1.pcd -c -k
Failed to find match for field 'rgba'.
Failed to find match for field 'rgba'.
Model total points: 98121; Selected Keypoints: 1217
Scene total points: 98121; Selected Keypoints: 72
Correspondences found: 70
Model instances found: 1
Instance 1:
Correspondences belonging to this instance: 56
| 1.000 -0.000 -0.000 |
R = | 0.000 1.000 0.000 |
| 0.000 0.000 1.000 |
t = < 0.000, -0.000, -0.000 >
Plane coefficients: header:
seq: 0 stamp: 0 frame_id:
values[0]: 9.70263e-06
values[1]: 9.7027e-06
values[2]: 1g
values[3]: -0.0250056
PointCloud representing the planar component: 2993 data points.
[pcl::SampleConsensusModel::getSamples] Can not select 0 unique points out of 0!
[pcl::RandomSampleConsensus::computeModel] No samples could be selected!
[pcl::SACSegmentationFromNormals::segment] Error segmenting the model! No solution found.
two new steel objects: shape1
and shape2
(best names ever)
testing with register_clouds.cpp
to compare ICP vs TEASER vs TEASER_FPFH (fast point feature histogram)
roslaunch seam_detection register_clouds.launch
test mode 1: CAD model based target cloud (fixed) and a LiDAR based source cloud (transformed) - (what we previously have done)
roslaunch seam_detection register_clouds.launch config:="scenes/shape2_60deg"
NEW! test mode 2: LiDAR based taget cloud and different LiDAR scan based source cloud - as suggested by SC
roslaunch seam_detection register_clouds.launch config:="scenes/shape2_45deg_60deg"
This routine is designed to automate the selection/identification of the source cloud to be used in registration
the node filter_cloud.cpp
containes bounding box, voxel, and cluster based filtering on a single pointcloud from pcd
roslaunch seam_detection filter_cloud.launch
adjust values in config/filter_cloud.yaml
or use a different config file
roslaunch seam_detection filter_cloud.launch config:=filter_aubo_cloud
pcd files in pcd_images/ds435i_table_parts/
roslaunch seam_detection filter_cloud.launch config:="filter_cloud_ds435i"
filtering process - run the following launch to process a bag file and or directory of pcd files
roslaunch seam_detection filter_dataset.launch
The parameters can be set in config/filter_dataset.yaml
, or a different config name can be passed to the launch command
roslaunch seam_detection filter_dataset.launch config:=<CONFIGNAME>
analyis and part identification - run the following to test the part identification process (This probably needs a new name for the script and the the rest... seam_detection is already used)
roslaunch seam_detection seam-detection.launch
The parameters can be set in config/seam-detection.yaml
, or a different config name can be passed to the launch command
All the file names and parameters for each primary node are defined in a config file config/
. Pass the name of config when using a node as shown below. The default config file sharing the node name will now be used if no config is specified.
Note: the way config files are has been improved to streamline the process and generalize across methods, see filter_cloud.yaml
and register_clouds.yaml
for updated examples.
The launch arg has been renamed from scene
to config
, and the default config shares the node name. The older configs and docs are slowly being updated with the changes. Many of the old scene configs can be found in config/scenes
Stand up the entire application in a single line using docker and docker compose. This is not required, but allows for portable testing.
Create a source directory and set the environment variable $ROS_WS (previously CATKIN_WS_PATH)
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
export ROS_WS=~/catkin_ws
Clone this repository into $ROS_WS/src
cd $ROS_WS/src
git clone
Modify xauth access control to allow display
xhost local:root
Build the container and start the application
cd seam_detection/docker
docker compose up --build
Run a simple test, this calls one of the launch files from above and uses the default config file.
cd seam_detection/docker
docker compose run seam-detection
Note: if you want to generate files in the container, for example when using cad_cloud
to make PCDs, you must set the permissions of the workspace directory or sub directory on the host to give the docker container write access which would be an 'other' in this case.
chmod o+w seam_detection/<SUBDIR>
we might have to make a patch on the kinetic side to fix this.
launch files:
(used for collecting lidar scans from aubo, spring 2023)aubo_i10_target.launch
(used for collecting target scans from aubo lidar for registration)aubo_i10_source.launch
(used for collecting source scans from aubo lidar for registration)aubo_i10_target_source.launch
(mostly not used, can be removed?)The process from the summer 2023 season needs documentation!
or square_tube
segmentation option for partpart1_type
to seam_detection.launch
from seam_detection.launch
to process multiple .ply files at oncerect_block
and round_tube
, square_tube
, and 'rect_block' (partial)icp_params
to config files to adjust search without re-compilesrc/archive/
for old source codepart1
(table) cloud and filtered
outliers to rviz table_tee
and table_offset_tee
and table_offset_tee_clamps
and source code directorypart2
(table) cloud and filtered
outliers to rviz ransac_params
and filter_params
to config files to adjust search without re-compile8in10in_tee
and 8in10in_tee_longclamps
to main
container, first time successfully testing in 20.04shape1_shape2
and registration_examples()
to simpify testing register_cloud_icp()
, register_cloud_teaser()
, register_cloud_teaser_fpfh()
to simplify testingregistration_examples.cpp
with ideal data, results look goodshape1_shape2
and rect_block_02
for testing different registration algorithms- needs better docs[x] IN PROGRESS - test multiview part reconstructions (needs new name maybe, find standard name)
[ ] IN PROGRESS - use a .cpp class with header file to create sharable functions for project, see cloudfilter.cpp, cloudfilter.h trying hard to follow standard cpp class convention for usability
[ ] IN PROGRESS - use a .cpp class to improve RGB pointcloud filtering and file management, see filter_dataset.cpp
[ ] IN PROGRESS - use a .cpp class to improve the implementation of seam_detection.cpp, clean up the code in general, it is overbloated! - see devel
[ ] test clustering with workpeice and clamps -> older scans -> synthetic data with clamps -> to be collected new scans
[ ] re-test registration with workpeice compared to workpeice with clamps -> older scans -> synthetic data with clamps -> to be collected new scans
[ ] test working data sets from recent scans with Overlap Predator, this is being tested in a different repo
-> Overlap Predator demo was working fine at some point June 29, then the sh scripts/
started failing to connect. I do not think this was on my end, but I an not sure. I can test that from the office if it still will not connect tomorrow. Hopefully, they did not kick me out. WOW! Just as I wrote this it finally started working so I guess it was magic or they are spying on me.
-> MinkowskiEngine Demos seem to be working with visualizations, run cd MinkowskiEngine
and python -m examples.indoor
in the docker container to see the segmentation demo
-> FCGF demo seems to be working, but the visualizations are not. I have tried to use the same environment that is successfully working with MinkowskiEngine, but that has not solved the visualization code yet. I was debugging this with print statements. Wow, writing notes must really be magic. As I was about to walk away, the example finally worked in docker with the visualizations. Good, if nothing else you can run other peoples examples. Keep up the amazing work lol.
-> these tests are not documented well, and dockerfiles are not in repos so they will be hard to transfer across machines and there is no cloud backup. I would just put them in the forked repos, but .... wait why dont we do that??? why are they in the parent directory anyway? hmmm....
[x] test overlap_predator
registration on experimental data for performance comparision, this might solve orientation issues
-> limited success with our data, needs to be revisited
[ ] re-visit data preparation with correspodence in mind, aim for equally dense target and source clouds
[ ] investigate/document the affects of cloud density on the performance of ICP. It is apparant that this effects the proper convergence of ICP.
[ ] develope processing multiple parts, two parts only for now
[ ] The tf migration is incomplete. Parts of both libraries are currently used. For example tf::transform
is used for pcl_ros::transformPointCloud
. There is probably another way, but I have not figured it out yet.
[ ] update scan2cloud
package to work with seam_detection
[?] prepare a manuscript for ASME IDETC2024 or alternate venue
[ ] IN_PROGRESS clean up README and test archived and older examples - update old config files with new parameters lists, maybe we should wait until we finish changing lol
[ ] prune this list