thinkshout / thinkwp-starter-theme

Forked for ThinkShout from Timber: a dead-simple theme that you can build anything from
MIT License
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The ThinkShout Timber Starter Theme for WordPress

This is forked from the "_s" for Timber: a dead-simple theme that you can build from. The primary purpose of this theme is to provide a file structure rather than a framework for markup or styles. Configure your Sass, scripts, and task runners however you would like!

What's here?

After installation in the assets directory you'll find css/, js/, and static/ is where you can keep your static front-end scripts, styles, or images. In other words, your CSS files, JS files, fonts, and SVGs would live here.

views/ contains all of your Twig templates. These pretty much correspond 1 to 1 with the PHP files that respond to the WordPress template hierarchy. At the end of each PHP template, you'll notice a Timber::render() function whose first parameter is the Twig file where that data [or $context] will be used. Just an FYI.


Getting started you will need to install theme dependencies with nvm, npm, and composer.

  1. Navigate to the theme directory in your project folder.
  2. Run composer scaffold to pull the Base Build assets from the TS Base Assets repository.
  3. Run composer install to install Timber, Twig, and other dependencies in the theme. For more information on using Twig in WordPress see our wiki article
  4. Run npm install to install dependencies. Install will check the node version against the .nvmrc file, install all dependencies, and populate an initial set of token definitions.
  5. Ensure your project has ACF installed and activated. This theme uses ACF for custom fields and options pages.

Theme Development

For most development tasks, simply run npm start to start Parcel's watch, which will compile the projects CSS and JavaScript as well as Tailwind in JIT mode.

Additionally, there are a number of scripts to aid in theme development (assume npm run prefix):

More Information

Please visit the Wiki to get started and for more information:

Other Resources

External docs for relevant theme technologies: