thinkwell / devise_crowd

Crowd authentication for devise
MIT License
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Devise Crowd

Devise Crowd is a plugin for Devise to add Atlassian Crowd support.


Add the gem to your Gemfile:

gem 'devise_crowd'

and run bundle.


In your model class, add the devise_crowd strategies:

devise :crowd_credentials_authenticatable, :crowd_token_authenticatable


The devise_crowd plugin contains two devise strategies for authentication. crowd_token_authenticatable authenticates via the crowd.token_key cookie. crowd_credentials_authenticatable authenticates a username/password with Crowd and sets the crowd.token_key cookie. Most applications will use both strategies. However, applications without a login form (username/password is authenticated and Crowd cookie set in another application) only need the crowd_token_authenticatable strategy.

Re-authenticate Every x Seconds

By default, devise_crowd authenticates the Crowd token key cookie on every request. You can tell the plugin to cache authentication and only re-authenticate periodically using crowd_auth_every:

# config/initializers/devise.rb
Devise.setup do |config|
  config.crowd_auth_every = 10.minutes

Synchronizing from Crowd

When a Crowd user signs into your application, their local record can be synchronized from crowd. You define what data should be synchronized in the do_sync_from_crowd method. For example:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  devise :crowd_credentials_authenticatable, :crowd_token_authenticatable

  def do_sync_from_crowd =
    self.display_name = self.crowd_record.display_name
    self.first_name = self.crowd_record.first_name
    self.last_name = self.crowd_record.last_name

Synchronizing to Crowd

When a local record is modified, the changes can be synchronized to the Crowd record. You define what data should be synchronized in the do_sync_to_crowd method. For example:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  devise :crowd_credentials_authenticatable, :crowd_token_authenticatable

  def do_sync_to_crowd =
    self.crowd_record.display_name =
    self.crowd_record.first_name = self.first_name
    self.crowd_record.last_name = self.last_name

Auto Registration

When a Crowd user logs in with no corresponding local user, a new local user will be added by default. You can disable auto-registration with the auto_register setting:

# config/initializers/devise.rb
Devise.setup do |config|
  config.crowd_auto_register = false

Auto Add Crowd Records

When a new local user is added, devise_crowd can add a corresponding user to Crowd. This is disabled by default.

# config/initializers/devise.rb
Devise.setup do |config|
  config.add_crowd_records = true

Auto Update Crowd Records

When a local user is updated, devise_crowd will update the corresponding Crowd user. This is enabled by default.

# config/initializers/devise.rb
Devise.setup do |config|
  config.update_crowd_records = false

Disable Crowd

If you need to disable Crowd (in testing for example), use the crowd_enabled setting:

# config/initializers/devise.rb
Devise.setup do |config|
  config.crowd_enabled = false


devise_crowd adds several callbacks your model that can be used to customize the plugin. Callbacks execute in the following order:

before_create_from_crowd before_sync_from_crowd after_sync_from_crowd after_create_from_crowd

before_create_crowd_record before_sync_to_crowd after_sync_to_crowd after_create_crowd_record

before_sync_from_crowd, after_sync_from_crowd

Called whenever a local record should be synchornized from Crowd. Each time a user logs in to your application via Crowd (with login credentials or the token_key cookie), the local user record is synchronized with the Crowd record.

For example:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  devise :crowd_credentials_authenticatable, :crowd_token_authenticatable

  before_sync_from_crowd :allow_crowd_sync?

  def allow_crowd_sync?
    # Don't synchronize admins with crowd

before_create_from_crowd, after_create_from_crowd

Called when creating a new local record from a crowd record. When auto-registration is enabled, new local users will be created automatically when existing Crowd users log in to your application.

before_create_crowd_record, after_create_crowd_record

Called when creating a new crowd record from a new local record. These callbacks are only executed if the add_crowd_records setting is enabled.

before_sync_to_crowd, after_create_to_crowd

Called when syncing a local record to a crowd record. These callbacks can be disabled by turning off the update_crowd_records setting.