thisbeyond / solid-select

The Select component for Solid.
MIT License
172 stars 18 forks source link

<img alt="Solid Select- The Select component for Solid." src="./resources/solid-select-1.png">

solid select preview

How do I get started? 🧭

Install it:

npm install @thisbeyond/solid-select

Use it:

import { Select } from "@thisbeyond/solid-select";
import "@thisbeyond/solid-select/style.css";

const App = () => {
  return (
      <Select options={["apple", "banana", "pear", "pineapple", "kiwi"]} />

export default App;

See more examples at

What's implemented? ✔️

Who made this? ✍

Martin Pengelly-Phillips

Why did you make it?

I've been part of the SolidJS community for a while now and one of the things I really like is the emphasis on trying things out and sharing them ( The ecosystem is small which creates a lot of opportunity and a lower barrier to entry for sharing I find.

I published my first Solid library ( a short while back as a first dabble in sharing what I had learnt on a personal project. That went well so when I had to create a multi-select autocomplete control for another personal project I knew I'd be sharing that too - and so Solid Select came to be :)