thisdavej / ngrok-notify

Create ngrok tunnel to expose localhost to the web and notify with ngrok URL
MIT License
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Create ngrok tunnel to expose localhost to the web and notify by email with the ngrok URL

See my tutorial here for a complete walkthrough including the steps below.



$ sudo npm install --unsafe-perm -g ngrok-notify

We need to install with the --unsafe-perm flag to enable the underlying ngrok package to run its postinstall script as root to download and save the ngrok binary in the global node_modules folder. This extra flag is not necessary for Windows installations.


C:\> npm install -g ngrok-notify


Create a directory to store the configuration files and navigate to it:

$ mkdir ngrok && cd ngrok

Copy the starter configuration files into this directory:

$ ngrok-notify init

Modify your Gmail account (or create a separate Gmail account for sending messages) and configure it for less secure apps. This is needed so the underlying npm module used by ngrok-notify for sending email (Nodemailer) can send email using Gmail. See also the Nodemailer notes on using Gmail.

Update the following configuration files:

Use it

Host a web server on port 8080 (or port of your choice) using http-server, Express, etc.

Create an ngrok http tunnel to expose port 8080 running on the localhost to the world.

$ ngrok-notify http 8080 -e

An ngrok tunnel on the public Internet will be created and the ngrok URL will be printed to the console. Additionally, ngrok-notify will send you an email with the ngrok URL.

The email can be especially handy if you use ngrok-notify in conjunction with a process manager such as pm2. After rebooting your system, you will receive an email with the new ngrok URL without needing to log into the system and start the tunnel manually.

You can also use it to trigger a webhook, along with or instead of sending an email, by configuring an URL and method in the config file and executing the following

$ ngrok-notify http 8080 -w


$ ngrok-notify --help

  Create ngrok tunnel to expose localhost to the web and notify with ngrok URL

  Usage: ngrok-notify PROTO PORT [-n]
         ngrok-notify init [-f]

  Positional arguments:
    PROTO           Protocol to use in the ngrok tunnel {http,tcp,tls}
    PORT            Port number of the localhost service to expose (e.g. 8080)
    init            Copy starter config files into directory for customizing
  Optional arguments:
     -e, --email     Send an email providing the URL of the ngrok tunnel
     -w, --webhook   Call a webhook providing the URL of the ngrok tunnel as POST params
     -h, --help      Show help
     -v, --version   Display version information
     -f, --force     Overwrite config files in directory if they exist.
    Email messages and webhook are sent using the settings in the config.yml file and the
    Gmail password stored in the .env file.

    Create ngrok tunnel to expose localhost web server running on port 8080.
    Email is sent with the ngrok URL since "--email" is included.
    $ ngrok-notify http 8080 --email

    Create ngrok tunnel to expose localhost web server running on port 8080,
    but don't send email and send url to webhook instead.
    $ ngrok-notify http 8080 --webhook


This package leverages the excellent ngrok package and provides notification capabilities. If you don't have a need for the notify feature, you may want to consider using the ngrok package directly instead.


MIT © Dave Johnson (thisDaveJ)