thomasklein / redmine2mite

Redmine2mite connects your Redmine account with your mite.account. Track your time easily on issues within Redmine and get them automatically send to mite.
MIT License
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"mite": is a sleek time tracking tool for teams and freelancers.

Redmine2mite connects your Redmine account with your mite.account. Track your time easily on issues within Redmine and get them automatically send to mite. Projects from Redmine can be bundled with mite.projects. You can specify which should be available in Redmine on a per-project basis.

A real time saver is the included time tracker (has to be activated in the plugin's settings). As you are used to it from mite, you can start a tracker on an issue and let it run until you are finished and then easily stop it. No more guessing, stay accurate :)!

h2. Requirements

Please note: For Redmine versions prior to 2.0 use the plugin "version 1.6":

h2. Installation

The following commands are intended to be executed on the command line.

Change to plugins directory: $ cd /path/to/redmine/plugins

Clone source code from GitHub: $ git clone

Change to redmine root directory: $ cd /path/to/redmine/

Install the plugin schema by calling rake redmine:plugins:migrate

Restart your Redmine web server (e.g. Mongrel, Thin, WEBrick)


h2. Available translation files

English and German.

h2. Setup

Login to Redmine. You should now see on the top right corner the link "mite". Click on it.

After providing your account data you can now interconnect your mite.projects and with a specific Redmine project. The selected values will appear on top of the list, if you create a new time entry in the respective project.

Precondition is having Redmine projects assigned to your user, of course :-)

h2. Usage

Once the connection to your mite.account was verified, sending your time entries to mite is very easy. The two fields mite.project and mite.service have been added to the time logging mask. When creating or updating a time entry the plugin sends those values to your mite.account.

h3. Time tracker

Version 1.5 added the possibility to use the time tracker feature of mite directly in Redmine.

h4. Precondition

Your user role must have the permission to "Edit own time logs".

h4. Setup

First of all, you have to activate this feature in the Redmine2mite preferences (link "mite" on the top right corner) by checking the option "Activate tracker functionality, if time entries are booked without effort". It is by default deactivated.

h4. Starting it

From now on, if you book leave the value for the amount of time empty or "0h0m" (as it is set automatically) and save a new time entry in Redmine or click the "Start time tracker" link in an issue, the tracker is started is Redmine and in mite simultaneously. You can see its status in the title bar of the current window and right beside the Redmine2mite preferences link.

h4. Stopping it

To get to the issue that has the active tracker attached to it, just click on the orange timer on top right beside the Redmine2mite preferences link. Instead of the "Start time tracker" link, you should now see a "Stop running tracker" link. Click on it and it directs you to the form part of the time entry. When you submit the form, the time tracker is stopped.

h4. Can two or more time tracker run simultaneously?


h2. Known issues

h3. How do i uninstall the plugin?

Well, currently "there is no easy way doing this":

h2. License

Redmine2mite is licensed under the terms of the MIT License, see the included MIT-LICENSE file.