The JGo Project aims to provide a complete compiler and runtime environment for the Go programming language to/on the Java Virtual Machine. The jgoc compiler is written in Scala and the runtime in Java.
The selection of the JVM was motivated by:
A lot of excellent libraries are written for the JVM. JGo hopes to make existing Go users more productive by enabling them to use these. Furthermore, many groups have large codebases written in Java, Scala, and other JVM languages. JGo is an attempt to bring these groups into the fold, group and expose them.
JGo is a work in progress. Many features of the Go programming language are not yet fully supported.
Currently, these include:
JGO welcomes contributions, feel free to play and pull requests :)
Feel free to submit issues and enhancement requests.
Please refer to each project's style guidelines and guidelines for submitting patches and additions. In general, we follow the "fork-and-pull" Git workflow.
NOTE: Be sure to merge the latest from "upstream" before making a pull request!
This project contains a Ubuntu 12.04 Sandbox, a vagrant Vagrant- based Puppet development environment used for running and testing JGo with the OpenJDK 8 modules.
JGO Uses OpenJDK 8.
To use this, you must have the following items installed and working:
To bring up the Puppet Sandbox environment, issue the following command:
vagrant up
Puppet will install Git and OpenJDK 8.
vagrant ssh
When the shell command for vagrant is ready run sbt
$ cd /opt/jgo/
$ sbt
Getting org.scala-sbt sbt 0.13.8 ...
[info] Set current project to jgo (in build file:/opt/jgo/)
> run hello.go package.class
[info] Updating {file:/opt/jgo/}jgo...
[info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4 ...
[info] Done updating.
When the command line for sbt shows type run hello.go package.class This will compile and execute the following go code into the JDK8:
func say(msg string) {
print msg
func main(args [4]string) {
msg := "hello, world"
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
print i
> run hello.go package.class
[info] Updating {file:/opt/jgo/}jgo...
[info] Compiling 132 Scala sources and 17 Java sources to /opt/jgo/target/scala-2.10/classes...
[info] Running hello.go package.class
LoadVar <msg: string>
Decl <msg: string>
PushStr "hello, world"
StoreVar <msg: string>
LoadVar <msg: string>
InvokeFunction Function(say, func(string))
Decl <i: int>
PushInt 0, I32
StoreVar <i: int>
goto: [cond of for 5]
Lbl top of for 5
LoadVar <i: int>
PrintNumeric I32
Lbl continue 5
Incr <i: int>, 1, I32
Lbl cond of for 5
LoadVar <i: int>
PushInt 10, I32
if < I32: [top of for 5]
Lbl break 5
Undecl <i: int>
Undecl <msg: string>
GNU General Public License, version 3.
Project migrated from by Harrison Klaperman.