Choose from the following Ant targets:
compile-boot: Compiles the first-stage loader containing the custom class loader, and the first-stage boot class, jdbcnavboot.Boot.
compile-main: Compiles all the classes under jdbcnav.*, including the second-stage boot class jdbcnav.Main.
compile-resources: Creates jdbcnav/VERSION and jdbcnav/images/*, without using build.number.
compile-resources-release: Creates jdbcnav/VERSION and jdbcnav/images/*.number.
jar: Creates a jar file named "jdbcnav.jar", which contains JDBC Navigator, all of Rhino, and a MANIFEST.MF with a Main-Class entry pointing to jdbcnavboot.Boot.
release-jar: Like the "jar" target, except this one also uses build.number.
javadoc: Creates javadoc documentation under "javadoc", which you can access by pointing your browser at "javadoc/index.html" (relative to the project base directory).
clean: Deletes all build targets; restores the project directory to its original state.